Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 823: How could someone issue a knife like this?


With emotion, Song Ren continued to advance the content of the dlc. Compared to the content of the main game, there is not much plot about the Zack dlc.

And it has already advanced to the second half. At this time, Zack and Texili Zeng went to the border to investigate the traces of Genesis.

It was here that Zack met Claude as the protagonist for the first time, and the two chatted happily.

They also all have one characteristic, that is, they come from the countryside.

However, although Claude is the protagonist of the game, it is not Claude who has more roles in this DLC, but Zack.

'The honor is ruined, and when he wants to fly, his wings are broken; this is the end of the monster. 'As a representative of the literary youth, Genesis, who has been holding a copy of "Loveless", has not forgotten the matter of showing off even though he has been defeated by Zack.

One thing Song Ren really has to admit is that Genesis is really handsome.

The 1st Shinra special forces such as Sephiroth and Genesis are really more awesome than the other.

Even the eldest brother Angel, although not as handsome as Sephiroth and Genesis in terms of appearance, is quite a man in his words and deeds.

Especially that sentence: As a special forces soldier, you must have dreams, and don’t forget your dreams.

It made Zack directly regard it as his life creed.

So while Genesis sang the opera, Zack spoke up: 'We're not monsters! But special forces! Where is your honor? '

Faced with Zack's questioning, Genesis just slowly retreated to the Mako Reactor, chanting as he retreated: 'Even if there is no promised tomorrow, I will definitely return to where you are; if this world Threatening my life... Then, we will die together. '

After finishing his words, Genesis jumped down from the Mako Reactor.

Song Ren:? ? ? ? ?

Seeing Genesis disappear from sight, Song Ren couldn't help but smacked his lips.

The lines are really cool and the actions are really cool, but what if we agree to die together

Song Ren continued the game, and Zack, who continued deep into Mordelheim, discovered Angel and Holland, and learned more about the Jenova G plan.

Facing Zack, Angel, who valued honor very much, made a decision.

'Zack, do you remember? We made a pact to fight all the things that filled the world with pain, and now the only thing that makes me miserable is myself. Angel looked at Zack and called the monsters with Jenova cells around him.

As the perfect experimental subject of Project Jenova G, he has the ability to engulf and divide, but even so swallowing too many Jenova cells at once will cause an irreparable situation.

Under the cell input of countless monsters, Angel became the monster he hated.

From noon to dusk, the entire Mordelheim laboratory collapsed during the battle between Zack and Angel. Angel, who eventually became a monster, was killed by Zack.

Angel, who was lying on the ground, showed a relieved smile and handed the destruction sword to Zack.

"Well done, Zack... I'll leave it to you after that, don't forget the honor."

[With dreams, if you want to be a hero, you must have dreams and honor.]

Angel's words echoed in Zack's mind. Back in Alice's church, Zack, who had always been optimistic, shed his tears for the first time.

At this time, Alice looked at the sad Zack and just walked over gently, slowly squatting down and hugging Zack tightly from behind.

After this is the memory of Claude.

In Cloud's hometown, Sephiroth also rebelled against Shinra during the mission to investigate the Mako Reactor.

Zack was defeated by Sephiroth, faced with the massacre of his hometown, and the life and death of his childhood sweetheart Tifa.

Cloud finally stood up. He picked up the destroyer sword of his predecessor Zack, and in the final sneak attack, he knocked Sephiroth out of the Mako Reactor, but he was also seriously injured.

At the same time, this plot also proves that the so-called clones of Hojo before were just lies.

After Shinra's people came here, Hojo brought the seriously injured Zack and Cloud back for experiments and injected them with Jenova's cells.

Four years had passed when Zack woke up, and Claude, who was unable to become a special soldier due to his will and spirit, was still in a delirious coma.

After waking up, Zack took Cloud with him and escaped from Shinra.

Of course, in this plot, there is another character that surprised Song Ren, that is, a Tuckers girl named Cisne, who seems to have a slightly different relationship with Zack.

