Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 819: The filial son Sephiroth


After escaping from Midgar, Cloud also talked about his grudges with Sephiroth on the way.

Five years ago, Cloud and Sephiroth came to his hometown of Nibelheim in order to investigate the aging Mako Reactor in Nibel Mountain.

Because not only is the magic reactor aging, but also many cruel monsters have appeared.

As the game screen moves to five years ago, Sephiroth appears in the game for the first time. Although he only exists in memories, just looking at Sephiroth leaning on the plane makes people feel... There was a sense of oppression. Of course, Song Ren felt that this might be because he knew that this was the final boss.

However, he was soon attracted by Claude's performance.

'heavy rain! Looking at the heavy rain outside the window, Claude sighed, and then showed a hearty smile and cared about the silent Shinra soldier next to him, whose face was masked.

'Hey... you, don't make any noise. Sephiroth leaned there, looking helpless at the excited Cloud.

'I got some new magic stones! I really want to use it right away! 'Claude was very excited.

'… What a little kid. 'Hearing this, Sephiroth shook his head.

"This performance doesn't feel like Claude at all! What happened to make Claude become like this?" Song Ren felt a little strange.

The plot that Claude recalled made Song Ren feel that apart from looking the same, they were not the same character.

Judging from his experience of Claude's behavior, he was more aloof and even autistic, but now it seems that the former Claude was very cheerful and optimistic

So what happened to make Claude like this

Song Ren watched the subsequent plot with curiosity. When Claude asked about his hometown, Sephiroth just replied plainly: My mother is Jenova, and she died after giving birth to me.

However, this news immediately shocked Song Ren, and then the screen switched back to the official plot of the game. Barrett's reaction also proved Song Ren's guess.

Xenovia is the monster that appeared in Shinra before.

But Tifa's performance at this time made Song Ren feel a little strange, giving him a hesitant to speak and a puzzled expression.

However, Song Ren didn't pay too much attention at this time. His attention was still on Sephiroth. What is the relationship between Sephiroth and Jenova

Although it was just a memory, Song Ren could also feel in this brief plot that although Sephiroth seemed very cold, he took good care of the soldiers under Shinra.

In every battle, he must take the lead. Even Sephiroth is unwilling to let other soldiers take action for fear of causing casualties. It feels like he has a very strong sense of responsibility.

Not wanting to explore Nibelheim, Song Ren took a hasty stroll around twice before triggering the game's plot.

When heading to the Mako Reactor, Sephiroth and the others hired residents of the village as guides, and the one hired at the time was Tifa.

And before setting off, they also took a group photo at the door.

Then Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, and a Shinra soldier wearing a helmet who looked like a passerby headed towards the deep Mako Reactor facility.

After investigating the problematic areas and repairing them, Sephiroth and the others accidentally discovered that there were egg-shaped culture chambers filled with Mako liquid arranged around the Mako reactor.

These cultivation warehouses turned out to be full of humanoid creatures that turned into monsters, and Sephiroth discovered the connection.

'You ordinary special forces soldiers are human beings who have been soaked in the energy of Demon. Although they are different from ordinary people, at least they are still human beings. Sephiroth looked at Cloud and told the shocking truth.

'But what are they? They are soaked in a higher density of Mako energy. '

Shinra warriors themselves are created by subjecting the human body to a large amount of Mako radiation. Does that mean that there is no difference between Shinra warriors and monsters

Are Sephiroth, the strongest among the Shinra warriors, and the other first-level special forces no longer human

This conjecture came out of Claude's mouth.

Such a fact made Sephiroth angry, and even began to doubt himself, because he knew that he was different from Cloud and other Shinra special forces.

After returning to Nibelheim Village, Sephiroth went to the Shinra Villa on the outskirts of the village and continued to read the research materials left behind like crazy.

If a person is crazy, he will either be swayed by emotions and lose his mind, or he will be absolutely calm when he is crazy. Obviously Sephiroth is the latter.

Through the literature, Sephiroth thought he understood everything. Shinra excavated a creature in suspended animation from the ice in the glacier area decades ago, a creature in the geology 2,000 years ago.

Dr. Gast, who was in charge of the research, named this species Jenova, and through secondary research, he determined that this was an ancient species that died out long ago.

In order to take advantage of the ancient species' abilities, researchers began a deeper study, named: Project Gerova.

At the same time, Sephiroth’s mother is also named Jerova. Is this just a coincidence

Obviously not. Although Sephiroth was talking to himself, more and more documents confirmed his conjecture.

If a person's belief is destroyed, then the person may collapse, be shocked, hesitate and give birth to various complex emotions.

But Sephiroth is different. Known as a great hero, he is too calm, or too extreme.

He used to be proud of his human identity and believed in the great hero Sephiroth, so he would take the lead in battle.

But now all of Sephiroth's beliefs have been destroyed. He believes that his mother is an ancient species, and the original owner of this planet is an ancient species.

Humans are just a race that will take over later. As the last ancient species, Sephiroth believes that he has this responsibility and obligation to recapture the planet from humans.

So Sephiroth walked out of the villa and started a massacre.

Tifa's father was also one of the villagers killed, including Tifa herself who was cut down by Sephiroth.

By the time Claude arrived, it was already too late.

The village fell into a sea of fire. Sephiroth, who stood across the sea of fire, glanced at Cloud with an expressionless expression. Then he grabbed the long knife in his hand and slowly turned around and walked towards the depths of the sea of fire.

"Damn, this picture!"

Although Sephiroth's transformation came so suddenly, and his methods were very cruel.

But from an aesthetic point of view, Song Ren had to admit that the scene where Sephiroth disappeared into the sea of fire just now was so handsome.

He even feels that it is enough to be included in one of the coolest lists of villains to appear.

And the scene where Cloud and Sephiroth were about to have a decisive battle in front of the Mako Reactor made Song Ren feel even more amazing.

Standing in front of the breeding warehouse, Sephiroth slowly raised his hands.

'Mother possesses the greatest strength, wisdom and magic and should have been the ruler of the planet. '

'But they...those worthless creatures are stealing this planet from Mother, but I'm with you now, so don't worry...'

The Shakespeare-like performance directly stunned Song Ren.

Of course, what made him calmer was that just when he thought he was going to have an earth-shattering boss battle with Sephiroth and get a taste of it in advance, the memory stopped.

In Cloud's words, his memory was interrupted here, and he didn't know what happened in the meantime. Although he thought that his ability was not enough to kill Sephiroth, Shinra's news report later said that Sephiroth Philos is dead.

Looking at Barrett who was back in the hotel and clamoring to continue setting off, Song Renba smacked his lips and recalled the plot of Claude's memories just now.

So the main reason for Sephiroth's darkening is that he has the attributes of a filial son!

Compared to Arthas and Jaina, who have been ridiculed as dutiful sons by players for many years, how do you feel that Sephiroth is a dutiful son in the true sense