Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 873: Are we playing a game?


For light casual players, Brawl can be said to be a huge surprise, because Brawl is perfect in every aspect.

But for some players who prefer fighting games, they hope that Nebula Games can make a classic fighting game.

After actually playing it, I felt that this game seemed too simple.

Because fighting games in the past were basically based on rubbing moves.

But it's completely different in Super Smash Bros.

Compared with traditional fighting games, the operation of Super Smash Bros. is really too simplified.

With the four direction keys combined with the attack and kill buttons, you can play all the moves of a character.

So these create a feature, that is, it feels very, very easy to get started, and there seems to be not much room for operation.

With the launch of Super Smash Bros., many players have experienced the game for a few days.

In some professional fighting game forum communities, many players who like fighting games conduct various discussions and exchange suggestions.

'Although the game content is very good, it feels too simple as a fighting game, right? '

'There's no way, after all, fighting games are too difficult to get started with. Nebula Games probably does this to get more players into the game. '

'But if a fighting game doesn't have in-depth content, is it still a fighting game? '

'It's uncomfortable, but to be honest, as an entertainment game, Brawl is really fun to play. '

'But that's not necessarily true. After all, the game has only been out for a few days, and the pursuit system seems to be able to be studied. '

'Indeed, it feels a bit early to say there is no depth now. '

Some players who like fighting games also discuss it in the community.

During this period of time, Brawl has created a lot of popularity.

After all, this is a game that brings together popular characters from major IPs.

Moreover, the quality and content of the game itself are even more explosive.

But after all, the game has only been online for a short time, and even some fighting game masters are unfamiliar with this unique game.

There is no way. Compared with traditional fighting games, Super Smash Bros. has undergone earth-shaking changes in the game mechanics and modes.

It's just that the group of fighting players is still too small compared to the base of light entertainment players, so naturally they don't make much noise.

In addition, this group is divided into two groups internally. Some think that Super Smash Bros. is too simple, while others think that the game has only been released for a few days and needs to be studied, which weakens the topic a lot.

However, for most players, although these topics have not caused much waves, they are of great concern to major manufacturers and designers in the game industry.

A game that brings together numerous heavyweight IPs under Nebula Games and specifically allows Nebula Games to reach cooperation with some well-known IPs in the industry.

How is its performance, how can it not attract attention

From the perspective of simplicity and ease of use, Nebula Games has obviously succeeded, but whether Super Smash Bros. can become a classic is still a question mark. After all, in-depth content is still very important.

Because this probably means that this game will disappear like a shooting star.

Although judging from the current situation, most ordinary light players say that this is the most fun fighting game they have ever played.

But one thing you need to know is that light players find a game fun and are willing to keep playing it.

Then these light players will slowly turn into core players.

And if the content of the game is not so deep, most of these light players may leave the game when they feel they have worn it out.

Therefore, countless designers in the industry are also paying attention to the subsequent performance of this game.

However, what many people did not expect at all was that the topic of the so-called in-depth content of Super Smash Bros. was not even a hot topic. It was killed in the cradle with an official blog on the Nebula Games official blog.

The content of the official blog is very simple, just text information plus a short video.

'Have you learned Link's high-end gameplay teaching? '

After this official blog was published, it immediately attracted the attention of players.

Many Brawl players who saw this official blog were a little confused.

'What's happening here? Official high-end advanced teaching? '

'The video doesn't feel very long! '

'It seems that there is only one fighter, so this will be serialized, and there will be tutorials for other different fighters later? '

'Speaking of high-end gameplay teaching, Super Smash Bros. feels quite simple. How high-end can this operating mode be? '

'Why the old gangster of Hyrule? The Legend of Zelda, let Zelda show off! ? '

Out of doubt, anticipation, or fun, many players clicked on this video on the official Nebula Games blog, ready to see what the so-called high-end teaching is all about.

At the beginning of the video, many players directly recognized the map inside, a battlefield with no steps at the end, and a 1V1 mode without props.

For ordinary players, the game has just been online for a few days and they are basically playing the single-player Star of Light mode, as well as the 8-player brawl mode with random maps and props.

However, some players who prefer traditional fighting games choose 1V1 and this kind of scene map that does not change.

Because this is the fairest, there are no external interference factors.

At the same time, among the player group, Link is considered a relatively popular fighter.

It’s not because the IP of The Legend of Zelda is so popular among players, or because Link is one of the initial characters, but because Link’s moves are quite special.

The common sure kill is the bow and arrow, which can be charged to increase damage and distance.

The ultimate kill is throwing a boomerang, which is also a long-range attack.

The top kill is a spinning slash, similar to holding a windmill with two-handed weapons at a picnic.

The next sure kill is to take out a remote control mine. After placing it, you can detonate it at the time you like. However, it will explode if it is left for a period of time or when it is attacked by a fire attribute.

In the multiplayer mode, throwing remote control mines, or hiding from a distance to fire arrows and throw boomerangs, can be said to be the favorite things of many old and cunning players.

Also receiving such treatment are the handsome Sephiroth and Homura of the Holy Grail of Heaven. These characters all have a common feature, they can greet others from a distance, and they all have super high killing attributes.

But the next scene in the video immediately confused all Smash Bros. players who had played the character of Link.

I saw in the video that facing about 75% of Kuba, Link in the game cut out the thunder with one sure kill.

Then he jumped towards the front, swung the sword in his hand and knocked Kuba directly into the air, followed by infinite jumping attacks, jumping attacks, combined with the last move of horizontal punch, directly knocked him into the air, and then Throw the thunder in your hand and detonate it directly.

While the action is going on, there are corresponding explanations and operation explanations on the video. Especially at the critical stage, the video also enters bullet time so that players can see clearly.

Jump and drop the thunder down for an air back A.

In the case of empty back A, the enemy will fall into a stiff state and cannot operate.

Next is a set of loop operations.

This... can this game have unlimited connections

Countless players were stunned to see it, and this was just the beginning.

As the video played, Link's operations became more fancy.

After knocking the enemy out of the field with the sword, jump off the cliff, use the sure-kill spinning sword to knock the enemy away, and then use the thunder shock wave to return to the field.

Watching the video, Link made various gorgeous operations, and countless players were stunned.

This...are we playing the same game

And what's the title of this video

Have you learned it

This is such a waste of learning!