Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 853: Harvest day


There is no doubt that this is the promotional video for Nebula Games’ latest game.

But the key point is that the progress bar of this latest promotional video does not hold up.

At this most critical moment, it suddenly disappeared!

'I vomited! This fucking promotional trailer can be cut off! '

'That's right, are you ready to fight to the Nebula Games headquarters with me? '

'Brother upstairs, stop bragging! As long as there is someone who can kill Nebula Games headquarters in so many years, I will not see this one just showing an ordinary promotional video. '

'But what I'm more curious about is that judging from this promotional video, it seems that this is not a counter-terrorism game, but a robbery game? '

With the release of this promotional video, players are also talking about it.

Putting aside the fact that the game disappeared halfway through, what surprised many players the most was that this unknown game seemed a little different from what they imagined.

This does not seem to be the anti-terrorist game they imagined at the beginning. Judging from various shots and background introductions, it seems to be a game with gangsters as the main perspective. In other words, they are playing gangsters in the game

'So this is asking us to put on masks and be robbers? '

'Damn it, this robber has to be said to be a bit handsome, right? A thug in a suit? '

'This game looks a bit awesome! '

'No, the key is to be really professional! '

'That's right, compared to some other robbery games, this game feels super professional! '

'For the first time, I learned that there are dye banknotes and there are tracking chips inside the banknotes. '

'Yes, it feels much more professional than the robbers in some movies and TV series. You can see that they even have cable ties specially designed to control hostages. '

'That's right, and in order to prevent the hostages from becoming unstable, there is a comfort person at the door. '

The players' performance was very exciting.

Although from the perspective of playing a gangster, it is completely incorrect compared to the normal three views, it is undeniable that this direction does make players feel happy, and it feels very exciting just to think about it.

And the content in the promotional video is even more exciting for players.

Because the gangsters in this promotional video are simply too professional.

Players don’t know what real gangsters look like, but obviously players will figure it out for themselves.

Regardless of whether the player plays the role of a good guy or a bad guy, in fact, players hope that the gangsters are a group of highly intelligent beings, rather than simple fools.

After all, if you play the bad guy, then the player himself is the gangster. If he behaves like Tie Hanhan in the game, what sense of immersion will he have

And if the player plays the role of a good guy, will it be an achievement to arrest a highly intelligent criminal, or will it be an achievement to arrest a group of fools

So the video of "Payday" released by Chen Xu directly made everyone excited.

Of course, due to some sensitive reasons, like previous games, Chen Xu also took many protective measures for "Payday".

The first is the various corresponding warnings, and the game's undoubtedly 17+ rating.

At the same time, it guides players, saying that this game is not a pure crime game, but allows players to have awe of life and the law.

Although all players know that this is definitely bullshit, this is a refreshing game.

But this method is still very necessary.

After all, the current size of Nebula Games is here, and not only Nebula Games but also other manufacturers are stepped on every year by a group of people who are looking for trouble.

Many parents who are indifferent to their children, and may not even know what their children do in a day, when they find that their children's academic performance is not as good as others, they will definitely find a place to blame, among which games are the first to bear the brunt. Is it their own fault? Of course, we can't admit it. As for the games, there are still TV series, animations, etc. Then we will be weird one by one.

Are the characters in the game bleeding and injured? That's excessive violence.

Are women in games too beautiful? Is that objectifying women? There are no women in the game? That's sexism!

Small animals in the game can be killed, which is animal cruelty!

For most players, it is actually very clear that a game is just a game. Unless it is a particularly excessive game, the game itself is just a commodity for people to entertain themselves.

But there are always some people, maybe they really think so, or maybe it’s profitable, so they are trying to fight against it anyway.

Therefore, Nebula Games' own legal department, as well as the top contracting firms, have rich experience in this area.

In fact, it is also expected. After the game's promotional video was released, there were constant quarrels on the Internet, not only among players, but also inside and outside the gaming circle.

Some players believe that this is a normal cultural expression. After all, there are similar works in movies and TV series.

Some experts continue to criticize the game.

But for Chen Xu, he didn't care at all.

After all, it’s not the first time, and the game was successfully rated and released with a version number.

If you are not convinced, just contact the authorities.

Amid these criticisms, the popularity of "Payday" has also continued to rise, and at the same time, Chen Xu also released a follow-up promotional video.

Just as the players expected, the second video shows a hot scene that connects to the previous video.

Sewers, stairwells, firearms and grenades, and various heated conflicts make players feel like they have watched a wonderful police movie.

At the same time, in the second video, players finally know the name of the game: "Payday".

… … …

Amid players' expectations and the ongoing controversy, "Payday" has also successively announced some new news and content.

Players basically have a general understanding of the content of this game.

This is not a large-scale game, but a PVE game with maps as levels.

Although some players are a little disappointed by this, it is not too unexpected. After all, the time from the news to the development and launch of "Payday" was not long.

Moreover, it is a small-scale game, but it is compared with Nebula Games itself and major game companies such as FOW.

As a VR version, and Nebula Games is not short of money, the graphics in the game can be said to be quite exquisite.

Not to mention the shooting feel and action performance, "Payday" produced by Chen Xu can be said to have completely surpassed the previous "Payday" in this part of the experience.

At the same time, in conjunction with the game's AI performance, the game controls hostages and allows them to perform actions. Even as a type of tactics, it is quite different from the previous "Payday".

The same is true for infiltration, at least there will be no butt-to-butt situations, but the NPC was stunned not to notice the masked robber.

Of course, this improvement in AI means that the infiltration gameplay will become more difficult, so Chen Xu has also planned many levels, and the maps in the game will be larger to increase players' fun in the game. .