Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 875: Circus clown


Song Ren in the game was very excited. When the game's cutscene was loaded, his mind replayed Link's teaching in the previous video.

Although the fighter he has played the most in the game so far is Guang Yan, he has also played Link many times in the game.

After all, "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" is one of his favorite games. In his hands, Brave Link transforms into an old gangster in Hyrule, which can be said to be quite sentimental.

As for the demonstration video that was less than four minutes long, he watched it back and forth no less than ten times, and he could understand every move of Link in it.

Including the extremely cool bomb unlimited air connection, he already knew that it was far away.

It's nothing more than throwing bombs at close range and attacking at the same time, and then jumping down at an unprecedented speed. At the same time, because Xiao Jump can catch the bombs that were thrown before in the air, you can use the steps of catching the bomb and putting it down to reset the attack. Shake back and forth to achieve a seamless combo effect, and finally, when there are no steps on the ground, follow up with a sure-killing spin attack to finish.

Throw bombs, he can do this.

Xiaotiao, he can do this too.

He can still catch bombs.

All that's left is to combine these three.

With the countdown to the start of the game, Song Ren had already sketched out the scenes of the upcoming battle in his mind, and put the cool video of Link he had seen before into his own perspective.

The countdown ended and an exciting brawl officially began. The first thing Song Ren did in the game was to run towards the edge of the cliff.

This was a tactic he had already planned. The opponent would pursue him, and then he would knock him out of the field with a combo of moves, and then drop a bomb from the air to kill him.

However, the thought was very beautiful, but Zhang Yi did not rush to his side and fight with him on the edge of the cliff as he imagined.

Zhang Yi in the game did not move at the beginning. When he saw Song Ren running to the edge of the cliff, he calmly controlled Link to take out his bow and fired at him.

"Damn it, why are you so wretched? Come here!" Someone didn't pay attention and was accidentally shot with an arrow, which increased the bar by more than ten percent. Song Ren was speechless.

"Why should I go there? Come and hit me if you dare!" Zhang Yi said unhurriedly.

In the game, he doesn't panic, he just draws the bow and shoots arrows.

"Are you the only one who knows how to do that?" Link, who was controlled by Song Ren, immediately returned the favor.

Everyone is playing Link, but you are the only one who can shoot arrows

One stands in the center of the ring and the other stands on the edge. The two charge each other to shoot arrows and then defend.

The two people in the battle were shooting back and forth, but Wang Han who was watching the battle was left speechless.

"Link in that video is so cool, you two just learned archery?" Wang Han complained in the audience.

Regarding today's battle, although she did not watch the battle in the video, she watched it with the mentality of going to the circus to watch clowns.

But this wave of passion made her sleepy.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so I need to practice my hand first!" Zhang Yi explained.

"That's it, let's warm up first, you coward, Lao Zhang, I'm coming over!" Song Ren agreed, looking at Zhang Yi who didn't move a step in the middle of the ring, he finally couldn't help it anymore.

I have been playing Brawl for several days in a row. Although I am not a technical expert, I still have the basic operations of Brawl.

The moment Zhang Yi was stuck shooting an arrow, Song Ren dodged directly, using the invincible frame time to dodge the arrow and close the distance between himself and Zhang Yi.

What follows is a combo that has been trained thousands of times in the brain.

Bomb to draw A, small jump bomb, reset to draw A, infinite loop!

At this moment, Song Ren seemed to have seen the miserable scream that Lao Zhang made after he was hit by his infinite chain and the last sure kill flew out of the field.

But when he actually got started, he found that the situation was a little embarrassing.

He successfully completed the three steps of cutting bombs, flat A and then jumping. Although it was a little slow, he did succeed.

And Zhang Yi's character was indeed knocked away by him.

But the key point is that he is missing a link.

That is the crucial small jump to catch the bomb, and then reset your flat A back swing.

The round bomb fell directly at Link's feet and was not caught by him.

He was stunned for a moment, but he hadn't picked up the bomb yet.

So the bomb exploded directly, blowing him away instead.

"Haha, Old Song, this is your Link? I'm so happy! Do you know what your name is? I'm imitating you!" Seeing Song Ren who was blown away instead, Zhang Yi finally couldn't help laughing.

Wang Han, who was in the spectator seats, couldn't help but burst into laughter even though he couldn't hold it back.

After all, she had no professional training, so she still couldn't help herself when encountering such funny things.

"Smile like a hammer! Don't laugh! It's normal to make mistakes! It's the first time after all!" Song Ren coughed twice.

But he finally got a few tricks up his sleeve. The operation seemed simple, but it was really difficult to do it.

The difficulty is not the steps, but the timing of connection. If done separately, he can do each step easily, but when combined together, the difficulty suddenly increases.

It was probably the same as when he watched the highlights of DOTA's operations before. He could see everything, but when it was his turn to play, it was a different situation.

"I won't tell you more, but let me show you the return kill tutorial I learned. Okay, I'm different from you. I won't do such fancy and difficult things right from the beginning. Instead, I'll start with something simple. , you come and use heavy attacks to knock me out." Zhang Yi said to Song Ren while holding back his laughter, and stood still on the edge of the cliff.

"I want to see what you have learned." Song Ren listened to Zhang Yi's words and controlled Link to walk over to see what medicine he was selling in his gourd.

Following Zhang Yi's words, Song Ren controlled Link in the game, charging up his strength and then attacking again.


I saw Zhang Yi's Link in the game being knocked straight away, with a stream of gray air behind him.

Under normal circumstances, the strategy Link basically adopts at this time is to use mid-air translation combined with a sure-kill displacement return.

However, Zhang Yi chose another mode.

He cut a bomb out of the air and threw it under his butt, preparing to use the bomb's recoil to return.

But the idea is wonderful, but the actual operation is a little different.

According to normal thinking, the bomb should be behind Link.

But Zhang Yi only discovered the seriousness of the problem when he threw the bomb, that is, the bomb was dropped in front of him.

With the explosion of the bomb, the whole person was blown away directly by the shock wave, but it was in the opposite position to the platform.


Zhang Yi's eyes widened and he yelled unconsciously. He controlled Link to kill and wanted to return, but was knocked away by the shock wave and had no time to catch him.

"So... Lao Zhang, is this your Link? You also reminded me of an allusion. Do you know HD Xiabu?" Looking at Zhang Yi who committed suicide directly, it was Song Ren's turn to be unable to bear it any longer.

"Stop talking, you two. I think the circus needs you." Wang Han, who was watching the battle, looked satisfied. This was what she wanted to see, a double performance by the big and small jokers.