Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 865: It's a fighting game, but it's not a fighting game


No depth

Hearing the questions raised by Qin Yi and others, Chen Xu smiled and shook his head.

Indeed, when I first saw the game Brawl, I felt that this game had simplified a lot of content as much as possible.

It seems that the scrapping of moves has been cancelled, as well as the percentage health bar setting, which makes the content of Super Smash Bros. seem to have more depth.

But on the contrary, this game has a very high ceiling, even beyond traditional fighting games.

Because the rules surrounding the knock-up mean that the game does not simply clear the enemy's health bar.

You can also be knocked up, down, left, and right, which also means that the map in the game has the concept of terrain killing.

If a player can be shot down into a cliff, there will naturally be corresponding countermeasures.

Standing back is extremely important in Super Smash Bros. It can be said that whether a Brawl player knows how to play this game can be determined by looking at his standing back skills.

The introduction and combination of these contents will create a situation.

Because the failure will only be determined when the ball is knocked out of the field, most ordinary players will focus on fighting in the center of the field.

Coupled with the setting of no health bar, two players can fight in darkness.

Masters, on the other hand, will take the battle to the edge, and even solve opponents off the field or in the air. This involves psychological games and on-the-spot reactions.

No matter what kind of system it is, fighting games are essentially a guessing game that relies on on-the-spot operational reactions and psychological predictions.

As long as this element can be displayed, and as long as the balance of the fighting character is not bad, there will definitely be no lack of so-called depth.

"Don't worry about the depth of the game. In fact, compared to these contents, the most difficult part is the display of game culture in this game." Chen Xu said while looking at the crowd.

"The display of game culture?" Ruan Ningxue, Yang Xin and others did not understand something.

"Because this game not only has the IP of Nebula Games, but also some memorable IP characters in the history of the game, including music, venues, props and fighting characters that can represent the series of games. , including in this game, we also need to bring a huge single-player content to players, and we need to show the series features corresponding to different game characters." Chen Xu explained in detail.

"So, this is why, Mr. Chen, you let us play those old games before!"

Suddenly Qin Yi and others thought of what happened before, when Chen Xu asked several of their core members to fully experience those old games one by one.

"Yes, apart from multiplayer battles, there will be a single-player plot called 'Lighting Star' in the game. We need to design a unique large map and then include scenes from various IPs." Chen Xu nodded.

The single-player content and the plot of the big fight are not complicated. It is simply a story of saving the world and heroes.

The core of the entire single-player gameplay is still the traditional collection element. The life souls formed by the classic characters in each IP are divided into different attributes for players to collect and then strengthen.

Let the single-player plot be like an RPG. Even players with disabled hands can still experience the fun of the game and pass the level by continuously collecting life souls, strengthening the life souls, and then choosing to lower the difficulty.

Compared with ordinary fighting games, the content of the previous battles can be said to be exaggerated, not to mention the classic characters from various IPs.

There are different IPs represented by different characters in the game, and each map has three different forms. Players can seamlessly switch between these maps during the battle.

There are hundreds of maps in the game alone.

And this does not include the number of maps after switching forms.

At the same time, there are thousands of native tracks, and some players even joked that Super Smash Bros. is not a fighting game, but a music player.

In addition, according to different characters, the style of the map is also different, including the props and life souls in the game, they must have characteristics, rather than just a model and a name.

For example, the mushrooms and invincible stars in Super Mario...

Every prop should give players who have played these games a sense of familiarity.

No introduction is needed, even if you don't recognize it at the time, you will recognize it as long as you use it and know that you have played that game.

That's the beauty of Brawl.

Chen Xu did not tell Qin Yi and others about this content.

Because the main fighter also has various moves and moves, Chen Xu will be responsible for them personally.

The main direction of Qin Yi and the others is to create levels, scenes and art.

This can be said to be very important for games like Super Smash Bros.

For example, the consequences of different IPs are that the art styles are extremely confusing, including cartoons, realism, magic...

There are characters full of weapons like Guangyan, there are also family-friendly characters like Mario and Yoshi, and there are also more realistic characters like Cloud and Sephiroth.

It can be said that how to integrate these characters with different painting styles so that players feel that they are not inconsistent is also a very important thing.

In the previous life, IP was integrated into the game, especially when a bunch of IPs were combined together.

After the success of Super Smash Bros., many game manufacturers have also targeted this area, some are opening new stoves, and some are constantly engaging in linkages.

Such as jump, Sony All-Stars Brawl, etc.

But these games have all been reduced to pure fan harvesters, and none of them has achieved the success of Super Smash Bros.

In addition to the gameplay framework and content, its main core is art, which is also the most direct point.

Some of them, like Jump, are pretty good because they are based on Japanese comics.

For fan players, it is actually quite satisfying to be able to control their favorite comic or anime characters to fight, and listen to the voice actors shout exciting lines and gorgeous ultimate moves.

But Sony’s Super Smash Bros. can be said to be a typical negative example.

In the game, we strive to restore every original character, which sounds very consistent with the original work.

But in the end, it made the entire game feel out of place, giving players the feeling that it was taken directly from their respective games.

Not to mention going to play, just looking at it feels weird.

"It feels like the amount of work is huge!" Qin Yi couldn't help but marvel after listening to Chen Xu's introduction to this fighting game.

If they really want to follow this model, wouldn't they have to do their best to restore the scenes in those classic IP games

And it’s not about imitating the surface, but going deep into the inside.

For example, if you want to add elements of Dark Souls into this fighting game, how can you make players who have played this series smile

There are many points, including the Fire Dragon Bridge, the righteous plot killing falling from the sky, the storm that knocks down the big tree, praising the sun, the moonlight sword...

Whether it is from Dark Souls to Bloodborne to Sekiro to Elden's Circle, common points can be found, but these things are only clear to players who have played them.

Rather than just staying on the surface, such as adding a ghost Buddha or a bonfire.

"Don't worry, isn't this the release of a new version of "World of Warcraft"? Players will take their time, and we will take our time." Chen Xu said with a smile.

"But one thing is clear to everyone, that is, although this is the gameplay of a fighting game, I want everyone not to do it with the concept of a fighting game, but to maintain the original concept of "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" and "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild". The mentality of Super Mario Odyssey." Chen Xu said seriously.

This is the characteristic of Brawl.

Although almost most players regard this game as a fighting game.

But whether it is the creative concept or the official promotion, it will never be promoted as a fighting game.

Because this game was originally targeted at casual players.

In the previous life, Lao Ren also focused on this aspect in the promotion and operation of the game.

The official events held by the company include props, must-kills, and map mechanisms to increase the proportion of luck.

Originally, I wanted to prevent Super Smash Bros. from becoming a part of professional fighting e-sports events like EVO, but I could never find a good excuse. So after Sony Interactive Entertainment acquired EVO Fighting Events, I immediately found a reason to make an official announcement overnight to make Super Smash Bros. Project Dou exits EVO.

If you approach Super Smash Bros. with the mentality of making a fighting game, it will definitely turn out to be different.

Its core can only be: a light action game that anyone can get started and have fun playing.