Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 838: I am indeed a faded person full of justice


There are many players like Song Ren.

Many loyal old players of the Souls series entered the world of Elden's Ring for the first time, thinking in their hearts that it would not be easy to carve out a world in this world with their own skills

But reality soon brought a severe beating, making them feel as if they were back to the feeling they had when they first came into contact with a soul-based game.

The big tree guard at the beginning directly caused countless players to be beaten to pieces.

And this is just the beginning. Unlike "Bloodborne", "Sekiro" and "Dark Souls", the thread is basically a straight line.

"Elden's Circle" is more like the feeling of the Dark Souls prequel. As an open world, "Elden's Circle" players can go anywhere they can go.

Of course, the consequences of this are very tragic.

Especially the game is full of all kinds of unimaginable malice.

For example, the trap treasure box that made Song Ren want to cry. Who would have thought that this treasure box could teleport players to a later area of the map

And in this area, if players attack with weapons that have not been strengthened initially, it is basically equivalent to scraping.

Even after it was teleported, it still couldn't be teleported away.

It can be said that basically 99% of the players who discover this treasure chest in the Dragon's Breath Ruins will be tricked.

The only consolation for players is that compared to "Bloodborne" and "Dark Souls", "Elden Ring" has a special mechanism in the game, which is to shake people!

In addition to some specific NPC helpers who can be called upon to assist players in fighting the boss, there is also a special system mechanism in the game: ashes.

In the game, players can obtain various ashes that can adjust spirits, and use the soul-calling bell to call out various soul helpers.

With these ashes, players can even achieve the situation of playing more and less.

For some novice players with weak hands, this is simply their lucky star!

Although it is not a completely crushing one, in Chen Xu's design, the AI performance of the boss and the strength of the ashes will not affect the balance too much.

But the key point is that there is comparison.

"As expected! As the faded person played by the player, he is a completely righteous person!"

In front of the gate of Stonewell City, Song Ren couldn't help but sigh when he saw the ominous demons being attacked by jellyfish and the magician Roger summoned by the gate.

The thing that impressed him most deeply in the martial arts TV dramas he watched before was the line shouted by the righteous hero: What kind of morality can we talk about with such evil and crooked ways? Come on, everyone!

Now he could finally experience this feeling.

He strayed into the prison tunnel from the Dragon's Breath Ruins, and escaped from it only after defeating nine cows and two tigers.

God knows what happened to him along the way.

In the prison tunnel, he was beaten by the miners and the supervisor Pipi Xia.

After leaving the mine, he wanted to take a look at the outside world.

It turned out that there was an abandoned magic academy, and there were all kinds of enemies who knew how to be magicians. They had long-range attacks, melee attacks, and some even had long-range attacks. It could be said that they all had it all, letting him know what it was like to be beaten by a group.

And the land called Galid is full of countless malices. In this land polluted by scarlet corruption, in addition to living corpses of neither humans nor ghosts, and various weird bugs, there are also people infected by scarlet corruption. Corruption-infected mutant creatures, rats and crows with glowing red eyes. As for the rotten knight in the scarlet corruption pool, it can be described in two words: terrifying.

In this land, Song Ren fully felt what it meant to be a weakling.

Not to mention the boss, any monster can be beaten to death.

So after teleporting back to Nimgefu, Song Ren headed towards Stonewell City honestly.

And here, he also encountered the second real boss in the game: the evil omen demon.

Big crutches, fast and slow knives, the finishing touch is hard to reflect.

He felt that the original big tree guard was already difficult enough.

But this ominous demon made him understand what it meant to be strong among the strongest.

The only thing that makes him happy is that the game can be played with more players and less players.

Help your NPC teammates, and summon ashes that shake people.

The jellyfish given to him by a plot NPC like Little Red Riding Hood was paired with the magician Roger.

It was a straight three-on-one justice.

But even though it was justice three against one, Song Ren still found it difficult.

The most important point is that this justice is three against one. He feels that the ashes he summoned and his teammates are very stupid.

As the boss, the evil omen demon is quite flexible and smart.

"No! You are a magician! Do you know what a magician is? Why the hell are you going up to fight the boss!? What will I do with my little jellyfish if you die!?"

Resurrected again, summoned the magician Rogier. After entering the door, he looked like a desperate man, rushing to the side of the evil omen demon, and then was whipped away by a cane. Rogier reluctantly got up and rushed over again. At this moment, Song Ren Finally I couldn't help but complain.

Justice three against one, this sounds really good.

But the key point is that this Rogier is clearly eyeing the title of a magician, but he insists on fighting hand-to-hand with the evil omen demon.

As a magician, apart from seeing him place a handsome sword array above his head, Song Ren was fighting hand-to-hand with evil omens and ghosts throughout the whole process.

Although there were helpers, the rhythm of the battle was completely messed up.

What Song Ren didn't know about was that Chen Xu had made many changes to the combat system of "Elden Ring" in his previous life.

In the previous life, the battle system of Elden's Ring was the most complained about by players, which was the frequent application of read commands and the overly strong ashes hatred mechanism.

The command-reading mode makes all bosses look a bit like dung monsters. The boss raises his hand and puts it there. If you don't attack him, he will attack. If you don't roll, he will not move.

This means that if you react, you will most likely be attacked, which can be said to be a mindless exchange of blood between the monster and the player.

At the same time, the ashes' hatred mechanism and thick blood volume allow monsters to keep staring at the ashes and ignore the players next to them.

Therefore, in the previous life's "Elden Ring", the difficulty curve with or without the younger brother was not reduced from the so-called 100 to 90, but directly from 100 to 50.

Now regarding the combat system of "Elden Ring", it can be said that Chen Xu has worked very hard.

When recruiting younger NPCs and ashes helpers, the boss's AI will be significantly improved, and his moves will become more confusing.

In single-player mode, the boss does not read instructions mindlessly. Instead, the player is more likely to react to the boss' attack by raising his hand, just like the boss hunting battle in "Monster Hunter: World".

If you are familiar with the boss's attack patterns, it will be more efficient and simpler without NPCs and subordinates.

And for the first time, with the help of younger brothers and NPCs, the error tolerance rate is slightly higher.

Although Song Ren felt a little stronger than the previous big tree guard, after more than an hour of fierce fighting, with the help of his younger brother and the jellyfish, he still managed to stab the evil omen ghost to death with the big halberd in his hand.

"I am indeed a faded person full of a sense of justice!"

Looking at the ominous demon who didn't forget to say harsh words after his tragic death, and thinking of the magician and the jellyfish brother who died heroically, Song Ren couldn't help but sigh.

Moral support from many, scant support.

Why does he have teammates, but this ominous monster like an empty nester doesn't

Because he is a faded one full of justice!