Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 896: It's so delicious that I can't even describe it


Players are having heated discussions online about various aspects of "Destiny Qiyu".

The source of martial arts and mental skills, as well as side quests of rumors in the world.

As well as the emotional line content that players discuss more.

Many people like it, but many players don't.

This is considered a matter of personal preference.

But for the entire game, the emotional line in the game is obviously not the main content.

Just like the ten ships in "Persona", it is more of a talking point for players after completing the game.

In "Persona", although you can go to school and fall in love, you are more about playing the role of the Phantom Thieves, allowing those evildoers to repent, and at the same time it is a metaphor for some of the dark situations in society.

The same is true for "Destiny". It does not have the same metaphor for the dark politics as "Persona", but simply uses the story of the Three Heroes and Five Righteousnesses and Bao Zheng to depict the confrontation between good and evil.

Where there is evil there must be good, and where there is good there must also be evil.

In the game, Zhuge Yu, played by the player, is influencing Bao Zheng, and Bao Zheng is also influencing Zhuge Yu.

From the beginning, the duty of eradicating evil was fulfilled, but later even the most heinous people had to be judged by the law, to the belief that since there are upright officials like Mr. Bao, there is still a change in the administration of officials.

As the villain, Yi Zun is on the other extreme. From the very beginning, Yi Zun founded the Anti-Tian Alliance in order to allow the people to live and work in peace and contentment, so as to target the treacherous ministers and evil officials.

But as time went on, the wrong execution method caused him to go further and further down the evil path, and even used the entire village to test medicine in an attempt to control the court, even though he still used the ideals of the destiny people to support him until everything was shattered.

The exhaustion of his agencies also brought betrayal and separation. Among his subordinates, the "Xiangshi, Chariot and Horse General", the sergeant chose to stay away from the dispute for the sake of love and children. Xiang got terminally ill and could not follow him until the end. Che wanted to fake his death and retreat into the mountains, while Ma... Zhuge Yu's childhood sweetheart worked as an undercover agent within the organization, and turned out to be the biggest traitor in the game.

When the Anti-Tian League was founded, it was determined to help the country and let the people live and work in peace and contentment. However, in the end, this traitor who should have been eradicated became a general under Yi Zun of the Anti-Tian League. It must be said that this is full of irony.

Although unlike RPG games like "Persona" which have dozens of hours of main storyline, the main storyline of "Destiny" only lasts about 15 hours.

However, there is quite a lot of branch content in the game, and these branch content are also of various types. There are long branches such as those of the major heroines, as well as the Yellow Sea pirates, the source of money in Changkong Village, etc.

There are also some short and concise branch lines, which are subdivided into various types, including collection, dungeons, specific ones, etc., and these branches are not just about finding cats and dogs, but involve content that many players feel deeply about. , such as excessive consumption, the difficulty of transitioning from luxury to frugality, and values that must make trade-offs if life cannot be fulfilled.

In any case, "Destiny Qiyu" can be said to be the most surprising game for domestic players.

In terms of size, level of interest, and level of excitement of the story, it may not be considered top-notch.

But it is enough to play Zhuge Yu, wander around the bustling Bianjing, and watch Bao Zheng put the prisoners on the dog-head guillotine, tiger-head guillotine and dragon-head guillotine.

Every player who has a passion for martial arts has integrated into the game and imagined becoming a knight like Zhuge Yu, eradicating evil and making his way in the world.

… … …

While "Destiny" is selling well, other game manufacturers are also launching their next-generation VR games. At the same time, overseas Zeus's next-generation VR game cabin also held a press conference. Of course, there is still some time before it goes online.

In addition to these surprises, the next-generation remake of the Nebula game previously announced by Chen Xu has also been put on the agenda.

The next-generation version of "Bloodborne" after "Resident Evil" has also been officially released.

Having experienced the previous "Resident Evil", most players don't think this is simply old wine in new bottles.

After all, the previous experience has already made players feel the charm of the next era update.

Although the various smells in the game, combined with the terrifying atmosphere, make players terrified.

Although this game experience is really good, the word "so delicious" is really hard to say!

With the support of next-generation VR technology, everything players experience has become more realistic.

Especially the types of smells presented by the olfactory system, the game department has also made great efforts to update them, and has added a lot, enriching the options.

Of course, this is not really good news for many players.

After all, the main games that players can experience now are "Resident Evil" and "Bloodborne".

Especially the latter. Many players who have experienced the next-generation remake before still imagine that although "Bloodborne" is a Souls game, it can kill monsters, and they have already passed it. It is not straightforward to play it again. Has it become a fun game like God of War

However, the idea is wonderful, but the reality is cruel.

After actually entering the game, the audio-visual effects of the next generation are more realistic, coupled with the feedback from the game cabin and the new smell system, some timid players were immediately persuaded to leave after entering.

In "Resident Evil", after all, only some key scenes have a unique flavor.

But it's different in "Bloodborne". The smell of blood lingering in the clinic at the beginning, the smell of rotting corpses when entering the streets of Yharnam, and the burnt smell of corpses being roasted, mixed with the pungent blood. It's so delicious that the player's sanity value has already started to drop wildly without even going to a map like the Forbidden Forest at the back.

Who can sustain this next-generation game

And because the next-generation version is updated for free to players, Chen Xu and the Nebula Games team are quite willful in many aspects and try their best to give players the best results!

What do you mean players don't want the best results

That won't work! Isn’t this a slap in the face of their most conscientious game manufacturers

We must do our best to let players feel the atmosphere of Bloodborne and maximize the game experience.

They are such consciences!

At the same time, after the next-generation version of "Bloodborne", Nebula Games also announced the next two games, "The Witcher: Wild Hunt" and "Dark Souls".

Thinking about the contents of these two games, many players are filled with despair.

Looking back, what makes many players more gratified is that if they want to experience this scent system, the newly launched "Destiny Qiyu" is the best choice.

Although various cases also involve corpses, at least the bun shops and hotels on the streets of Bianjing can still allow them to enjoy themselves.

Even when I play at night, I always feel hungry.

If you want to experience more of the enjoyment brought by the next era, you obviously can't count on Nebula Games' subsequent reset version of the game.

Although "Destiny Qiyu" is good, it has been online for a while after all, and many players who have completed the game are a little tired of it.

At the same time, for overseas players, this kind of martial arts sentiment is not much, so many players are more concerned about the last game promised by Nebula Games at the next-generation VR game cabin conference.