Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 821: Bring me the knife! Book another flight ticket to Nebula Games!


With the plot of the game, for many players, some problems have been solved, but more problems have followed.

Zack and Cloud's mental condition that Alice mentioned was also very wrong.

Even in the temple ruins of the ancient species, Cloud was controlled by Sephiroth, and he voluntarily handed over the black magic crystal that recorded the meteorite technique that could destroy the world to Sephiroth.

Claude looked at him beating the ground in pain and had no idea what was happening. As a player of the game, he could clearly feel the difference.

It's not that sudden. There have been countless foreshadowings in the game since Midgar.

That is that Cloud seems to have a mental problem, and Sephiroth took advantage of this to control Cloud.

After Sephiroth left, Cloud fell into insanity and fainted. In her sleep, Alice explained to Cloud that she was the only one who could stop him, and for this reason she was going to the Forgotten City.

So after Claude woke up, he led Avalanche's group to the ruins city.

But what happened next made all the players temporarily forget their confusion. They all had only one thought: Where is my knife? Bring me the knife! By the way, book a ticket to Nebula Games Headquarters!

Song Ren cleaned up the monsters along the way and finally arrived at the bottom of the ruins city. Following the crystal-like steps, he had already seen Alice kneeling there praying and preparing to activate white magic.

Cloud in the game also slowly approached Alice, but the next moment he slowly raised the sword in his hand. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Tifa's voice stopped Cloud and asked him to come back. God.

However, before Song Ren could breathe a sigh of relief when he saw this, a beam of light happened to shine on Alice, accompanied by background music with a strong religious atmosphere.

The next second, the man with a black cloak and white hair stabbed Alice through the chest with a long knife in both hands.

A white magic stone rolled down from Alice's body and finally sank into the pool below the temple.

Alice, who had just opened her eyes and saw Claude, didn't even say a word.

Blood flowed from the wound, and along with the blood flowed the power of life. As the blade was pulled out of Alice's body, Alice's body fell heavily to the ground.

'This is not true...' Claude stared blankly at the lifeless Alice in front of him.

The BGM of Sephiroth's appearance in 'The Advent of the Son' suddenly sounded.

Before Song Ren could react, he saw Sephiroth falling from the sky, accompanied by a white light.

Alice's chest was penetrated by a sword.

A white magic stone rolled down from Alice's body and finally sank into the pool below the temple.

'Alice! This is not true..." Looking at Alice who had lost her breath of life, Claude looked sad.

'There is nothing to be sad about, soon this girl will become part of the planet's energy. '

Song Ren stopped paying attention to the subsequent conversation between Sephiroth and Cloud.

Staring at Alice who had her eyes closed forever, Song Ren was stunned.


As dead as Jesse

Killed by Sephiroth!

Not only Song Ren, but also other players who played here were all shocked.

Although Alice only appeared in Claude's memories from "The Advent of the Son", you can almost guess what happened.

But many people still have illusions.

But now he was directly stabbed to death by a knife in the chest. Who the hell can bear this!

Thinking about the journey from Midgar to Nibelheim and other places, it can be said that Alice, like Tifa, has left an extremely deep affection for players.

And Alice is different from Tifa in their somewhat reserved personalities.

She is active and bold, lively and cheerful, optimistic and humorous, a little fond of little pranks, naughty and energetic, with delicate and gentle emotions.

It left a very deep impression on the players.

Just before, many players were still discussing who would be the real heroine, Alice or Tifa.

But now, there is no need to choose.

Sephiroth, who fell from the sky, has directly helped players make choices.

Although this option is not wanted at all for most players.

After a long silence, Song Ren silently turned off the game as he watched the sad Claude sinking Alice's body into the lake.

At this moment, he had the urge to pick up a knife and go to Nebula Games headquarters.

In fact, Song Ren is not the only one who has such thoughts.

Especially looking at Claude who looked sad and even a little numb.

The shock of putting Alice's body into the lake can be said to be simply overwhelming!

Before this, players had a lot of doubts in their minds.

For example, why Sephiroth can affect Cloud's spirit to a certain extent.

Also, Claude seemed to have lost some memories. What were those memories

Who is Zack

These are the contents that confused players in previous games.

But with the death of Alice, the player's focus has completely shifted.

Obviously, none of these problems had a greater impact on players than Alice's death, and the player community exploded.

'Fuck, I'm torn. Is Alice going to get it now? Isn't this the heroine? '

'First Jesse, then Alice, all the female characters get lunch? Isn't it Tifa next? '

'What are you thinking about? Tifa definitely won't. Tifa is still alive and well in Advent of the Son, but why is my Alice dead? '

'This is simply too much! In the past, important characters died at the end, but now they die in the middle of the game! ? '

'Don't be excited, don't be excited, maybe you are just dead now? It is not impossible to be resurrected in the future. After all, the world view of "Final Fantasy" is that people return to the planet after death. In addition, Alice is an ancient species. Is it possible that she will be resurrected in the future? '

'Haha, I guess you don't believe it yourself. If she is resurrected, then Alice will not appear in 'The Advent of the Son'? '

With the emergence of the plot of Alice's death, countless players are discussing it on official blogs and game communities.

At the same time, the comment section of Chen Xu's official blog was unexpectedly bombarded by countless players.

Players who like Alice vented their anger in the comment area of Chen Xu's official blog.

