Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 818: Everywhere you look there are pits


Regardless of the quality of the content, let’s just talk about how much content a game contains. The most intuitive point is to look at it from the map.

Although it is actually reflected in the game, a small map does not necessarily mean that there is less content, but a larger map will definitely not have less content.

After all, there are so many places that players can go, and since a game has designed so many maps, players always need to get involved.

If "Final Fantasy" was an open world, like "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" and "The Witcher: Wild Hunt", Song Ren wouldn't be that surprised.

Even if the map design is like "Xenoblade Chronicles", he won't have many surprises.

But the changes in the scenes from HRE to Area 7 in Midgary prove that the map of "Final Fantasy" is not continuous.

But like traditional RPGs and games such as "Uncharted" and "The Last of Us", separate scenes are used.

That is to say, during the scene switching process, the map switching is mainly based on plot cutscenes, rather than allowing players to freely run from point a to point b.

Coupled with the various branches in different maps and some mini-games, it is definitely a time killer.

At least Song Ren has spent more than an hour in the gym until now.

The purpose was to see Tifa's performance during squats. Of course, the big coach was really a bit inappropriate.

In addition, there is the content of Midgar.

In fact, in terms of plot, there is not much content in Midgar.

More emphasis is placed on introducing the existence of Shinra Corporation, as well as clues that lead to the core protagonist group headed by Cloud and Sephiroth.

Although he is the main villain, Sephiroth has never even shown his face from beginning to end.

But despite this, there is still a lot of content in Midgar that impresses players.

Tifa and Alice stopped talking.

Jesse in the Avalanche Trio can be said to be a pain in the hearts of many players.

Next is Claude’s journey of dressing up as a woman, which is also a big event that can be remembered from beginning to end!

In addition, there are various pitfalls buried in the game. Just like the previous CG movies, there were many pitfalls buried in the Advent of the Son, which made players feel that there was a kind of Riddler, who was originally thought to accompany the game. It can be unlocked when it is officially launched.

But now, Song Ren feels that there are more mysteries troubling him.

The first is that Claude's character is completely different from that in The Advent of the Son, and the second is that Claude seems to have some mental problems now, and often falls into a state of confusion.

There is also Alice's first love, who is it and why is it silenced in the game? It is obviously an important role.

Why did Sephiroth suddenly change from a great hero promoted by Shinra to an anti-Shinra existence

What grudges does Cloud have with Tifa and Sephiroth

It can be said that there are too many confusing points in the game.

… … …

Of course, it's not just Song Ren who is confused, there are countless players like him.

And compared to the past, players who bought the game simply because of the Nebula game name.

This time "Final Fantasy" is due to the previous "Advent of the Son".

In fact, it also attracts many light gamers, as well as some players who don’t play games very much.

The main reason is that the game's presentation is so good.

All handsome guys and beauties.

I won’t talk about Tifa, Aerith, and Cloud.

Including some Shinra villains, they are also very capable in terms of appearance.

Coupled with the threaded game mode, a picture of "Final Fantasy" definitely belongs to the current top echelon level and can be called a movie-level picture performance.

There are both simple difficulty and automated combat systems, which are not very complicated for most players who are new to the game.

For example, if the automatic mode is turned on, the player does not need to dodge or anything, just go all the way.

The smart AI will add blood to the player appropriately and even turn on the automatic mode.

Even if the player deliberately wants to lose the battle, it is quite difficult.

As for the lack of challenge, isn’t that what automatic mode is for

Including weapon development points in the game, you can directly choose the established genre.

It can be said that it is very simple and easy to get started, after all, this is an RPG game.

Therefore, for many players who fell into the trap because of "Advent of the Son", they can completely watch "Final Fantasy" as a manual version of the movie.

There is no need to study equipment, skills or combat systems. You can directly control your favorite character and follow the main storyline. This content is enough to make these light players happy.

"Midgar is simply stunning. The industrial beauty displayed by the huge machinery is really shocking!"

"Yes, compared to just watching it in the movie, visiting Midgar in the game is really shocking!"

"I didn't expect that Claude seems to be afraid of cats!"

"Tifa, Alice is so beautiful!"

"What about Tifa, Alice, I just want Cloud dressed as a woman!"

"But I'm still very interested in the plot of the game. Isn't Alice the heroine? There is also her lover in Shinra Special Forces?"

"In comparison, I am more interested in when Sephiroth will appear. So far, Sephiroth has seen his sword!"

"Looking forward to Sephiroth's +1! In Advent of the Son, I felt that Sephiroth was so handsome. Although he died in his own BGM in the end, there is a saying that Sephiroth penetrated Shinra and killed the CEO by himself. , this combat power is just incredible!"

"Don't talk about Sephiroth, don't you feel something is wrong? Alice's identity as an ancient species gives me a bad premonition. Will this "Final Fantasy" be a tragedy in the end?"

"It's not impossible! I played until Shinra attacked the avalanche, and sister Jesse has already taken advantage of it!"

"It is said that Alice has not officially appeared in 'The Advent of the Son', and the details are not clear. Is it possible!?"

"Probably... probably not? The massage parlor plot, Claude's cross-dressing plot, and the 'quarrel' in Shinra Prison all look very happy, don't they?"

"That's right, and even though Jesse is getting lunch, he is only a supporting character after all."

"I believe Mr. Chen won't be so ruthless, right? If you think about it carefully, didn't Tess also get lunch in "The Last of Us" at the beginning? But Ellie didn't die in the end!"

"Haha, that's not necessarily the case. Has Mr. Chen's criminal record been reduced?"

"A good girl like Jess is dead, a good brother like Weiji is dead, and Biggs is gone too. It shouldn't be possible for him to be attacked later, right?"

With the launch of the game, there are more and more discussions about "Final Fantasy" on the Internet.

Many people were shocked when they left Midgar.

After all, there is so much content in Midgar, but it’s just a novice village

And they dug so many holes.

How did the ancient species, Xenovia, Cloud, who became a Shinra special forces soldier because of his worship of Sephiroth, and Tifa, who had nothing to do with the Shinra special forces soldiers, become enemies of Sephiroth, and what is Alice's first love? who.

All of these questions are bothering players, but when they leave Midgar now, these contents still look like pitfalls, and none of them have been filled in.


And as Cloud embarks on the adventure of chasing Sephiroth.

The stories behind characters such as Barrett, Red Thirteen, Tifa, and Alice are slowly revealed to players.