Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 847: golden age


As the Xi people who believe in the stars, the most important thing for them is to find their way home. Among the Xi people, they followed the path of the first astrologers. They frequently peered into the universe in the hope of finding their way home. He also learned the first magic from the crystallized man on the top of the Giant Mountain.

Moreover, the Xi people who love research have also researched many origin magics, and during the research process, many magicians of the Xi people have glimpsed the gods originating from the depths of the universe.

They are ancient and powerful existences in the universe, great things beyond the imagination of ordinary creatures and above the laws of the universe.

Therefore, after the astrologers of the Xiren clan caught a glimpse of these indescribable true appearances, they died suddenly on the spot one by one.

But even so, it still didn't stop the curiosity of the Xiren tribe, and they showed a demeanor that they would die if they heard about it in the morning.

More and more types of magic have been studied by the Xiren clan. I don’t know whether it is because of frequent peeks at this mysterious and great existence, or because of some taboos. A huge meteor hits the junction, among which is located The dark stars that transformed the Holy Snowfield and the dark abandoned children that caused the destruction of the Eternal City are all star beasts located on this meteor.

Compared with the previous meteors from the Golden Tree and the Beast of Elden, this time the meteor caused by the Xi people was a disaster.

Because the consequence was that half of the entire junction was sunk.

The power that destroyed the sky and destroyed the earth directly took away the night sky of the Xi people and smashed the Xi people from the ground to the ground. The Shivla River and the Ansel River directly turned into underground rivers in this catastrophe.

At the same time, the Golden Tree, which was continuing to gain strength and prepare to develop a wave of Six Gods to fight against the Destined Death, was also stunned. Not only was its position shifted, but its vitality was severely damaged. The broken branches fell on the royal city of Rodel. re-develops nearby.

This wave of Xi people, who were almost exterminated, repopulated underground and became brothers with the Tauren and other races next door, and helped them establish the Uru Dynasty.

It's just that even if the Xiren clan encountered this meteor catastrophe, they still played their own games. Even if they helped other races, they basically ignored them. From beliefs to rights, the Xiren clan never interfered, but continued to study in isolation. own magic.

Even because of Esti's meteor, the Xiren clan had a new idea just like a joke.

That's why they can't find their hometown or the stars

Because there is a lack of navigation sign, if that's the case, then wouldn't they just create a navigation sign

So the researchers from the Xi people sat together and figured it out. Let’s stop believing in the stars that we can’t see now. Let’s make a new road sign. When we find the stars in the future, we will believe in them.

In this way, the Xiren clan developed a new magic and a new direction, which was the full moon.

This is also the reason why the faded ones later in the game can find the corresponding full moon documents through the Moon of Nokstra.

The Xi people are still trying to find their way back to their hometown. If nothing unexpected happens, they will continue to do so.

But obviously an accident happened. Esti is not a single creature, but a group of people parasitic on the meteor.

When the meteors fell to the earth, they fell in all directions of the junction. This is why the faded ones in the game can see the dark stars in the Holy Snowfield, and can also see the dark abandoned children underground.

These alien populations are called the Black and White King by the creatures in the border area. In order to fight against the Black and White King, the Xi people, tauren, giants, and dragons in the border area all united. This battle should have decided a winner. .

But a new uninvited guest ushered in, the corrupt god Scarlet God, just like the plague in the European Middle Ages. Before, neither the slowly growing golden tree nor the White King and other races had the intention to destroy the world. , the Esti family only appeared due to the supreme will used to destroy the Eternal City.

But Scarlet and thousands of Zerg want to completely devour the entire world, among which Pipi Shrimp is the leader.

The Lake of Corruption in the game is the center of the battlefield where the fiercest battle was fought. The corrupted dragon soldiers in the center, the remains of humans and tauren in the pile of bones, and the dead White King of the Esti family on the high platform in the lake, are located downstream. The dark abandoned children and corrupted tree spirits, from the traces left behind, we can still feel how intense the war was back then.

It was also because of this war that the relationship between the white kings and the creatures in the border area was slightly relaxed. Some white kings even became young men and did not mix with their own tribe, but with the richer and more powerful elders. The eldest brother ran away.

