Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 854: Three stupid gangsters attack!


Soon, amid the intense anticipation and controversy, "Payday" officially ushered in its launch date.

Regarding this game, except for the previous promotional video, Chen Xu did not conduct much publicity for the entire game.

It’s not because the game is not big in size, it’s just that the subject matter of the game is a bit controversial. Even though Nebula Games is so big here, it can’t keep a low profile. “Payday” is still a point of debate, but for Chen Xulai It is still important to have a corresponding attitude.

But for players, it has been long awaited.

Perhaps this is not the best game under Nebula Games, but it is the most attractive in terms of gimmicks.

After all, most people are not the sages recorded in history or stories. It is more or less inevitable that they may have some dark thoughts in their hearts, but these dark sides cannot occupy the peak because of the law, morality and the good side. .

But in the game, players can choose to vent and release.

As always, the game has not started yet, and many players who are looking forward to this game are calling their friends and waiting for the game to be unlocked.

After all, through previous information, players already know the gameplay elements of this game, that is, it is a PVE cooperative game, and there are also elements of grinding.

For this type of game, it's obvious that you'll get exponentially more fun playing it with friends.

… … …

In the Nebula world, Zhang Yi, Song Ren and Wang Han are also looking forward to the start of the game.

Let’s not talk about Zhang Yi and Song Ren. Although Sunset Red, whose marksmanship is really bad, represents an outstanding person, if there is a horse failure, these two people will basically be banned from playing one FPS game.

But as big men, most people are born with a relatively high affinity for this kind of exciting and exciting games, and the two of them are obviously one of the majority.

As for Wang Han, although she is a female gamer, she is still a hardcore player, and she also looks forward to this type of game.

It was actually hard for her to refuse to experience the excitement of robbing a bank in the game.

What's more, this game called "Payday", at least when it comes to robbing banks, judging from the previous promotional videos, can only be described as professional.

"What are you going to call me? Shouldn't it be a more personal ID?" Song Ren said excitedly while waiting.

"Change ID? Sense of substitution?" Zhang Yi was a little confused.

"No, compared to the kind of bank robbery in "Red Dead Redemption", Payday looks very professional from the previous promotional videos. Since the game is so professional, we as players have to stand up!" Song Ren said matter-of-factly.

"It does make sense, um... My name is Zhang Mazi. He sounds like a vicious gangster, and he also has the flavor of the times." Zhang Yi thought about it and quickly decided on his ID name.

"You might as well call me Zhang San. Not only have you done robberies, but you've also done anything illegal." Wang Han couldn't help but complain.

"Zhang Sanduo sounds ugly, and we are gangsters. Zhang Mazi is more suitable for the situation." Zhang Yi retorted.

"Very good. I'll call you Song Silang then. I have the spirit of the times just like you. I was originally the fourth eldest son of the landowner, but when the government forced the people to rebel, I had no choice but to become a bandit." Song Ren also has a very sense of substitution. said.

As the initiator of opinions, he not only gave himself a bad name, but also planned the relevant role background.

"You two, don't let the tough gangsters turn into stupid gangsters!" Wang Han, who was standing next to him, really couldn't complain about these two people.

The level of the game is very poor, but there are really many scenes!

Faced with Wang Han's words, Zhang Yi and Song Ren didn't pay attention. At this time, their minds had already imagined that they were in the game, transforming into green forest thieves and rushing into jewelry stores, committing robberies and then escaping in a hail of bullets. picture.

How exciting!

It's a pity that Qiao Yi and Wang Yifan are not here. There are only three of them today. You must know that this game can support up to four people to rob together!

The three of them were bragging, and soon it was time to unlock the game. Without any hesitation, the three of them quickly entered the game, and then gave each other their in-game IDs: Zhang Mazi, Song Silang, and Wang Dabiao.

"Let's go through the basic tutorial tasks first, and then form a team." Zhang Yi suggested.

"Okay, I read the introduction and it seems that this game is quite different." Song Ren also nodded in agreement.

The three chatted for a while, then each temporarily closed the voice chat software and entered the novice teaching system.

Compared with the original "Payday", Chen Xu has optimized the content a lot.

The first is the action system in the game, including climbing, crawling, and melee combat performance. The action system in the game is richer than the original version.

In addition, there are some detailed performance contents, higher AI performance, and the hostages in the game will also have more tactful performance, designated to go to special locations, crouch down, and lie down.

After all, for most players in the original version, the role of hostages is basically target practice, teasing, and wasting cable ties. As for the real role, they can exchange teammates, delay the arrival of SWAT, and delay offensive firepower.

For example, SWAT with hostages will not use poison gas, but few players notice it, so Chen Xu also made some enhancements to improve the presence of some hostages.

The novice teaching of the game is not complicated, but it is a little boring for some impatient players. After all, "Payday" is not a big game, and the teaching is difficult to be as good as "The Legend of Zelda: Wilderness" "Breath of Breath" is made in this way, and it can only be taught step by step like most FPS games.

Zhang Yi was not an impatient person originally, but now he was only thinking about becoming a gangster quickly, and he didn't pay much attention to the novice teaching. Basically, he just said that he would do whatever he was asked to do.

The only thing is that he found out that the gangsters in this game are really handsome!

Wearing a suit and a mask, and holding a gun in his hand, the feeling of oppression is overwhelming!

Soon the three of them quickly passed the novice teaching level. As the boss Zhang Mazi, Zhang Yi couldn't wait to pull Wang Dabiao and Song Silang into the team.

"GOGOGO!" Song Ren's impatient voice came from the team's voice.

But after seeing Song Ren's role, he couldn't help it.

"No, you're robbing a bank. Old Song, what's the matter with your mask!? Why do you look like a fool?" Zhang Yi looked at Song Ren's appearance and was speechless.

Song Ren was holding a small pistol in his hand. There was nothing wrong with the suit and weapons on his body, but his mask looked like that of a moron.

"That's it, Lao Song, can't you be normal now? And why don't you two wear bulletproof vests?" Wang Han, who joined the group here, also said.

At the beginning of the game, Chen Xu also gave players two starting funds. Ordinary gold coin players can use this fund to purchase some initial equipment, such as firearms, portable chainsaws that can cut ATMs, and of course, simple masks.

In addition, there are also offshore funds that can accept contract tasks and increase the difficulty of the contract.

As for skill points and cards, these require experience. As for how to get them, it is naturally a matter of doing them.

"What kind of body armor are you wearing? If you wear it, wouldn't my handsome suit be in vain?" Zhang Yi chuckled.

Being handsome is a lifelong matter. Even if you degenerate into a gangster, you can't ignore it.

"Stop talking, let's hurry up and buy the goods. I found that this game is different from Call of Duty. There is no pure plot, and it is similar to Rainbow Six." Zhang Yi said.

According to the previous promotional video, they also have a general understanding of the game content. In the game, they are an organization called Payday. Highly intelligent gangsters from different regions with unique skills gathered together under the leadership of Dallas to start various crimes. activities.

Among them is the place where contracts are mainly received, including but not limited to destruction, theft, robbery, etc.

Depending on the difficulty and scale, the rewards are also different.

"God damn it!" Wang Han couldn't help complaining.

"Although the background setting shows that we are highly intelligent robbers, in fact we are still newbies in the industry. Why don't we try it out a little bit first? I think the mission of these four stores is quite suitable for us. The coffee shop, For convenience stores, let’s start small.” Song Ren suggested.

Considering the game level of themselves and others, Zhang Yi and Wang Han also nodded in agreement.

"GOGOGO, the gangsters attack!"

With exciting slogans, the three soon chose the first robbery contract in the game: four stores.