Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 899: dark! Darkness!


On December 25, "Sin City" was officially launched.

On the Nebula gaming platform, countless players who have pre-loaded the game in advance and are waiting for the game to be released immediately entered the game.

Although the price of this game called "Sin City" is almost half compared to previous next-generation VR games, many players still trust Nebula Games and Chen Xu's reputation here.

Next, although the game lineup in the VR next generation has gradually become richer, excellent games are still very scarce.

Zhang Yi, who had just finished washing the dishes, sweeping the floor and taking out the trash, returned to his game room. He looked at a game cabin that was lit next to him and couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

As the marriage lasted longer and longer, the original throne of the family gradually became the throne of the younger brother. You know, in the past, the most I did was wash dishes and sweep the floor. How could I take out the trash

Zhang Yi, who was extremely emotional, lay down silently in the game cabin, and then entered the world of Nebula Game Platform.

Clicking on the illuminated "Sin City" game icon, Zhang Yi entered the game.

As the related logo of Nebula Games jumped over, a picture appeared in front of me.

At this time, he was sitting on a plane. There were NPCs in the cabin doing their own things, and he was sitting next to the window. He could clearly see the outside world through the thick glass.

At this moment, he was on the vast sea, with the outline of the city vaguely visible on the distant coastline.

"This loading time is so slow!"

Zhang Yi was a little confused at first, but soon he understood the situation of the plane in front of him.

That's the map he's loading the game on.

Entering the next era, iterative updates of storage and loading hardware have made the loading progress of most games barely exceed 5 seconds.

Even with cutscenes, many games can create a feeling of seamless map switching.

But the current "Sin City" is different. Judging from the information previously revealed by Nebula Games, the entire game has several large cities.

And different cities seem to correspond to stories about different protagonists.

The map here will be incredibly large.

In this case, if you want to achieve seamless play conditions in the game, you will most likely need to load it in advance.

And unlike "The Witcher: Wild Hunt", "Red Dead Redemption" and "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild", although these open world maps are also large, due to the subject matter, most areas still belong to In the wilderness, resources can even be reused.

But "Sin City" is completely different, because the player's stage is a city, and various stores and buildings need to be planned.

"This is really an exaggeration." As the plane got closer and closer, the outline of the city became clearer and clearer, Zhang Yi was speechless.

When he was about to get closer, different options popped up in front of Zhang Yi's eyes.

"Choose a city to land in? Is this a birth map?"

Zhang Yi looked at these options and used his many years of gaming experience to make guesses.

Among them, there are three different cities to choose from: 'Sin City', 'Rodu' and 'Liberty City'.

If you look at the promotional videos previously released by Nebula Games, different cities obviously correspond to different stories.

Just like in "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", the extension of the British military line and the American military line.

"Just play the content of Luodu first." Zhang Yi thought for a while and chose the city.

After all, the rest are cities with three characters, but this one is with two characters.

After the selection was confirmed, Zhang Yi's plane quickly lowered from high altitude. At the same time, the field of view also changed from the original first-person perspective in the cabin to a God's-eye view, and slowly moved closer to the ground.

The screen gradually darkened. A black man in the game got off the plane, walked towards the taxi outside with his luggage, and then let the taxi drive slowly along the highway.

Zhang Yi had already seen this content from the promotional video.

But to be more detailed, from the narration, the black boy who is obviously the protagonist is called Carl Johnson. When he was nineteen years old, he left his hometown and went to the east coast city of Liberty City to work for Italians until his brother Sweet called. After hearing the sad news that his mother had been shot and killed by a rival gang, he chose to return to his hometown.

"So this is just like the story in traditional martial arts. Revenge for one's mother creates a local gang, and finally becomes a gang giant?" Zhang Yi, who had just played "Destiny Qiyu", couldn't help but think of the content of martial arts.

But before he could think about it, a piercing siren sounded in his ears, and the taxi was forced to stop by a police car that suddenly appeared.

Several police officers with pistols pointed at the taxi he was riding in.

"Those in the car put their hands up and come out!"

What's going on? What's going on?

Seeing Karl in the game walking out of the car, Zhang Yi was confused.

Zhang Yi had seen this scene in a promotional video before, but what he was thinking about was that Carl did something illegal and was caught by the police.

But now

I didn't do anything!

"Stop moving! Get down on the ground!"

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, Zhang Yi lay down on the ground obediently, and then the other party put a new silver bracelet on himself.

At the same time, the other party's hand wandered to his pocket, and he took out a wad of bills from his trouser pocket.

'Leave it to me, Hernandez. '

'That's my money! 'Karl on the ground cried out for injustice.

'No, it's drug money. The leading police officer smiled and counted the banknotes in his hand.

'Welcome back Carl, are you happy to be home? You haven't forgotten us, have you? boy. '

'how could be? Officer Tenpenny, I wonder why you haven't come to me for so long. '

'boarding… '

Seeing himself being escorted into a police car in the game, Zhang Yi was a little confused.

Old acquaintance? Or an enemy

'I have washed my hands of my problems. I have worked in Liberty City over the years. I am a law-abiding and innocent citizen. ' argued the handcuffed Carl.

'clean? No, this word has nothing to do with you. What is this? ’ Under Zhang Yi’s confused gaze, Tenpenny took out a pistol and put it in Karl’s bag.

'Officer Pulaski, this is a murder weapon that was used to kill a police officer less than ten minutes ago. Officer Penderbury, I have to say he's a good guy. You're very smart with your moves, Carl. '

'You all know I just got off the plane! '

'No, luckily we found you and found the murder weapon. '

'Damn, what do you want from me? '

'When we want you, nature comes to you. '

'You can't leave me here, this is Baler's territory! '

'Yeah? But Karl, didn’t you say that you are a law-abiding citizen and have never joined a gang? Now... Goodbye! '

After saying that, the other party unlocked Karl's handcuffs, then opened the car door and kicked Karl out of the car in the narrow alley.

Rolling on the ground, Zhang Yi felt the vibrations all over his body, and his whole body was blurred.

Looking at Karl, who had no money on him and was only wearing a tattered white shirt and blue jeans with several holes.

"Darkness! This is too dark!"

Recalling the plot just now, Zhang Yi couldn't help but feel numb.

How the hell could it be a little darker!