Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 822: Zack lives only in memories


Different from the previous Golden Goira DLC, the battle system of the game was changed. The DLC content for "Final Fantasy" except for the map.

Including the combat system, Chen Xu did not make much changes.

After all, compared to El Dorado, Ila was launched after the game was released.

As for the DLC content for characters like Zack, although it can also be played alone, it is unlocked during the game, just like the DLC in "Bloodborne" and "Dark Soul", which are opened midway. In part, you can choose to play or continue the main content.

Of course, the degree of freedom needs to be weakened a lot. After all, "Final Fantasy" is a plot-threaded RPG.

"Is this Zack? This appearance mode looks like that of Cloud!" Song Ren couldn't help but sigh as he watched the scene where Zack and the Shinra troops came to Wutai to perform a mission after entering the DLC.

But Song Ren's attention was soon attracted, because when Zack sneaked into the station, Sephiroth actually appeared.

He defeated Zack easily, but fortunately, a strong man named Angel, Zack's big brother, saved him at the critical moment.

Is Sephiroth turning against Shinra at this time

Song Ren was a little surprised, but before he could react, the game screen changed again.

That is, what Zack is experiencing now is just a VR training session.

"So, why am I playing VR in VR again?" Song Ren was speechless after hearing the explanation of the doll.

This reminded him of the experience of Claude and his team in Shinra in the previous game.

But then Song Ren discovered something very special, that is, Claude's big sword was actually on the body of the special soldier named Angel.

So, how did this big sword get to Claude in the end

Seeing this scene, Song Ren felt some curiosity and expectation in his heart.

In addition, before clicking on this DLC, his main focus was actually on Sephiroth and the mysterious Zack.

But when we really look back on Zack's story, we have to say that the big brother named Angel in front of him also gave Song Ren a good sense.

Compared with the thick, black and excited Barrett, the Angel in front of him can be said to be much more reliable.

He is not only Zack's boss, but also his mentor, teaching Zack the glory of the special forces all the time.

And this big brother also cares very much about his friends. As I said before, the Destroyer Sword is the weapon left to him by his father. He would rather use his fists than get the sword dirty, damaged, or worn out. That is the most regrettable thing. .

But when Zack was in danger, he decisively used his treasured sword, and proudly said that Zack was only a little more important than the sword.

Along with the plot, Song Ren found that many of the previously doubtful contents could be explained.

When he was still a great hero, Sephiroth was calm, brave, had a strong sense of responsibility, and even had a touch of humanity.

For example, during the execution of the mission, Sephiroth believed that since he was stronger than everyone else, he should complete the most dangerous and difficult mission.

But even though he wished he could solve everything by himself, when actually carrying out these tasks, Sephiroth would not complete them alone. Instead, he would take care of the thoughts of his companions and hand over some weaker enemies to his companions. to deal with.

Sephiroth has always been proud of his human identity.

This is also the concept that he has been instilled in Shinra.

But again, Sephiroth is aloof. He does not protect his companions because of his title of hero.

He was simply doing his duty as a human being, just like a machine, with orders written into it to protect the race.

The same 1st special forces soldiers as Sephiroth were Angel and a man named Genesis. Soon after, the Shinra warrior Genesis disappeared on the battlefield. Angel and Zack went to look for him, but they only found him. A clone of Genesis, and Angel disappeared soon after.

On the recommendation of Sephiroth, Zack worked together to find the reason for the disappearance of Angel and Genesis. They also found the original Jenova Plan, but at this time, the Jenova Plan did not include Sephiroth. .

The plan exposed at this time was just Jenova Plan G, and G referred to the name of a woman injected with Jenova cells. This woman was Angel's mother.

Unlike Sephiroth, who was directly injected with Jenova cells as fetuses, Genesis and Angel were also experimented as fetuses, but they were incomplete.

So one after another they collapsed and learned the fact that they were monsters.

Such a fact can be said to be a huge blow.

Honor can be said to be the most complicated thing.

Even men as powerful as Angel, Genesis and Sephiroth, both first-level special forces soldiers, could not let go of such a thing.

To use Angel's story, a delicious fruit called stupid apple is produced in his hometown.

His good friend's home has the largest fruit tree, and the fruits it produces are the most delicious in their hometown.

But even if he wanted to eat again, Angel would never ask for it from his good friends, because he couldn't put down his dignity and glory.

Angel is such a person who values honor more than anything else.

The same is true for Genesis. He wants to surpass Sephiroth and become a hero no matter what.

Sephiroth, on the other hand, took all this very lightly. He was calm enough, but he also regarded responsibility more seriously than anyone else. However, this responsibility was not controlled by emotions, but by identity. responsibility.

If he is a human, then he has the pride of being a human; if he is a monster, then he does what a monster should do.

They have the honor of first-class special forces and they fight with the honor of being human heroes.

But the truth is that they have long been deprived of their human identity by humans themselves.

So Genesis, who knew his life experience first, decided to take revenge on Shinra and win over Angel.

With the help of Dr. Holland, a scientist who resented Shinra, Genesis created clones to attack Shinra headquarters.

Angel, who was standing in front of Zack in Holland's secret laboratory, slowly raised the destruction sword in his hand, and the white single wing behind him spread out.

'I became a monster. Isn't the purpose of a monster to take revenge or conquer the world? 'Angel said looking at Zack.

'wrong! Proof that wings are not monsters! 'Zack walked towards Angel.

'So... what is this? '

'Angel wings! '

'I see... Then what ideals do you think angels should have? What kind of dream should I have? Angels have only one dream! '

'Tell me! Angel! '

'That's what it means to be human! '

Facing an angry Angel, Zack was defeated and fell from the upper floors of Midgar.

But what happened next was a familiar scene.

Looking at Zack who was awakened by Alice, Song Ren blinked his eyes, which was almost exactly the same as the scene where Claude fell down!

But it was different from Claude, who seemed to be using indifference to cover up his introversion and even inferiority complex.

Zack is always full of optimism, sunshine, and enthusiasm.

In Angel's words, Zack is like a puppy.

In the slums, Zack quickly becomes friends with Alice.

And Zack said that he wanted to repay Alice because she saved him.

Even though Alice said she just woke Zack up and didn't do anything else.

Looking at the flowers on the ground, Zack soon noticed, because flowers are a very rare thing in Midgar.

'We can go to Midgar and sell flowers! Midgar is full of flowers and purses are full of silver! '

Faced with Zack's proposal, Alice was also very moved.

Of course, if you want to sell flowers, you must have a flower cart.

But Alice didn't sell a single flower.

Zack thinks that the flowers cannot be sold because the float is not pretty enough.

So Zack promised Alice that he would make a more beautiful float for Alice in the future.

The next story is that Zack goes out on a mission.

After that, go on a date with Alice.

"So, is the reason why Alice sells flowers all because of Zack?"

"Then Zack..."

Song Ren had a bad feeling in his heart.

Because whether it was Claude's story or the coming of the Son, Zack was just living in his memories!

And when Claude met Alice in Midgar, the other party was still carrying a flower basket instead of a float.

"But it doesn't matter. Just like Ella in the Golden Kingdom in "Xenoblade Chronicles" before, this kind of story will be a tragedy if I know it in advance. Then my heart will feel better." Song Ren comforted himself.

The reason why tragedy is a tragedy, isn't it because of the sudden knife

Just like the scares in horror games.

But now that we know that Zack is basically living in his memories, the sadness will be much less. Moreover, after experiencing the tragic story of Alice before, his defense has also risen to a higher level. At that time, Mr. Chen's knife might not be able to break through the defense.