Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 872: Perfect experience


Kirby in the game waved his little pink fist and punched Link in the body.

The combo counting UI constantly pops up in the field of vision, coupled with the excellent vibration feedback, making Song Ren feel like he has become a fighting master!

Even though it was only a human-machine of the lowest level, it made him feel this unique and refreshing feeling.

Although Song Ren doesn't like playing fighting games very much, he has had some exposure to them.

Song Ren only had one feeling about the fighting games he had played before, and that was that they were too difficult to get started with.

The sure kills all rely on the blind chicken press. If he doesn't read the move list, he doesn't know how to release the move. Sometimes even if he sees it, he can't use the skill.

It can be said that those fighting games, for him, feel like buying a defective version. His fighter is born with fewer sure-kill skills than others. This is a hammer!

But now this big fight gave him a completely different feeling when he first saw it.

In the previous face-to-face meeting released by Nebula Games, I can feel that this game has lowered the threshold for getting started, but only when I play it myself do I know how convenient this game is.

There are only direction and button buttons in the whole process. For example, the Fighter Kirby he is using now has basically no problem of not being able to release skills except that he doesn’t know what the skills are for when he first gets started.

And after a little research, Song Ren understood the role of the fighter's skills in the game.

In fact, not only Song Ren, but also all the players who are experiencing the game Super Smash Bros. have such an idea in their hearts.

That's why this game is so easy to play.

Especially experiencing the multiplayer mode for the first time makes many players who have never played fighting games feel so happy.

Don't worry about the health bar, as long as you don't get knocked out of the field, it's easy to do.

Coupled with a variety of strange props and events on the map itself, the battle is full of randomness.

Especially some players who have never played a fighting game can get an excellent experience in the game.

In addition, for some players who don’t like fighting with others, and those who are attracted to the game simply because there is a favorite IP character in the game, they can feel the charm of a fighting game in the single-player story mode of Star of Lights. .

Compared with traditional fighting and confrontation, Star of Light, a collection-oriented plot mode, also has RPG development elements and some strategic elements, and Star of Light also has some box garden sandbox elements. Characteristics.

After experiencing the normal fighting gameplay in the game, Song Ren did not immediately engage in online battles, but chose the single-player mode.

Because he had to wait for Lao Zhang before starting his first online battle in the Brawl.

It wasn't because the two had made an appointment, it was just that he wanted to ensure that his first online battle would end in victory.

If you are fighting online with passers-by, what if you meet an experienced fighting player

What if you meet a player with high understanding

Song Ren, who is very confident in his own skills, feels that there is a high probability that he will fail in his first online battle.

But Lao Zhang is different. The other person is still at work at this time, but he can practice for an hour or two. Then it will be a dimensionality reduction attack!

Victory without force? Don’t talk about martial ethics? That’s right!

"So the Holy Grail of Heaven is needed here to break these mechanisms?"

Song Ren, who was at the Star of Light, looked at the map in the game with a surprised expression.

The pink Kirby is now arriving in a very sci-fi city.

He recognized it at a glance. This was the map in "Xenoblade Chronicles": World Tree.

However, he currently has no way to enter through the entrance. Obviously, he needs to successfully obtain the Holy Grail Flame to unlock this area.

Originally, he thought that the single-player mode of "Lighting Star" was also a simple fighting content, and at most it only added a little more interesting plot.

But the actual game experience was completely opposite to what he thought.

In the game, there is not much plot to watch. It is a change from the style of Nebula Film Studio. Except for a real-time calculation animation of about 10 seconds when unlocking the fighter, there is no plot at all in the game. content.

But in terms of gameplay experience, this star of light is surprisingly rich.

In the game, players can obtain certain skill stones after each battle. These skill stones can improve the various abilities of the overall fighter, increase the attack power of the killer, and increase the shield value of the defense.

This is also where Super Smash Bros. is different from other fighting games. In other fighting games, the so-called defense can basically be unlimited, but most of them have no way to defend themselves from behind.

But it's completely different in Brawl. The defense is a whole-body protective shield, but it will be reduced when attacked, and once it is broken, it will fall into a dazed state.

In addition, there are collected life souls, which are divided into two types: main life souls and auxiliary life souls. Among them, the main life souls are divided into red, blue and green for attack, defense, and throwing to restrain each other, affecting the fighter's attack, defense, jumping, speed, etc. properties.

As for the auxiliary souls, they can bring various benefits. Some can allow players to ignore fire-type attacks, some can give players more powerful killing power, and some can allow players to be born with their own designated props.

Moreover, all the main life souls can be upgraded, and even some specific life souls can be awakened. Through unique training, the attributes of the life soul bonus can be transformed.

It can be said that the entire life soul system is equivalent to adding action RPG elements to Super Smash Bros. For those who are struggling with some fighting games, as long as they wear the appropriate life soul, they can win the game even on the A floor.

Of course, if the player deliberately does not use the life soul during the battle, the difficulty will be hellish.

For example, in the levels of Doctor Mario and Samus Alan, if you don't use specific life souls and go straight up to fight hard, it can be said that the difficulty will be absolutely hellish.

'It feels like playing a game in history. The level design in Star of Light is just eye-catching, there are so many details! '

'+1, but I can only recognize the easter egg content that appears in the games I have played. In addition, the super battle feels really easy! '

'It's very friendly to a handicap like me. I can kill it with just one button. '

The threshold for getting started allows players to feel the fun of fighting games.

The rich lighting stars allow players to feel the gaming culture brought by each IP.

So far, players who have been exposed to Super Smash Bros. on the Internet have all given positive reviews. This game has given them an almost perfect experience.

But while light players like Song Ren are excited.

There were also some different sounds coming out.