'Hey... Cisner, can you be the person my mother confides in? 'Zacks knew that he was wanted by Shinra and could not return to Gongaga to live a peaceful life, so he wanted Cisne to help him take care of his parents.

'Okay, say please. ' said Cisne with a smile.

'I think I will definitely be asked about the bride or something. '

'Has been asked. '

'Then how did you answer! Cisne! 'Hearing this, Zack suddenly panicked.

Song Ren couldn't help but sigh while watching this plot.

So is this how the protagonist is treated

There are always girls around him who have a crush on him, and there are more than one!

Although it's just a dlc, Zack is the protagonist in this dlc's scenes!

While feeling emotional, Song Ren was also a little happy. After all, the conversation between Zack and Cisne was quite joyful.

But the next plot completely stopped Song Ren from having such happy thoughts.

Because Zack and Cloud were still high-priority targets of Shinra at this time, they were chased and intercepted by countless pursuers on the way. And because of the fusion between Cloud and Jenova, Holland and Jay were also attracted to each other. Nesis wants to steal Cloud for research.

However, Genesis and Holland, who were unable to fuse with Jenova cells and deteriorated, were no match for Zack, and were eventually defeated by Zack.

And it was here that Zack received a letter from Alice.

For four years, Alice has been waiting for Zack to use the float with her to accomplish her goal: to sell flowers in Midgar.

[This letter is the 89th, but the sender’s address is no longer available. This is the last letter... Zack, the flowers are selling well and everyone is smiling. This is all thanks to Zack—Alice]

'Four years! So what is this in the end! '

Alice's face appeared in Zack's mind, and he looked in the distance in the direction of Midgar.

Then he picked up Cloud, who was still unconscious, and picked up the Destroyer Sword.

No matter what, he has to go back to find Alice, because he still has an unfinished agreement with Alice.

About to return to the wilderness of Midgar, Zack had some hope in his eyes. Although Cloud had not fully recovered at this time, he could still speak some simple words.

"You're kidding, I won't leave you behind. We are friends, Claude."

"When we wait until Midgar, we will become mercenaries."

Back in the wilderness of Midgar, behind the carriage, Zack looked at Cloud, who was still in a confused state of mind, smiling and talking to himself.

"So, don't plant a flag on yourself!" Song Ren looked at Zack with a smile on his face and already had a premonition in his heart.

This is simply a classic death flag!

As we all know, when a person says something like, 'I will go back to my hometown to get married after this battle,' or 'I will wash my hands in a golden basin after this time is over'.

Basically, I have already reserved a bento in advance.

Now Zack is saying something similar.

Coupled with the 'Advent of the Son', and later the Great Sword of Destruction became Cloud's weapon.

These all hint at Song Ren and tell him Zack's fate in the future.

In the wilderness of Midgar, Zack, who was driving, stopped the car.

Because Shinra's pursuers have blocked this area.

And not far ahead is Midgar, just a little distance away, just a little bit.

Zack looked at Claude, who was still unconscious in the car, and couldn't help but reveal the iconic smile on his face.

He carried Claude down from the car and placed him next to a hidden stone. Zack smiled softly, raised his right hand, pressed Claude's head and rubbed it, and then looked at Claude for the last time. At a glance, he walked towards the distance with the destruction sword on his back.

At this time, Claude seemed to have regained some consciousness. He looked at Zack's back and slowly raised his hand, as if he wanted to hold on to something.

'Really! The price of pursuing freedom is very high! '

Holding Angel's destruction sword in both hands, looking at the Shinra soldiers getting closer and closer, Zack looked up at the sky with a smile.

'So... embrace your dreams! '

'Never give up your pride as a special forces soldier at any time. '

'welcome! '

Continuous battles, almost endless enemies, fighting off wave after wave.

Although Song Ren had previously controlled Zack to defeat Angel, Genesis and countless monsters.

But facing these countless soldiers like a tide, there is no way to hold on.

The blood volume continues to decrease, and the supplies on the body continue to decrease.

