Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 846: An integrated world


If you are an old soul player, you will most likely have a strong sense of déjà vu when playing "Elden Ring".

In ancient times, the world was ruled by immortal ancient dragons. Until one point, fire was born in the world, and light and darkness, life and death were derived. Finally, a group of people gained the power of the First Fire. Among them, Gwen, the most powerful, created the Age of First Fire. , White Dragon and Witch created corresponding magic and spell systems.

From the background, it seems to be very similar to "The Ring of Elden", including the main plot. The Faded One becomes the King of Elden, either continuing the golden Elden era of law, or The whole world will usher in a new era, or completely collapse.

But when players went deeper into "Elden's Ring" and gradually understood the world view behind it, they discovered the difference.

That is, this world is too huge, not just the content of the game.

Including the world view and story, it can be said that "Elden Ring" is the master of soul-based games.

Not only Dark Souls, but also Bloodborne, you can find similar background settings in the game.

In the distant ancient times, there was no golden tree in the border area, and there was no yin and yang of life and death in the world. Until the emergence of the furnace of life and the destiny of death, there was pure life and death in the world.

They are independent of each other, but dependent on each other. The furnace needs to die so that the life it produces can return to the furnace. Just like the flow of life in "Final Fantasy", the creatures return to the planet after death.

And the destined death also needs a furnace that symbolizes life to produce believers.

The queen with night-colored eyes is the first master of the Destined Death, and her subordinates, called Divine Skin Messengers, hunt down the believers of the gods from all walks of life. They are the lives that emerge from the furnace.

In this way, the lives that came out of the furnace of life turned into ancient dragons, giants, humans, and beasts one by one. The lives proliferated, formed alliances with each other, and fought with each other, and met their destined deaths at the junction.

But whether it was the giant who drove away the ice dragon and cast the cauldron of fire in the distant snowy mountains, or the Dragon King Platon Sankos who sat in the dragon royal city of Famu Yazra in the slit of time and space.

This is the earliest era of life, but it is not the era when civilization was born.

Unlike human beings who symbolize civilization, the so-called civilization in the border area is just a concept.

The border area needs stable rule, but in a world with gods, theocratic religion and rule can never be separated. Faith drives the need for a common ruler.

There is a strange rule in the borderland, that is, Tong rule must be carried out with the combination of God + King.

After the ancient dragon king and gods, the golden tree dynasty Godfrey was left, Radagan abandoned his wife and daughter and returned to inherit the throne. The blood king Mengg, who attempted to establish a new dynasty, kidnapped the sacred tree Mikaela, and Lani from the last star era. and faders.

No matter how times and protagonists change, this combination has never changed.

So in order to have a king who could comply with the rules of the border area, the dragon clan with the power of storm and thunder was selected, and the finger in the game was the civilization or the incarnation of the god behind it.

Flame has always been considered the origin of civilization, just like the ancient Sui people in the East who made fire kudzu and the Prometheus in the West who stole fire.

But fingers are as much the origin of civilization as flames. It is precisely because of finger-headed primates that they have the ability to make a variety of tools, such as throwing rocks and pointed tree spears. The strength is not enough to match the tigers and leopards, but as long as the skill points are added to the IQ, the primates with fingers can play with these powerful tigers and leopards to death.

So under the guidance of the Five Fingers, the incarnation of civilization, the Dragon Clan temporarily became the supreme leader of the border area, and civilization emerged.

Discipline and self-control are the symbols of the dragon civilization. Godfrey, who suppresses his wild nature and is the prime minister of the beast, Serothio, and Gulange, who is shackled in the temple of beasts, are the incarnations of civilization. They believe in the precepts and self-control. Lock your own 'wildness' in your body.

This is why in the game, when the Faded One faces Godfrey, he will kill the tiger and lion behind him when he reaches the second stage, which the Faded One thought was a pet at first, because that is the existence that restrains his wild nature, and he is unwilling to do so. He could no longer endure the red tape that represented self-control and etiquette in civilization, so he chose to abandon his identity as Godfrey and become the representative barbarian warrior of the wilderness - Holero.

In the end, they did succeed, giving life and civilization, and the Age of Dragons became the first civilization, but it was nothing more than a dream.

Because foreign civilization has ushered in the land at the junction.

The first batch of alien civilization was a race called the Xi people. Compared with the indigenous people in the border area who established the dragon civilization under the guidance of their fingers, the Xi people already had their own mature civilization. The Xi people who believed in the stars soon A civilization different from the Dragon Civilization was established, which is the so-called Eternal City.

However, although the Greeks have established their own civilization, this race does not like fighting and loves research. They just want to return to their hometown: the starry sky.

But unlike the peace-loving Greeks, a golden meteor fell on the border at the same time, and this golden meteor carried the Golden Tree and the Beast of Elden.

If we say that Xiren is a homebody who wants to go home, the kind who has nothing to do with the world.

Then the golden trees are the kings of trouble. What they believe in is the only one, and this only one is themselves.

Clear away all other laws in the world and only retain yourself as the only law. This is the golden tree.

So when they arrived at the junction, the first person to be brutally attacked was the Forge of Life.

When the golden meteor fell to the junction, the seeds of the golden tree fell into the furnace of life. However, instead of being melted by the furnace and becoming the life of the junction, the seeds took root and sprouted in it, and even swallowed the authority of the furnace of life, using the furnace of life as the base. The first generation golden tree was born.

The Golden Tree, which is also integrated with the Life Furnace, also inherits the characteristics of the Life Furnace, but is more extreme.

That is the only law that the Golden Tree believes in, advocating that there should be no real death in the world, and that both body and soul should return to the tree to be reborn.

This naturally conflicts with the Queen of Night Snacks, who is in charge of the fate of death. However, at this time, the Golden Tree is still dormant and developing silently, preparing to spawn the Six Gods and come out to pacify the world.

But at this moment, a meteor disrupted the plans of all the conspirators on the border.

And this initiator is the peace-loving Xi people. The goddess with dark eyes, the golden tree, the furnace of life, and the dragon civilization that is about to collapse in the outside world have nothing to do with the Xi people. After all, they have no ambitions.

But their other habit of doing research has created a big problem.