Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 836: A new wife has appeared!


As a soul-based game, players write the 'advice' content of the manual.

Song Ren has always been very rigorous and adopts a very accurate model of following officials.

But if you think about it carefully, there must be countless players who do this with him.

In this way, how can subsequent players find his message among so many suggestions

Moreover, players have read too many of these official messages and are too lazy to like or comment.

In comparison, after reading Lao Zhang's advice, he really seemed to see the blue sky through clouds and mist.

It turns out that this advice can be so dirty! It can be so flavorful!

Especially looking at that buttocks was very useful, and with the corresponding body movements, he couldn't hold it in anymore.

Hear it carefully, can he restrain himself from liking such advice

I asked myself three times in my mind and came to the same conclusion, that is, I must not be able to bear it!

However, after feeling emotional, Song Ren did not leave a message like Zhang Yi did.

After all, judging from Zhang Yi's situation, it is not good for this advice to be too popular.

And compared to the offline mode, the online mode is still a little more interesting, because you can see the advice left by other people.

Being able to see the white souls of other players makes him feel that he is not alone in this world.

Of course, the more important point is that you can see the blood on the ground.

Why could he challenge the tree guard for two hours straight

On the one hand, as a veteran soul player, he has become accustomed to the feeling of constantly learning lessons from death and defeating the final boss.

On the other hand, the countless red blood stains on the ground gave him confidence.

Just looking at at least hundreds of blood stains on the ground, Song Ren felt an indescribable sour feeling.

He is not struggling alone!

There are more than tens of millions of faded people who have died under the guard of this big tree!

He is definitely not the best one!

Little by little, Song Ren became familiar with the boss's moves, and Song Ren also learned to master them through constant battles.

That is, the knight initially has three weapons.

They are a sword, a halberd, and a medium shield.

If you have a halberd in your equipment, the weight will inevitably become heavy, and there will be a delay when rolling, making it very cumbersome.

The attack of this big tree knight can basically empty the full energy bar in two attacks. There is a chance of hitting the iron mountain in close range. This move can even empty the shield's energy bar instantly.

As for shield resistance, Song Ren has only been able to succeed two or three times out of ten so far.

So to sum up, Song Ren has now begun to use dual-wielding halberds and transformed into a disciple of the Poke Gang.

After the big tree guard is done fighting, he pokes and distances himself to wait for the opponent to find a flaw in his attack.

Needless to say, this trick is so easy to use.

Be cautious and don't be greedy with swords. Combined with the knight's armor and high health bar when going out, even if the shield hits the ground in the second stage, as long as it is not hit in the center, it will not be killed instantly.

Counting the golden seeds born, the fault tolerance rate brought by the total five blood bottles is still very high.

The two of them walked around in this clearing with the big tree guard for almost ten minutes, and the boss's blood volume had bottomed out.


Song Ren used the halberd in his hand to pierce the body of the big tree guard, taking away the last trace of blood.

Seeing that he had received a brand new weapon in his backpack: the golden halberd, Song Ren felt a sense of accomplishment.

This is also the greatest fun of Souls games, the satisfaction brought by constant death and finally conquering an invincible boss.

Song Ren silently sent the decisive screenshot to Lao Zhang.

Although Zhang Yi had already passed it from the previous conversation, he did not pass it by relying on his true ability.

So Song Ren feels that he can definitely show off.

"Hey, can you just say nothing?"

Although Zhang Yi did not reply to him in the friend list, Song Ren knew clearly that Zhang Yi must have seen the message he sent.

So he silently opened his inventory interface, and then sent the data of the golden halberd dropped by the boss.

Although from the perspective of attributes, Song Ren thinks that this thing will most likely become a weapon similar to a toy, but he can still show it off now. After all, this is his honor of defeating the big tree guard.

After posting two screenshots in a row, Song Ren no longer competed with Zhang Yi who was pretending to be dead, but continued to explore the progress.

After all, judging from the maps that have not yet been unlocked, the map of this Souls game is simply too big.

As for the so-called Dragon's Breath Ruins that Zhang Yi mentioned before, he doesn't know where they are now.

However, he didn't plan to go wandering around. Instead, he progressed according to the main plot first and at least found the fireproof girl first. Otherwise, there was no way to upgrade. It would be a big loss if all the runes on him would be lost after he died.

You must know that the most tragic thing in the Souls game is not being beaten to death by a boss.

But the money was not spent when the person died.

Although in the later stage, players may lose hundreds of thousands if they die, millions of souls will not hurt them.

But losing tens of thousands of souls in the early stage will definitely make players feel distressed and uncomfortable.

"However, in this game, you can also collect materials to make props?" Located at the blessing point of the ruins of Airei Church after defeating the big tree guard, Song Ren also felt a sense of novelty after talking to the merchant and looking at the new functions unlocked.

This thing is not unfamiliar in traditional RPGs, but it is still quite novel in the Souls game.

But he didn't get too entangled in it.

Instead, he continued to advance the progress of the game, following the light transmitted by the blessing, and soon Song Ren came to the second blessing point, the one next to the ruins in front of the storm level.

There is a blessing point around each ruin, and the so-called ruins are almost equivalent to the so-called strongholds in most open world games, and there is a basement inside each ruin, which contains a boss or a treasure chest. After defeating or opening it, Can receive special rewards.

"This one is not much different from most open worlds with arpg attributes, it's just this lineup..." Song Ren felt a pain in his balls when he thought of the scene just now.

As soon as he entered the ruins, the guards guarding him discovered him.

Ordinary guards came directly to chop him, but some guards with torches saw him and took out a big horn from behind.

As soon as he blew it into the sky, all the enemies around the ruins rushed towards him like dogs seeing shit... No, they must have seen some big treasure.

Wolves, ordinary soldiers, elite soldiers with shields, everything is available.

He was beaten like a mouse and ran away. Fortunately, this game is an open world, so he can run around the map at will.

After running far away from the battle, the opponent did not pursue him.

"How can this damn soul game taste like Assassin's Creed!?" Squatting down and assassinating the mobs one by one, Song Ren quickly found the ruins' basement and got a 'Storm Foot' in the box. Ashes of war.

"In addition to the exclusive combat skills of special weapons, the combat skills of weapons can be replaced by war ashes!?"

Song Ren was surprised when he saw the new function enabled.

As a veteran soul player who has played all the way from "Dark Soul", he basically has the same impression of so-called combat skills: flashy.

Including in Black Soul, the weapons are mostly just for slashing, and the combat skills are completely useless.

But judging from the battle ash system in "Elden Ring", Song Ren did get a glimpse of some clues, so in this game, weapon combat skills will account for a larger proportion

However, this idea did not last long, because there were more exciting points in the game that diverted his attention.

At the blessing point before the storm level, what Song Ren was looking forward to after lighting it finally appeared.

In the darkness, a mysterious woman in a black cloak appears.

'He who comes through the fog'

'My name is Melina... '

'I want to negotiate a condition with you'

He slowly came to Song Ren and took off the black hood that covered his face.

The moment he saw the face under the hood, Song Ren understood one thing.

A new wife has appeared!

The pink hair is a bonus, the mystery brought by the closed left eye and the petal-like pattern on it are also bonus points, the gentle voice is a bonus, and the good looks are even more bonus points.

"It's a pity, I still prefer white hair to pink hair." Song Ren sighed.