At the same time, the sky gradually darkened, and at some point, it began to rain heavily.

As Song Ren used up the last healing agent, Zack's last health point was knocked out.

The scene cuts to the slum church in Midgar.

Alice was taking care of the flowers in the church when it started to rain heavily in the originally clear sky.

As if she felt something, Alice looked up blankly at the raining sky, holding her hands and praying for something, but within a second she lost her voice and let out a exclamation.

Then the scene returned to the wilderness of Midgar.

Zack, covered in blood, lay in the mud. The heavy rain washed away the blood on his body, but the next moment blood flowed out of the wound again. Only the heaving chest seemed to prove that he was still alive.

In the distance, Cloud was weak and lying on the ground, crawling towards Zack.

'Zack... Zack... '

Not yet fully recovered from the side effects of the Mako radiation, Claude came to Zack's side and stared blankly at Zack on the ground, but instinctively called out the name in his memory.

Zack looked at Claude next to him and smiled. Even until the last moment, he still had a smile on his face.

'With my share... '

'Even your share? 'Claude stared blankly at Zack lying there.

'Yes, you... you have to live, you... are the proof that I... existed. '

'My honor and dreams... are all in your hands. '

Handing the great sword of destruction to Cloud, Zack, who was lying on the ground, closed his eyes with a smile.

'I am the proof that you existed. 'Holding the Great Sword of Destruction in his hand, Cloud looked at Zack on the ground in a daze and muttered.

I don't know how long it took, but Claude seemed to have thought of something. With the pouring rain, he looked at Zack on the ground and let out a sad cry.

[The inside of the pupils is blurry and cannot be seen clearly]

[You can’t even detect the mixed emotions in your heart]

[Why, looking up at the lonely starry sky]

[Why, I can still see the smile]

Along with the episode called why, Zack's words seemed to echo in Claude's ears.

'You have to have a dream. If you want to be a hero... you have to have a dream. '

The rain stopped at some point, and Claude, who was still in a daze, looked at the great sword of destruction in his hand.

Then he looked at Midgar in the distance, stood up slowly, and moved his body forward little by little.

At the same time, Zack in the 'other world' seemed to come to life, slowly opened his hands, and returned to the life flow of the planet.

'She... once said that she was full of fear of this extremely ordinary sky, but... this sky still felt very good. '

'Please give me a pair of wings like that. '

At this moment, Zack finally had it. He once envied Angel's wings.

It belongs to the wings of angels and heroes.

'Claude... Alice is leaving it to you. '

As Zack disappeared, the images in the game gradually disappeared, returning to Claude's spiritual world.

At this moment, Claude finally recalled everything from the beginning.

"Having dreams... If you want to be a hero, you must have dreams."

Looking at Tifa beside him and the great sword of destruction in front of him, Cloud stood up from the bed and gently grabbed the hilt of the sword and closed his eyes.

"Thank you Zack, you can sleep peacefully."

"I will never forget your teachings."

Taking a deep breath, Claude's eyes became firm again.

There was no excitement about Cloud's awakening, nor was there any return to the game itself, and the plot continued to advance to save the world and defeat Sephiroth.

Because at this time, Song Ren was still immersed in the scene of Zack's death, and made a voice that spoke to the depths of his soul.

"Mr. Chen, I'm going to fuck you!"

He had actually been mentally prepared for Zack's death.

But when this scene actually came, he found that he still couldn't hold it in.

How could anyone do this!

How could someone issue a knife like this

The game screen in front of Song Ren gradually blurred.

The most critical point is that the knife used this time is a double attack, and it also kills with memories.

Zack's tragic death, coupled with the final request from the orphan to ask Claude to take care of Alice, seemed to be the only one with Zack.

But for players who have played "Final Fantasy", they almost instantly thought of the scene where Alice died under Sephiroth's knife.

This was equivalent to stabbing him in the chest with a knife. Then, before Mr. Chen could get enough of it, he once again uncovered the scar that had not fully healed before and sprinkled a handful of salt on it.

How can such a person exist!