Of course, there are many players who are still pushing forward the content of the main plot, and they still have the last glimmer of hope for Mr. Chen. Maybe Mr. Chen will resurrect Alice in the end

However, for these players, as the plot progresses, they feel deeper despair.

… … …

Song Ren took a rare day off to play "Final Fantasy" and suppressed the idea of coming to the door with a knife.

After all, this is something illegal, and you might have to cry behind bars and pick up soap.

And if you think about it carefully, giving out knives in the game is not something that happens only once or twice for Mr. Chen.

If you take a step back and think about it, now the knife is coming out in the middle. If you change your mind and look at it, the final ending will most likely not be too bad. After all, there is the world view of the CG movie The Son of God, what about Tifa, Barre Te, Yuffie, Kate West, Red Thirteen, and Vincent are all still alive.

What other knives can be given to him later

So after adjusting his mentality, Song Ren relaxed and continued to experience the game.

I have to say that apart from the plot that made him heartbroken, the performance of the game is really outstanding, and compared to the more two-dimensional Xenoblade Chronicles.

The art style of "Final Fantasy" is more realistic, and the visual effects are cooler.

In order to avenge Alice, Claude and his friends in the game continue their adventure.

They recovered the black magic crystal needed to summon the meteorite and chased it to the great void in the north, where Sephiroth also revealed the true story of Cloud.

That is, in Nibelheim 5 years ago, the Shinra warrior Sephiroth brought was not Cloud, but another 1st special forces soldier named Zack.

As for Cloud, in Sephiroth's eyes, he was just a failure, a clone created by Dr. Hojo.

When Claude was insane, Shinra's pursuers and Hojo also came here. All of this was planned by Hojo.

In order to reunite Jenova, the person who killed Alice was not Sephiroth's true body, but a clone controlled by Sephiroth.

With Jenova's reunion, the Great Hollow blew up the storm of the life stream, and Cloud, who was controlled by Jenova's cells, handed the Black Materia to Sephiroth.

The Great Hollow began to collapse under the dual impact of powerful black magic and the flow of life.

A huge meteorite in the sky approached the planet, and even Shinra captured Tifa and Barret. Fortunately, they sneaked into Cloud's team as undercover agents at the beginning, but later became anti-undercover Kate West and Sid because of his ideals. Appear to rescue Tifa and the others.

After successfully escaping from Shinra, Tifa and her team began to search for the missing Cloud. When they successfully found Cloud, he fell into a state of madness due to his mental state.

Just when Tifa and others were helpless, an earthquake suddenly occurred and the life stream spurted out, wrapping Cloud and Tifa in it.

Inside, Tifa entered Cloud's spiritual world and began to search for the real memory with Cloud's consciousness.

From these memories, Cloud and Tifa finally discovered that Sephiroth's previous words were just to mislead Cloud.

Claude is indeed not a 1st special forces soldier, but he is not a so-called clone either.

Moreover, Claude was indeed present during the Nibelheim Village incident five years ago, but at that time he was just an ordinary Shinra soldier following the team. Because of his inferiority complex, he believed that he had not become a true soldier. Special Forces, so at that time Cloud always wore the helmet of a Shinra soldier and did not recognize Tifa.

But at the end, Cloud did save Tifa after Sephiroth went crazy.

Of course, Chen Xu redesigned the performance here.

After all, the original content was too funny. He stabbed Sephiroth in the waist with a knife, and then in extreme anger, Cloud, as a Shinra soldier, threw the great hero Sephiroth into the Mako energy. Liu Zhong, this is simply too fucked up.

So here Chen Xu also gave players a convincing reason, that is, Sephiroth had just fought against Zack in the 1st, and was not in his peak state. At the same time, he was successfully attacked by Cloud because he was too excited to see Jenova.

In addition, although Claude was just a soldier, he also had the strength of a special soldier at that time. However, because of his too weak character and spirit, he could not be certified, because the Shinra special forces not only needed strong strength, but also had matching skills. willpower and spirit.

With Tifa's help, the memories from the past kept coming back to Cloud's mind.

He remembered everything. He was known as the 1st Special Forces Soldier, his actions when he emerged from the train platform, and his words "reward is very important". When he was in a state of mental confusion due to Mako and Xenovia, he deliberately imitated his best friend. Someone who could even be said to be a mentor: Zack.

"What's the DLC content? The story of Sephiroth and Zack?"

Seeing an unlocking prompt that popped up, Song Ren couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

The "Final Fantasy" he purchased was the deluxe edition, and the additional content was the season pass with DLC.

But I didn’t expect that this was available directly, and was it officially recommended to learn about the story of the DLC characters in the middle

Although it was a bit unexpected, Song Ren was not too surprised, because the previous "Xenoblade Chronicles" was almost the same.

As a DLC plot, Ella, the Golden Kingdom, although it is a subsequent DLC, the official recommendation for plot connection is to play it at the end of Chapter 8.

As for the game "Final Fantasy", Nebula Games has obviously already prepared this part of the content in advance, but the content may be too rich, so it was made into DLC.

But maybe players were afraid that players would choose to play the DLC first, fearing that the content of the official version would be spoiled, so they unlocked it in the middle.

After thinking about it, Song Ren decided to have some fun.

Even if you don't play it, you can still continue to advance the plot.

But judging from the introduction, this seems to be an answer to players as to why Claude became like this.

And Song Ren himself was a little curious about what happened to Claude.

And what kind of person is Alice's first boyfriend Zack.