Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 825: I will not become a memory


I have to say that the most memorable thing is the tragedy.

This is why throughout the ages, many literature and arts have ended in tragedy.

Foreign Shakespeare's works such as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, etc., domestic works such as Butterfly Lovers and so on.

These stories basically end in tragedy, but they are also memorable.

And in "Final Fantasy".

Zack died to protect Cloud, Alice was killed by Sephiroth to save the world, and Jesse and the others of the Avalanche trio died.

From the early stage to the late stage, it can be said that it directly drained the tears of the players.

It also caused resentment among many players.

… … …

In the game, just like the previous plot of Alice's Death, it took Song Ren a long time to calm down and advance the subsequent plot with fear.

Although judging from the characters who appear in Advent of the Son, there should be no characters dying.

But after experiencing Zack's severe blow, it can be said that he didn't dare to gamble at all.

At this time in the game, Cloud has regained his strength with the help of Tifa.

At this moment Claude truly became himself.

Not the insane Cloud who imitated Zack's behavior.

His hand tightly grasped the destruction sword next to him. For Claude who had recovered his memory, this was no longer as simple as a weapon.

From Angel to Zack and into his hands.

This sword carries their honor and dreams.

After Claude returned to normal, huge meteorites continued to fall in the sky.

Although Alice's white magic has been successfully activated, it cannot take effect because Sephiroth still exists.

That was the dark magic used by Sephiroth.

Knowing this, Cloud and others were ready to go to Sephiroth for the final settlement.

But at this moment, a Shinra armed monster named 'Weapon' emerged from the sea uncontrollably, and its advancing position was in the direction of Midgar.

Marlene, Alice's adoptive mother, and countless innocent ordinary people in Midgar. Considering this, Claude and the others decided to intercept the weapon midway.

But just as they were preparing to engage the weapons, a huge cannon was erected on the rooftop of the Shinra headquarters in the center of Midgar.

This was Shinra's way of preparing to deal with Sephiroth. With the firing of the cannon, the weapon was successfully destroyed and even the protective shield of the large hole was defeated.

But under the power of Sephiroth's black magic, the huge energy was reflected back towards the Shinra headquarters.

Shinra President Rufus was even buried under the rubble. Seeing this, Song Ren also understood why this guy was paralyzed in the Advent of the Son. He was the one who got hit by this cannon!

However, with the life and death of Rufus unknown, different departments within Shinra began to fight for power. As a double agent, Caitsi explained to Cloud what was currently happening in Shinra.

What is more terrifying than the fight for power is that without Minister Shinra's restraint bar, he has completely lost control. He wants his biological plan to crush scientific weapons, so he directly chooses to turn on all the magic furnaces and destroy the demons. Xuan leaked.

The consequence of this will be to blow the entire Midgar to the sky.

At the same time, in this part of the plot, Vincent's story gives players another shot of a knife.

Although there is no pain caused by Zack and Alice, it is still a story full of sadness.

Of course, the more important point is that the story of Vincent Valentine reveals a point that has left countless players stunned.

That is Sephiroth, the life and origin of the biggest boss in this game.

It turns out that Sephiroth's biological mother was Vincent's original lover.

Vincent worked at Tuckers when he was young, and his girlfriend died during an experiment due to indirect reasons.

It made her feel guilty, making her unable to face Vincent, and finally she chose to break up with Vincent.

But after the breakup, Baotiao was deceived.

But as Frankenstein, Hojo has no love for her.

Because Hojo has only one purpose from beginning to end, and that is to use her to implant Jenova cells into newborn fetuses to conduct better experiments.

Including Vincent being transformed into a monster, the culprit was also Dr. Hojo.

This statement still makes people feel a little sad for Vincent, not only did he lose his girlfriend, but he was also made like this.

The revelation of this plot shocked countless players.

When the "Advent of the Son" movie was released, many players actually didn't have too strong feelings of hatred towards Sephiroth.

Because from the moment he appeared to when he left, Sephiroth just had a fight with Cloud.

If it's bad, it can be said that he didn't do it at all.

Coupled with the appearance of Sephiroth, it can be said that the game is full of force, and it appears proudly in the soundtrack of the angel's arrival.

Even during his exit, Sephiroth's soundtrack was still playing.

Even the chorus in the BGM has Sephiroth's name.

It can be said that in terms of momentum and pomp, no one in the top class of Cloud can compare with Sephiroth.

Such a character naturally has a large number of fans.

Although after the game was launched, Sephiroth's evil deeds appeared, tricking Cloud and killing Alice, which made many people hate Sephiroth and grit their teeth.

But in terms of looks and personality, no one can find any fault with Sephiroth.