For example, the Seliya Magic Town in Galede and the gravity magic of General Broken Star were all learned from the Meteor Star Beast and the White King.

However, in this scarlet war, the most eye-catching ones are the goddess with dark eyes and the blind girl swordsman. The latter became the teacher of the Valkyrie and taught the sword technique of flowing water, while the goddess with dark eyes Simply because he is the first god destined to die and hunts down the demigods of the scarlet camp.

But after the war, its powerful power attracted the Xi people in the Eternal City. So the Xi people abandoned the full moon, and instead believed in the destined death and respected her as the goddess of the night. This was later called "Nok Stella" The meaning contained in "Lost Their Moon", including the fact that players can find an ashes to summon the Night Swordsman in the Eternal City in the game also comes from this.

However, it is precisely because the goddess of the night has gained the trust of the Greeks. Now, as the representative of destined death, God has a king, and it is still unclear who will win in the battle between the two.

Among them, the bionic teardrops and the big iron ball of the Eternal City are the products left by his shaping king.

At the same time, the fingers of civilization are not one, but are divided, just like the great families in ancient times.

The most powerful among them is the Golden Tree Dynasty, and a truly outstanding person appeared in the Golden Tree Dynasty, that is the goddess Malika.

Defeat the Night-Eyed Goddess with the Shadow Beast Marigus as the main character, and seal the destined death.

Forged the Golden Law to create the Ring of Elden, and recruited Godfrey into the Golden Family to become the first king of the Golden Dynasty, and gave birth to the golden prince Godwin with the talent of a king. His talent, wisdom and charm are so powerful that It is unbelievable that he led his army on an expedition to Sky City and returned with a great victory, and not only did he return with a great victory, but his charisma even conquered the ancient dragon Forsankos, and even after his death, the ancient dragon himself was eroded by death. , almost losing his mind but still not forgetting to resurrect the prince.

For a time, the Golden Dynasty had the intention of sweeping across the border areas and forging eternal divine power.

But in order to forge the Ring of Elden and seal the fate of death, those foreign gods who were attracted to the junction, such as the stars in the outside world and Scarlet who had just been suppressed, began to act like monsters again.

The top brass of the Golden Dynasty thought this was not possible.

After finally conquering the dynasty, who can bear being treated like this

Just like building the Great Wall, as soon as the top brass of the Gold Group gathered together, they would find high-end combat power to suppress the Scarlet Red and Star Outer Gods.

How to find high-end combat power

Give birth to a son.

The previous Golden Prince was so awesome, wouldn't it be nice to make two more

So the goddess Malika became pregnant with her second child.

But I never expected that a hidden danger would arise at this time. It may be that the birth of Godwin has used up all its potential. The second child actually gave birth to two bad omens, which were later known as the Bad Omen King and the Blood King.

As the Golden Law, the Elden Ring is unstable, there are gods outside, and what should I do if my second child has two bad omens and it doesn't work

So Queen Malika made an incredible move, which was to extract the Golden Law from Elden's Circle and use it as a clone, wouldn't it be good

So Radagan, the other side of the goddess Malika, appeared, and Radagan's approach was similar to the previous one. As the mother body cannot give birth to new gods, wouldn't it be better to find someone else to take its place? So Radagan found the Queen of the Full Moon, Lenora.

Were the two sides once mortal enemies? Different beliefs

It doesn't matter, let's find out about the beauty trap, so Lenara was quickly captured by Radagon, and just as the goddess Malika expected, Radagon and Lenara gave birth to three demigods.

Moon Princess Lani, Broken Star General Latarn, Grand Inquisitor Rakad.

Among them, General Broken Star is a being with explosive combat power, suppressing the stars in the sky with the power of one person.

For a time, the Golden Dynasty seemed to be prosperous, with the Golden Law ruling the people inside and General Shattered Star suppressing the gods outside. It could be described as a civilized and martial arts.

But no one knew that the goddess Malika, who was the greatest contributor to the creation of the Golden Dynasty, would soon personally destroy the golden age she created.