Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 828: What are we moving about?


If you really want to say it, this so-called easter egg given to their players by Mr. Chen cannot but be a surprise.

No one expected that Mr. Chen actually constructed an illusory dream for them.

And it seems that there is still a big secret.

Especially the final scene of defeating the incarnation of Fela directly reflects the future of Tifa, Cloud, Barret, and Red Thirteen.

This also proves that fate has been rewritten.

Coupled with the early appearance of Sephiroth, although it is not the real body, but the Jenova cells that appear in Cloud's body.

But it has made countless players feel that this is not such a simple story.

As for the final setting of Zack and the parallel universe, it made countless players’ scalps tingle with excitement.

Even some players with big imaginations have already imagined what kind of scenes may happen later.

Will Zack and Cloud, in different worlds and timelines, face the final boss Sephiroth, or the real enemy of the planet: Jenova

And finally cut it off

Just like the story in "Xenoblade Chronicles", although currently only Lex's story is being played out.

But in fact, in the game, as a pit digger, Chen Xu still buried many pits and easter eggs.

Players didn't know these contents at first, but as players of Xenoblade played various studies in the game, many details were revealed.

That is, there is a high probability that in a world outside Lex and the others, there is also a group of humans created by God, who together defeat the evil incarnated by God.

Although they were in different worlds, they influenced each other, and thus the final boss was truly defeated.

It looks like this now!

But the key is why the back is missing!

Related game communities and forums are filled with countless irritable old men.

'Shit! I really want to beat up Mr. Chen. Is this the case? The easter egg that was promised, this is called an easter egg! ? '

'Don't say anything. I have changed my Erha's name to Mr. Chen, and I have decided not to feed Erha tonight! '

'Well done bro! '

'Gather below Mr. Chen's official blog and blast Mr. Chen for me! '

'Uncomfortable! How can there be such a game designer? How dare he! ? '

Countless players cursed in various channels.

Of course, for some players who were already fans of Nebula Games before it developed into the behemoth it is today, they calmed down after being exposed.

Then looking at the players who were still cursing on the Internet, they couldn't help but sigh.

These individuals are new players at first glance.

How dare you

Of course Mr. Chen dares!

Over the years, this has happened almost every year.

Which Nebula game loyal fan doesn't have dozens of scars on his body

Although the scars caused by "Final Fantasy" this time are indeed deep and numerous.

The dead heroine (Alice), the dead heroine (Jesse), the dead mentor (Angel), the dead brother (Zacks), and even the minotaur (Vincent) who makes the pure love God of War brother furious, you can It can be said that this "Final Fantasy" is simply a masterpiece that makes players' negative emotions explode!

All the elements that Nebula games used to make players uncomfortable are included together.

But this is not enough. The last Easter egg that seems to change the ending also teaches players another lesson in addition to the game content.

In any case, it can be said that the popularity of "Final Fantasy" has once again reached its peak.

Before the game was released, many players wondered whether it could have a happy ending.

But the current setting of Fila and the multiverse is still a little different from what players have in mind, and it is still a incomplete version.

But it also satisfies a fantasy of different players very well.

However, this fantasy has also brought controversy among some players.

In addition, a small number of players are discussing the content of this new version of the plot, that is, the topic of "whether a perfect ending is needed".

In the topic, some players also expressed their opinions on this.

'It was actually very touching to see Alice returning to the Lifestream and promoting the activation of the Holy White Magic, and Zack passing on the Great Sword of Destruction to Cloud. '

'But why introduce the setting of the multiverse so that Alice and Zack can be resurrected? The original Final Fantasy gave me a feeling of growth and friendship, but now it feels like it has no depth at all. It's like a fairy tale. No matter how painful it is in the beginning, everyone has a happy ending in the end. '

'The only thing worthy of praise may be that Sephiroth's image is more perfect. In addition to strength, he also shows more of his strategic side. Although he still fell short in the end, Chen Xu's previous games, whether it was "Wild" The deaths of Arthur Morgan and John Marston in "Red Dead Redemption" or the tram problem decision-making in "The Witcher: Wild Hunt" are full of artistic sense, but now they seem to have fallen into a cliché. '

This topic has caused controversy among some players.

'Here he comes again, here he comes again, the art critic comes again with his sense of superiority! '

'Before we reasoned, weren't we always arguing under Mr. Chen's blog because of the tragedy? Now there is a perfect direction and noisy? '

'Why can't there be a happy ending? I just want to see Aerith, Zack, and Jesse live well, and I just want to see Cloud and Tifa live well! '

Originally, this was only discussed by a small group of players, but what many people never expected was that Chen Xu actually responded on the official blog, which instantly made it a hot topic among many Final Fantasy players. topic.

'Is tragedy necessarily equal to art? '

'Why do movies, even games, and art have to be linked to tragedy? '

'It is true that compared to a perfect story, tragedy is more touching and memorable, but why does a story have to end in tragedy? '

'Some people think that a perfect plot is like a fairy tale, but is fairy tale a derogatory term? Games are works of art and entertainment, but why can’t they also be fairy tales? For players, aren’t games just fairy tales? '

'Experience the stories brought by different fantasies. Just like the name of the game, this is a world full of fantasy. '

'I believe everyone admires the beautiful side. '

'If it hadn't been like this, well... my previous official blog wouldn't have been exposed. '

Chen Xu's response on the official blog also made players excited.

Many players felt that Chen Xu's words spoke to their hearts, and they clapped their hands and applauded.

Although there are many debates about the topic, it is innate human nature to yearn for better things.

'That's right! Games are art, and they are also fairy tales. Why can't they have a perfect ending? '

'There are countless timelines and countless multiverses. Why can't Cloud, Zack, Tifa and Alice live together in a certain multiverse? '

Countless players have left messages expressing their support, and of course these are relatively young players.

Following Chen Xu's words, the veteran players who had basically been watching the show suddenly couldn't sit still.

Nebula game fans who have been registered for five or six years and seven or eight years have jumped out one after another.

"Bah! Mr. Chen is shameless!"

"Yes, yes! There are still fairy tales. Arthur Morgan in "Red Dead Redemption" and Elizabeth in "BioShock" don't have fairy tales!"

"And new players, have you overlooked something very important? The so-called perfect ending is just your wishful thinking. This special series is still within the lifetime!"

"Count down the pits Mr. Chen has dug over the years!"

"Don't be fooled by Mr. Chen! He can fool you even more than Sephiroth!"

"Yes, this is obviously changing the topic! Let us forget that the content of this special meow came out of Midgar!"

The veteran players who already knew Chen Xu's tricks jumped out one after another.

Players who were still discussing whether the perfect ending was worth it have come to their senses at this time.


We are so moved!

Wasn't the main topic before the attack on Mr. Chen's mischief again?

How did it turn into a discussion about who is more artistic, happy ending or tragedy