Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 863: A love letter to all gamers


Although it is an old game, the popularity brought by 'Wrath of the Lich King' is really too great.

Both players and countless game media in the industry are paying attention to this new version of "World of Warcraft".

Professional guilds at home and abroad are working hard to get the first kill in the new version of the copy.

Inside Nebula Games, a meeting is currently taking place.

"Including big IP games from Nebula Games and other manufacturers?"

"Is it made like DOTA?"

"It seems to be promising, but isn't this a competition for the market with ourselves?"

In the conference room of Nebula Games, the core development team was whispering.

Those sitting in the conference room are basically the core employees of Nebula Games, and they are naturally aware of the recent actions.

Nebula Games has obtained authorizations from many well-known IPs from various manufacturers.

In addition, before this, the company also issued a very strange task, that is, to experience these classic series of games, and you must collect them all and complete the story.

Taking into account the direction of the conference, it is obvious that this is a game that includes many big IPs.

This is really serious.


Chen Xu, who was sitting at the front seat, listened to everyone's whispers and smiled slightly.

Then, a brief planning plan appeared on the big screen behind him.

Looking at the words above, Qin Yi, Yang Xin and other core development team members all showed surprised and confused expressions.

Because on a large screen, the displayed title is very simple.

FTG (Fighting Action Game), of course, for players, there is a simpler and clearer name, that is: fighting game.

Everyone looked at Chen Xu a little confused.

As for the reason, it is naturally because of this game type.

If horror games are a niche.

So fighting games can be said to have been forgotten in some corner.

I haven't heard of this type of game for many years.

Fighting games are really like meteors, leaving a bright brilliance in the history of games and then disappearing.

Except for some so-called major fighting companies that can rest on their laurels with once glorious IPs, there are basically no new game manufacturers making a fuss about this genre. There are even fighting games that may be released throughout the year, including independent game designers. No more than double digits.

Especially Meng Zuo, who was previously responsible for negotiating with major manufacturers, was completely confused at this time.

When licensing these IPs, he thought about many aspects, including big IP games, but he never thought that this IP game would be a fighting game!

"Mr. Chen, is this new game a fighting game?"

Although the title of this meeting has been displayed on the big screen.

But Qin Yi and others couldn't help but confirm with Chen Xu again.

"That's right."

Seeing everyone's confused expressions, Chen Xu nodded with a faint smile on his face.

Chen Xu was actually not surprised by the confusion among everyone present.

Because fighting games are really too niche.

If you want to say which game can best demonstrate the player's operating skills, then fighting games are definitely ranked first.

The outcome of an FPS game is based on marksmanship accounting for 50%, tactics accounting for 30%, the remaining 21% due to teamwork, and 10% luck.

Such as betting points, timing, etc. It can be said that these all have some luck in them.

Needless to say, in games like DOTA, most heroes even have the element of luck. If a person is unlucky and plays Phantom Assassin, it means he has less skills, while if he is lucky, he has one more big item. .

The same is true for RTS. Technology accounts for a larger proportion than DOTA and FPS, but there may also be some luck factors.

For example, if you survey the enemy's base at the beginning, if you are lucky, you can survey it first, or if you are unlucky, you can survey it last. This is a completely different result.

Only fighting games can be said to be the purest technical games.

If you can beat it, you can beat it. If you can't beat it, you can't beat it.

But it is too fair, which gives fighting games a fatal flaw, which is the difficulty of getting started.

Street Fighter, which started the craze of fighting games in its previous life, broke the pattern of fighting games and established a new and innovative Samurai Shodown, followed by the indelible legend of Hungry Wolf and the extended King of Fighters in the history of 2D fighting game development.

And VR Warrior, which really kicked off 3D fighting games, and later Tekken.

These fighting games can be said to be very good.

But these same games all have a fatal flaw, that is, it is difficult to get started.

This directly led to the decline of fighting games such as Street Fighter, Tekken, and King of Fighters.

Of course, this is also related to the factors of the times, because games of this type all have a common characteristic, that is, they emerged in the arcade era.

The main source of income for arcade games is actually not the players, but the owners of the arcade stores. Therefore, early arcade games all have a common feature, that is, they are difficult!

It’s not difficult, but how to eat the player’s coins

This kind of development idea has been extended to the era of home computers.

Games from the early home console era, such as the platform-hopping Super Mario, the scroll-breaking Makai Village, MapleStory, Contra, etc., can be said to be beyond the standard in terms of the lives given to players and the game process and difficulty. .

This excessive level of difficulty was, on the one hand, related to the capacity of the game cartridges and the length of the game content at the time. On the other hand, the main reason was the influence of the arcade era. After all, early home console games were all transplanted to arcade machines. , and playing arcade games at home was also a selling point of early home machines.

Therefore, early fighting games all have a common feature, that is, they are difficult to get started.

With the advancement of fighting games, bloody violence is the selling point, and at the same time, Mortal Kombat has been created with hidden characters, venue switching, team battles and aerial combos.

Attacks can defeat strikes, strikes can defeat counterattacks, and counterattacks can defeat attacks, which constitute the death or life of the guessing game system.

These are all entities that have tried to open up a new dynasty in the fighting field, but unfortunately times have changed, except for Mortal Kombat.

Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Tekken, etc. can only survive by relying on fans of the series.

At the beginning, I was also prepared to use hard-core hand-to-hand fighting to follow the breasts. After shaking up the world of Death or Life, only the latter and the character designs were left, and it transformed from a fighting game into a game selling clothes. Members such as Kasumi, Ayane, Hitomi, and Mary Rose are active in major 3D areas. , and in their own beach volleyball.

Kui Ye, who is also in the three major ACTs, went from Greece to Northern Europe, and the strongest ninja Ryu Hayabusa is still following the ring and hugging the girl.

Fighting games seem to have hit a dead end.

Until a game appeared that completely changed the genre of fighting games.

That was 'Super Smash Bros.' in its previous life.

The first generation sold over 5 million copies, and the fifth generation special deluxe edition sold 12.08 million copies in 24 days after it was launched, and that was the sales volume on a single platform.

It's almost a miracle.

This is an extremely special game.

Even when the producers and officials promote it to the outside world, they will not say that this is a fighting game, but emphasize that it is a multiplayer action game.

But it can take into account two extreme groups, hard-core fighting players and ordinary players who don't play fighting games very much.

And as an IP-oriented game, it is definitely not as simple as borrowing skin from other IP-oriented games.

Its game design concept influenced many subsequent fighting games.

For example, Jump, Soul Calibur, and the Naruto series are all influenced by it.

For example, the youth memories of some domestic players such as Hot-Blooded Heroes and Kung Fu Boys in previous lives were also deeply affected by it.

And the more important point is that 'Super Smash Bros.' definitely doesn't mean putting the IP in and then it's done.

Anyone who has played Rendou will understand that this game is not only a fighting game, but also a historical record book of the gaming era, a love letter to all gamers.

Especially as the special edition of the fifth generation, it is called by countless people as the last Super Smash Bros. Brawl game.

Its birth is a miracle in itself.