"Are you kidding me? Can Hojo give birth to a son like this!?"

Song Ren looked confused as he watched this episode.

According to the score of 100 points for appearance, how could a guy like Hojo, who had 10 points for appearance, give birth to a Sephiroth with a score of 90

Is this a genetic mutation

Or are Jenova's cells just that good

Can Sephiroth, who inherited an ugly trait like Hojo, be transformed into a handsome guy

Because of the performance brought about by this contrast, the sad points in Vincent's story are washed away a lot.

Come to Shinra and kill the Hojo who is implanted with Mako and Jenova cells to become the source of all evil and turn into a monster.

Song Ren could feel that the game was coming to an end.

Because next, Cloud and the others will go to the depths of the large cave where Sephiroth is.

Like most games, this plot also allows players to make final preparations, continue to develop characters, or go to other maps to complete branch lines, so as not to leave any regrets for this week's end.

When they arrived at the Great Hollow, Cloud and the others saw Sephiroth again.

At this moment, Sephiroth seemed to have become a god.

But with the help of Cloud, Tifa, and the rest of the partners.

They still defeated Sephiroth with difficulty.

But despite this, Sephiroth has not disappeared yet.

Because Jenova's cells are still flowing in Cloud's body, this also means that Sephiroth's spirit still exists in Cloud's body.

The reason why Sephiroth was able to fool Cloud before was, in addition to his own mental problems, this was also one of the key reasons.

This battle is a battle that only belongs to Cloud and Sephiroth.

Cloud was so vulnerable when facing Sephiroth.

But now Claude is no longer the weak person he was before.

'Have a dream. If you want to be a hero, you must have a dream... '

'You're still here! Obviously you are going to be broken, right? '

Zack and Alice seemed to appear in Cloud's mind.

He once again raised the great sword of destruction in his hand and rushed towards Sephiroth.

From feeling uncomfortable because he had no power to protect Tifa and yearning for Sephiroth to join Shinra, to meeting Zack and seeing the destruction of his hometown and the death of his best friend in battle.

Beyond the false memories of the past, Claude no longer has to imitate anyone.

Just as Zack had expected, Cloud had already become a hero.

Compared to the six moves used in the Advent of the Holy Son, the Super Martial God Tyrannical Slash is still extremely gorgeous when using the Destruction Sword, a weapon inherited from the special forces.

It's not luck, it's not a mistake. At this moment, Cloud has enough strength to defeat Sephiroth by relying on his own strength.

It's like a reenactment of the last scene in 'Advent of the Son'.

As the last sword penetrated Sephiroth's body, Cloud fell from the air.

'Farewell... Sephiroth. 'Looking at Sephiroth gradually disappearing in the sky, Cloud said slowly.

Sephiroth in the air just said that line again with a faint smile.

'I... will not become a memory'

Looking at Sephiroth disappearing, Cloud in the game didn't react much.

But Song Ren took a long breath, knowing that Sephiroth would never die.

Song Ren didn't understand the meaning of this sentence when he was watching "The Advent of the Holy Son".

But now that he understands Sephiroth's life experience, the story of Zack and Cloud, and the setting of Jenova in "Final Fantasy", Song Ren understands the meaning of this sentence.

It's like a matryoshka doll.

Why won't Sephiroth die

Because this planet has a unique energy, which is the flow of life. All life on the planet comes from this, so it will return to the flow of life after death.

The same goes for Sephiroth.

But the key is that Sephiroth has been fused with Jenova cells.

It can be said that Jenova is Sephiroth.

But on the other hand, Sephiroth is the life of this planet.

Therefore, Sephiroth will return to the flow of life after death, which also means that as long as the planet is not destroyed, Sephiroth will not die.

But compared to this, the more critical point in front of Cloud and the others is that the white magic holy light was launched too late, and even had the opposite effect. The entire Midgar had been destroyed by powerful power.

Even the planet was in danger, but when countless people were desperate, a miracle happened.

In everyone's surprised eyes, green light poured out from the flow of life, and soon formed a barrier between the meteorite and the planet.

With a dazzling white light, everyone closed their eyes, and Alice's beautiful face and her smile suddenly appeared in the darkness.

Alice, who has died and returned to the flow of life, is still protecting everyone and the planet.

After the battle finally ended, Cloud took the buster sword in his hand and returned to the place where Zack had sacrificed his life to protect him, and slowly inserted the buster sword into the ground.

At this point all content of the game is over.

Watching Claude's leaving figure getting further and further away, as well as the subtitles of the game production team and the ending song appearing.

Song Ren took a deep breath, his heart filled with emotion.