Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 866: Players’ comments


In the office conference room, after listening to Chen Xu explain the concept of this new game, basically everyone understood what Chen Xu meant.

That is, this Super Smash Bros. Brawl needs to have an extremely high upper limit and an extremely low threshold.

The first is its lower limit, which allows players who don’t understand fighting games at all to play the game happily.

Just like its name: Brawl.

It can be played with up to 8 people in a single group or in a team. It can be said that it is completely entertainment-based.

The extremely simple move instructions do not require players to practice it. Players only need to play it to know its attack effect.

Just like the heroes in "DOTA".

You will only ask others what the effect of this hero's skill is, rather than asking others how to use this skill.

If the setting of rubbing moves is cancelled, high-end content can only be presented in subsequent developments.

That is the pursuit extended by combining the game's aircraft attack mechanism!

In the chaos, the so-called combos are replaced by pursuit. There are two situations after the player knocks the opponent away.

One is to take advantage and give up as soon as possible, and the other is to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

Of course, there is no need to talk about giving up when things are good, but it is very important for masters to pursue the victory.

In Brawl, each character has 4 skills, 8 ground moves, and 5 air moves, which means players have to piece together and combine these moves.

Moreover, the map of Super Smash Bros. is different from ordinary fighting games. It is not left and right horizontally, but dynamically spread. This means that the air will be a main battlefield, which brings uncertain factors to the battle.

The joint exploration of entertainment and competition is the reason why Super Smash Bros. is so popular.

Just like games like DOTA.

It can be said that it is very rare for a game to be able to master competitive content. In fact, most games are played by ordinary casual players and players who have not yet crossed the competitive threshold.

For example, in DOTA, those who can really touch the core of the game, know what the current situation is like, and how to win must at least reach the level of transcendence, and these players only account for less than 7% of the entire game.

But it’s impossible without this core content, because then ordinary players will have no direction and goals to move forward, and no motivation to support them in playing.

And not being able to fully master it does not mean that there is no partial mastery. Many players have mastered the core of parts and enjoy it. Only when they feel their own growth can they have the motivation to continue playing.

However, the real performance will not be clear until the game is released.

… …

The production progress of Super Smash Bros. is not very fast. Although it is a fighting game, there are too many different tasks.

Music is not a problem. Just get the corresponding copyright and include it directly in the game.

The key is to make artistic choices. A series of different styles of IP characters and scenes, such as cartoon, realistic, cute, charming and dark, etc., how to blend them without looking obtrusive is the most difficult point.

In addition, there are also character designs that highlight the characteristics of the game. For example, the addition of the Holy Grail Flame will be divided into two different roles: light and flame. Players can switch back and forth. As for Lex, it will be revealed in his special move. Have a face.

And Sephiroth, when his blood volume is reduced to a certain level, he will turn on the form of a winged angel, and his attack power will become higher.

At the same time, in the game, Chen Xu will also introduce some characters from Nebula Games, and these also need to be specially designed with distinctive and recognizable actions and skills.

The construction of scenes and the design of characters have made the development progress of the game Super Smash Bros. much slower than previous works developed by Nebula Games.

However, although the progress of game development is slow, news related to this big battle is flying all over the Internet.

… … …


"Oh, Lao Zhang, please stop talking. Isn't it normal for the group to be wiped out? This is the charm of "World of Warcraft". If there is no group wipeout and no running corpses, is it still World of Warcraft?"

After resurrecting at the door of the dungeon, Song Ren looked at the gay friends around him and said happily.

Listening to Song Ren's words, Zhang Yi was speechless.

As for "World of Warcraft", when it first came out, they spent all their time playing it.

But after the initial excitement subsided, they basically just updated the version and came up to experience the content or play in the arena.

And as the version progresses and everyone knows how to play, wild PKs with a scale of thousands or tens of thousands like those in Nanhai Town and Stranglethorn Valley are rarely seen anymore.

Now that the new version is updated, a group of them will return to the continent of Azeroth.

At first, everyone had ambitious dreams of punching Malygos and kicking Arthas.

But then they discovered that the reason why dreams are dreams is because they can only think about them in dreams.

Looking at the salty fish in his guild, he said, don't talk about the Lich King.

The previous version of the raid was difficult to play.

There are even many who have not reached full level yet.

"Don't sigh, look at the news on the Internet, Nebula Games is making big moves!" At this time, Wang Han in the team exclaimed.

"What big move?"

"new game?"

Zhang Yi and Song Ren stopped arguing after hearing this and quickly opened their official blog.

Then they soon discovered that the official blog of Nebula Games and Chen Xu's official blog were still at the point where they celebrated the update of the 'Wrath of the Lich King' version.

"No news!"


Zhang Yi and Song Ren were confused.

"Look at the hot search topics." Wang Han said.

After hearing this, the two people turned their heads and took a look at the hot search topics on the official blog, and immediately understood what was going on.

Although there has been little movement on Nebula Games, news has spread that it has obtained some well-known IP licenses and even acquired some IPs.

"Holy shit, Nebula Games bought so many historic IPs?" Zhang Yi was shocked.

"Not all of them were bought, many of them were just authorized." Song Ren said.

"It feels like there's something big going on!" Wang Han interjected.

Not only them, but almost all players who learned about this news were discussing it with great interest in major gaming communities.

After all, this action of Nebula Games is really a bit big.

Many IPs that have long been remembered by players have been acquired by Nebula Games.

This has also confused many players and even game manufacturers.

With so many IP licenses, what exactly does Nebula Games want to do

If we talk about other game manufacturers, most players just sigh with emotion and think of ways to harvest the wallets of passionate players.

But this time the target is Nebula Games.

And as we all know, Nebula Games has never been very interested in developing IP, and even many of its own works have not been followed up.

But now it has gathered so many well-known IPs

If it's not for making IP games, why bother

Countless players on the Internet are talking about it, and under Chen Xu's official blog, there are countless players doing Aite, hoping to get accurate news.

Probably because they saw the players' enthusiasm, at 12 noon the next day, the players discovered that Chen Xu's official blog had updated a message after a long absence.