Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 868: Face to face meeting


As the nearly three-minute promotional video was released, it immediately caused an uproar among the player community, just like a bomb dropped into a lake.

All players are very excited.

Compared to a previous video that was similar to an animation demonstration.

Although this longer promotional animation does not demonstrate the gameplay of the game or its core content.

But it also brings the most intuitive surprise to players.

That is the countless popular game characters that appear in the game.

Since this project was just revealed, it has attracted the attention of many players.

Except on the one hand, I am surprised that Nebula Games actually makes a fighting game.

In addition, the most concerning thing is that Nebula Games has put all the characters from various major IPs into one game.

The linkage of various characters and IP union.

And it’s not limited to IP characters under Nebula Games, which simply surprised them.

Pure IP linkage is not uncommon in the gaming circle.

For example, in "World of Warcraft", Final Fantasy's Cloud and Alice, Picnic Link, etc. basically have corresponding easter egg content.

But these linkages are just easter eggs and not considered game content themselves.

If we really want to talk about the game content, when Nebula Games was developing "The Witcher: Wild Hunt" and "World of Warcraft", they added monster hunting missions such as deer-headed spirits and frost dragons to "Monster Hunter: World". .

But these are not the core content of the game, they can only be regarded as an add-on.

The current action game called Super Smash Bros. is obviously a brand new game built around characters from different IPs.

These classic characters in the minds of players all come together and then fight in the same world. Just thinking about it makes countless players extremely excited.

'There are so many familiar IP characters! It’s a blast, I just can’t resist these characters! '

'By the way, haven't you noticed the details? This video is full of details! The fireman rolled invincibly and stayed on the ground for a second! '

'2333333 I also noticed that when attacking the fireman, he uses the invincible frame to dodge, and Mario uses the invincible star to dodge. '

'It seems like I, Big Link, am still the best! The others who were able to survive this attack for one second all used their invincible skills. Only I, Link, blocked it with my shield and was defeated for a second. '

'But I don’t know the background of the game and what the plot is like! '

'Fighting games have the background and plot of Hammer. Have you never played a fighting game? Isn’t the plot just a teaching model? '

'That's not necessarily true, after all, this is a Nebula game! '

'Stop talking, didn't you notice? Could those weird master's hands be a metaphor for us players to buy games with our hands? '

'You are such a little genius! So according to what you said, does the mysterious mastermind Zira sealing the heroes in plaster at the end mean that they are starting to work? '

'It's not impossible! Therefore, if you really love game characters, you should start by refusing to buy figures. If there is no buying and selling, there will be no killing. Every figure you buy means that a character has been treated cruelly! '

'That's enough of you! I don’t believe you will be able to hold back your hands when the time comes! '

'Of course I can bear it, because I am poor! (Justified and confident.jpg)'

However, compared to the attention of ordinary players, the industry media is more concerned about another point.

That is that Nebula Games is actually going to hold an offline press conference.

You need to know about offline conferences. In the early years, when Nebula Games was not so big, they would still hold games to promote the game.

But since Nebula Games has been promoted to the top game manufacturer in the industry, Chen Xu has basically never been involved in similar offline press conferences.

For example, in the previous "Elden Ring", Chen Xu only held a face-to-face meeting online.

But now this Super Smash Bros. has actually announced the time of the face-to-face meeting directly in the promotional trailer, and it seems very likely that Chen Xu will hold it in person, which shows how much he values this game.

This really makes many players look forward to what this game is like.

After all, fighting games are really too niche.

Although in the previous promotional slogan, Nebula Games said that it is an action game that happily defeats popular characters from various classic games, even the official website of the game, as well as the advertising media, unanimously stated that this is an action game, not a fighting game.

But it didn't make the players pay much attention.

Because players and industry media basically know that this at most represents the design concept of Nebula Games, and many games can be applied to it.

For example, Soul games can be said to be level-driven, action games, or even equipment-driven.

If you think about it, you can always find some reasons.

… … …

On the day of the press conference, the conference hall of Nebula Game Headquarters.

This press conference can be said to be extremely popular. After all, this is the first time in so many years that Chen Xu has held an offline face-to-face meeting.

Major game media around the world have traveled all the way across the ocean just to see what the next online game called Super Smash Bros. is like. In addition, Nebula Games official website has also released a lottery event , inviting lucky players from all over the world to participate in this face-to-face meeting offline, and Nebula Games will provide round-trip air tickets.

Major video websites and live broadcast platforms have also prepared new live broadcast rooms for this new game launch conference.

On the game forum, players are waiting with great anticipation for the launch of the press conference.

Soon, the press conference officially began.

Accompanied by cheers from all the players, Chen Xu came to the big screen with a microphone, and the audience immediately burst into warm applause.

'I am very grateful to the players and media friends from all over the world for coming to watch this Nebulas game face-to-face meeting. I believe that everyone has already understood the content of today's face-to-face meeting. '

As Chen Xu finished speaking, countless live game map images flashed on the big screen behind him.

The Fire Shrine in Dark Souls.

The initial mesa in "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild".

The town of Brookwood in "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim".

Midgar in Final Fantasy.

Classic scenes are displayed in front of everyone.

In addition, a series of classic IP characters such as Link, Cloud, and the Undead appear. Most of the content flashes by and then switches quickly.

The reporters and players present exclaimed from time to time.

The barrages in major live broadcast rooms are also crazy.

"Damn it! The degree of restoration is so high!"

"How did you do this? It's obviously a different art style, but it doesn't look funny at all!!"

Many players and industry media were amazed.

Scenes of game scene maps flashed by, and the big screen behind Chen Xu fell into darkness and then suddenly burst into light.

The theme song of "Light of Life" played, and the Smash Bros. logo appeared on the screen, once again triggering cheers from the audience.

"This is a unique action game. Here I will briefly explain to you how special it is!"

Looking at the people in the audience, Chen Xu slowly spoke with a bright smile.