Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 858: The behavior of an old assassin


Put on the mask representing the robber and the operation officially begins.

In the previous step-by-step mode, they had basically understood the inside. Now Zhang Yi and the others' request is to find the manager of the car dealership and find the key card from him.

According to the description of the mission, the other party is a somewhat bald person wearing a suit, but I don’t know where he is.

"How do we go?" Song Ren looked at Zhang Yi, waiting for him to issue professional instructions for this vote.

"There is no way to go from the front. Let's go from the parking lot and hack into the electrical box to open the door." Zhang Yi thought about the map branch of the car dealer and suggested.

Now they've put their masks back on and pulled out their guns.

Obviously, it is no longer realistic to go in through the front door openly and then go around to the fire staircase in the back hall.

Even though it was a game and not reality, and the NPCs still had the attributes of being deaf and blind, it didn't mean that they were indifferent to the three bandits wearing masks and holding pistols who ran past.

And according to the information I found before, you can also enter the car dealership from the parking lot next to it, but there are two patrolling security guards who need to be careful.

After a little communication, the three people sneaked to the green belt outside the parking lot, opened the electrical box and hacked in, then opened the iron door. They quickly came to a back door using the parked vehicle as a cover.

But here Zhang Yi and the others faced two choices. One was to kill the security guard and get the keys from them, the other was to slide the door and pick the lock to open the back door.

But considering that the battle plan this time was to sneak in, and the positions of the two patrolling security guards were still within the surveillance range of the camera, there was no choice.

"I'll pick the lock. You two keep an eye on it. If the two security guards come, deal with it on the spot. Don't let them call the police or turn on the intercom." As a ghost, she has the stealth talent and can pick locks faster than others. People are faster, so she does the work of sliding the door and picking the lock.

"No problem." Zhang Yi and Song Ren grabbed their guns and lay on the ground, observing the positions of the two security guards through the gaps in the vehicle's chassis.

Wang Han took out a wire and buckle from his pocket and began to fiddle with the keyhole.

"One is coming!" Zhang Yi said in a low voice on the voice channel with a sense of introduction.

In his field of vision, the leather shoes were getting closer and closer to them.

He even felt the sound of footsteps coming from his ears.

Their location was not a blind spot, with only a black car serving as cover.

So as long as the security guard is close, they will be able to find them, and what's even more terrible is that the security guard is still within the surveillance range of the camera, and they have not secured the camera in advance.

In other words, they have to look at their own lives at this time. If the security guard is still within the surveillance range when he discovers them, then the infiltration will fail.

Zhang Yi and Song Ren, who were holding guns in their hands, were a little nervous, but at this time, good news came from Wang Han.

"One second left... Done! Quick, come in!"

Wang Han looked at the progress bar and said quickly, and with a bang, the back door was opened smoothly.

The moment it was opened, three people crept in.

After entering the back door, the security guard outside also approached the door.

Probably hearing the sound of the door closing, the security guard outside showed a puzzled expression. At the same time, Zhang Yi and the others inside the door saw a blue question mark on the security guard's head.

Leaning behind the door, Zhang Yi and the others were very nervous. They were holding pistols equipped with silencers in their hands, and the three pistols were pointed at the door.

As soon as the security guard outside the door came in, he immediately understood why the flowers were so red.

But to their relief, the blue question mark on the security guard's head quickly disappeared.

Listening to the footsteps gradually receding outside, Zhang Yi, Song Ren and Wang Han couldn't help but take a breath.

They had done this kind of robbery in an open and honest manner countless times, and as many as eight hundred enemies died in their hands.

But this kind of sneaking in without being discovered will also make them feel thrilling.

"Perfect sneaking in!" Song Ren sighed with emotion.

"But what should we do next? There is a camera in front, can we just click it?" After carefully groping, Zhang Yi stopped and asked when he quickly approached the security door.

Open the door in front and you can enter the interior of the car dealership. Then you can go to the second floor from the fire stairs, but the key is that there is a camera at the corner.

"Should I just use the silencer to kill it?" Song Ren asked.

"If the silencer is turned off, it might alert others. I'll install an ECM jammer. Judging from the previous layout, it doesn't feel like it's a big problem if it's missing." Wang Han rejected this plan.

"Just install an ECM jammer." Zhang Yi thought for a while and agreed.

As a professional gangster who traveled to major robbery scenes, Wang Han took out an ECM jammer device like a phone from his fourth-dimensional backpack and prepared to install it on the ground.

However, at this moment, I heard a sudden click from the security door connected to the car dealership in the corridor.

A yawning patrol security guard opened the door and walked in, as if he wanted to get some air.

For a moment, the game seemed to be in silent mode. The security guard looked at the three masked gangsters with a confused expression. Before he could react, a blue question mark appeared above his head.

Then the question mark instantly turned into a scarlet exclamation point. At the same time, one hand of the security guard touched the walkie-talkie on his chest, and the other hand reached for the pistol on his waist, ready to shout.

But right now.

'biubiubiubiu… '

A series of silenced gunshots rang out, and the security guard in front of him had a row of bullet holes, and his body fell softly.

Wang Han, who was completely immersed in the game, rushed forward and grabbed the body of the security guard who was about to fall.

Zhang Yi picked up the walkie-talkie on the ground and fooled the security guard on the opposite side.

Song Ren quietly closed the door.

"It's okay, we are not exposed." Zhang Yi looked back and forth at Song Ren and Wang Han who were in shock, took a sip and said in a low voice.

"That's right, kill the people who discovered us, and we won't be exposed." Song Ren also nodded in agreement, and used old Assassin's standard speech as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Then what should we do now?" Wang Han looked at the corpse on the ground.

"It's not a big problem. Let's change his clothes and find a home first." Zhang Yi said as he took out a body bag from his pocket.

I don’t know if it’s because of the favorable conditions I purchased before, or if it’s just the way it was designed.

In the passage, there are two trash cans, which can be used to hide the bodies.

Zhang Yi put the bodies on the ground into black bags and opened the trash can.

He threw it in with a pop, and then Zhang Yi took a deep breath.

"Come on, continue to install the ecm. Our infiltration is perfect so far, no one has discovered us yet!