Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 843: unanimously praised


'High difficulty, this has always been the characteristic of Souls game that players call it. I don't deny this. I believe that behind every player who conquers the boss in the game, there will also be a depressed player who gives up the game. For these players who feel that the game I feel so sorry for the players who have so much to overcome. '

'Difficulty is the designer's prerogative. Not every game has to cater to everyone. I have always believed in this and have always acted on it. '

'But similarly, high difficulty and difficulty are not the only labels for Souls games... High difficulty is what gives the game experience meaning, and I don't want to give up on it. It is indeed one of the labels of the game. '

'But compared to high difficulty, I hope more players can feel the joy of overcoming difficulties and suffering. In real life, death is a terrible thing, but in the game we can give death a more With more content, it shouldn't just be painful, it can become pleasurable. '

'As for players thinking that the ashes and powerful combination of combat skills make the difficulty of the game easier, I do not deny this. Even when developing "Elden Ring", we were heading in this direction. . '

'Different from insisting that players improve their operational skills, we have made appropriate changes in the Ring of Laws. However, this is not a compromise to lower the threshold of the game. We want players to have more ways to solve a problem. Make them feel tough. '

'Yes, that's right, that is 'solving problems'. In previous Souls games, there are many similar things. Friendly advice left by predecessors, and having helpers who can help you. In "Elden's Circle" 》 is presented to players as an open world, we have more choices and fill more content into this world. '

'In this way, when players encounter an insurmountable difficulty, they can explore the world and discover some content that can help them overcome the difficulty. I believe players will enjoy this problem-solving process. '

… … …

When players saw Chen Xu's long reply, their first reaction was to be a little confused.

After all, although Chen Xu would also participate in some interactions with players in the past, and even held live broadcasts to demonstrate games to players, the first impression he always gave players was that he was one of his own, a designer who understood their players.

But this is the first time such a long explanatory article has been published. Many players even saw Chen Xu's article and wondered if someone had copied Chen Xu's ID.

However, after reading what Chen Xu said, many players also applauded.

'Although Mr. Chen said a lot, I could see a meaning between the lines: the game is difficult, but players don't care, because this is all intentional on my part. '

'So, is this the reason why, Mr. Chen, you designed so many disgusting monsters and mechanisms in the game to deliberately torture us? '

'Ahem... Guys upstairs, don't go upstairs! Although I also want to attack Mr. Chen. '

'To be honest, Mr. Chen said it very well. In an open world, isn't it normal to fight the boss or find other ways to break the situation? '

'That's right, although it is a Souls game, to be honest, "Elden's Ring" gave me a feeling of playing "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild". '

'If you really want to say it has flaws, there are indeed flaws, but these flaws outweigh the flaws. This is definitely one of the best open worlds I have played in the past two years! '

'+1, it's a stand-alone game, you can play it however you want? You say these schools are powerful, you can’t use them? Or are you saying that you can't defeat Valkyrie, Black Sword and Broken Star without using them? '

'On the one hand, he said that the routines are too strong and make the game boring, but on the other hand, he used them himself and said that the boss was designed to be so difficult just to make players use these routines. I have told you all the good and bad things, but don't you just deny that you are good at it? '

'That is to say, difficulty itself is a feature of Souls games, but "Elden Ring" has many more ways to solve difficulties than previous Souls games. Now I dislike the routines in the game and want to experience the training. I have passed the skill level, but I feel that the monster is too powerful, and all my words have been finished by you. '

Although Chen Xu didn't say it in the article, some reasonably sane players know very well that the players who previously said that ashes and war ashes make the game boring are simply changing their concepts.

Naturally, stand-alone games also have the so-called balance, but imbalance means that there is a special routine that is very powerful, so powerful that other routines are completely incomparable with it.

For example, the A routine can directly kill the boss in one wave, but the benefits brought by the BCD routine are too low, and beating the boss is just a scrape.

This is an imbalance in balance.

In "Elden Ring", Chen Xu made appropriate adjustments to the famous sword Yueyin, glass cannon, android ashes and turtle spear routines by referring to the balance in his previous life.

Although there is no way to achieve the exact same starting line, they are definitely playable routines, and the difference in intensity is not very big.

In terms of revenue effects, at least in the first or second week, no one will be weak enough.

In addition, this is a stand-alone game, so how to play it depends entirely on the player, not like an online game.

In most online games, many players actually have no choice.

Because if you don’t use it, other people will damage your gaming experience if they use it. Even if you don’t want to use it but to take care of your own gaming experience, you will be forced to use it.

As for the stand-alone game "Elden's Ring", the content of pvp and pve is completely different from the same mode.

These routines will only be slaughtered like pigs when used in PVP. As for routines such as golden trees, shields and cannons, Chen Xu also specially adjusted the balance in the game.

It can be said that there is no such thing as saying that other people's use affects the game experience.

If it really has an impact, it is probably factors outside the game, such as the psychological persecution that affects one's pretense.

Of course, there are still a small group of players who still express their dissatisfaction with "Elden Ring" online, and some radical players directly expelled Chen Xu from his soul.

But Chen Xu didn't care. He didn't show up after posting this long post.

The mainstream topic of "Elden's Ring" has also been completely turned around.

At the same time, "Elden's Ring" has become completely popular. This popularity does not refer to fame, but includes sales.

In addition to their excellent content, the previous Souls games also had excellent meme effects.

Excellent art, plot and world view settings, as well as artistic level creation, coupled with the high difficulty and the social media communication of the anchor's suffering, have made the Soul game very famous.

But in fact, there are more cloud players, because playing the Souls game yourself and watching it are really two completely different experiences, especially handicapped players who really have no way to experience the fun of the Souls game.

You can't beat the mobs and the boss. How can you feel the grand setting of the plot and the exquisite plot design in this case

But "Elden's Ring" is different. Without reading the guide, 90% of the players will have a hard time entering it.

But with the emergence of strategies, in addition to being familiar with the boss's fighting style and tricks, subsequent players can suffer a lot less.

This has also made "Elden's Circle" have the highest sales among souls games.

Exquisite graphics, appropriate and colorful gameplay, shocking art design and world view settings, these elements have made "Elden Ring" an open-world Souls game and won unanimous praise from players and the media. .