Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 9: Woman, go away, don't disturb me playing Xiaoxiaole


In the next story.

A young master from the Warring States Period.

Her mission and responsibility is to protect her family from destruction.

Once, she found a magical bronze mirror that transported her to an incredible place.

There is no war here, and everyone can live freely and happily. She was dazzled by this prosperous scene, and met him unknowingly: a Zhai who was not very useless.

Their first meeting was unpleasant, and the two even got into a fight.

She lost, and as a rule of her world, he was her husband from now on.

When she was hungry, A Zhai took her to have a meal.

A meal of pork chop rice surprised her: "Such a lot of meat, doesn't it cost a lot of money?"

Because in her world, ordinary people cannot afford meat.

Here, she also tasted an alcoholic beverage called beer for the first time.

'What is this? It tastes good. 'Drunk, she hugged the bottle and said happily.

This was probably the most relaxed time for her.

After a hangover, she woke up and picked up the bronze mirror that brought her into this world.

Bringing the former A-Zhai back to his own world.

But this didn't bring much change.

In her world, everything is the same as before.

The Yuno family is still the Yuno family that is on the verge of collapse, with dangerous enemies eyeing them.

The only change may be this 'husband' who doesn't look very powerful.

He became the captain of her personal guard, but that was all.

Even with his arrival, the destruction of the Yuno family could not be avoided in the end.

Two months later, she was sitting on the city wall covered in blood, and the blood of the continuous war dyed the land red.

There were mountains of corpses outside the city, and the sound of killings was loud.

Those are the enemies who are about to break through the city.

Looking at the approaching enemies outside the city, she knew that she still could not let the Yuno family survive in this troubled world.

"It seems that the three hundred years of glory of the Yuno family are about to be shattered."

A Zhai was still trying hard to persuade her to run away, but she just shook her head.

"Makoto, I am different from you. From the day my father put on my battle robe, I swore... to protect the glory of the Yuno family with my life."

A Zhai brought out a bunch of examples and truths, trying to convince her: the general trend of the world is that if we divide for a long time, we will unite and unite for a long time, and your family will not be the only ones to be destroyed.

"Cheng, you won't understand. Here are the dreams and efforts of generations of our Yuno family. Take this bronze mirror and leave quickly."

She confided everything to him.

After hearing this, he even asked her to go with him.

But, she had her own beliefs, so how could she agree

If she was willing to put aside these beliefs, how could she come back in the first place

Closing his eyes, he felt that his voice seemed to be gone from the surroundings, only the sound of the enemy approaching to break through the city.

"Cheng, are you leaving? Really... you are leaving... Actually, I really want to go with you."

"I still want to drink beer with you again... That beer is really delicious... It's really delicious!"

Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes uncontrollably.

The memories of the past resurfaced, and a portrait holding a wine glass appeared in the center of the screen.

"Husband, this wine is really delicious! How about two more glasses? Look, I drank them all. Why don't you come and have two glasses too? Come on, cheers!"

And in this trance, she seemed to vaguely hear his voice

"Kill!!! I am Yuno Anna's personal guard captain, anyone who stands in my way will be killed without mercy!!"

Seeing the game exiting to the main interface again, Jiang Ping couldn't help but sniff, and then closed his sore eyes.

It took a long time to open it.

"are you crazy!"

"This game of yours is insane! How can a gentleman's game be so good at standing paintings, so good in voice acting, and so good in the match-3 battle system? Doesn't it cost money!?"

"I just want to play a gentleman's game, why are you so sensational!"

He was 'complaining' on his lips, but there was no hesitation in Jiang Ping's hands.

Of course, this is not about taking out toilet paper, but about exiting the main interface of the game, and then decisively entering the store to click on a positive review.

Although the refund time has not yet come, if you directly click on the game review, you will not be able to get a refund.

But this is not important at all, and I will not talk about the subsequent content.

Just these alone made Jiang Ping feel it was worth it.

He even thought that selling it for 10 yuan meant that the producer was really a fool!

… … … …

Not only Jiang Ping, many LSP players discovered this game through an unknown overseas forum, and entered it with novelty.

When it was launched, everyone was extremely emotional.

Some are for the plot in the game.

The story of elves and demons makes them think about the good and evil of human nature.

Human beings are resigned to their own depravity, but a foreign elf is helping them, but in the end they are rewarded with evil for good.

The story of the otaku and the female general moved them deeply.

It looked like an abandoned house, but when I was finally able to leave, it showed courage and responsibility that ordinary people could not imagine.

The story of the Dragon Maid and the Knight is a long and wonderful journey.

I have surpassed Yao and Shun in my achievements. Who can compare with me

Because of us, the evil beasts dare not harm the world; because of us, the greedy people in power dare not oppress the people.

The story of Caiyun and Mingyue made many LSPs cry.

Even if you are the reincarnation of Mingyue, the breeze is the breeze.

Two hundred years of waiting, two hundred years of reincarnation, the story of Mingyue and Caiyun should have ended two hundred years ago.

It is obviously a favorite game among LSPs.

Why do I always feel so heavy and sad after playing

These players now understand what the contents of the previous posts mean.

At this moment, they felt the same.

Of course, there are also many impatient gentlemen who are simply turned away because they are not good at match-3 games.

Junior sister Caiyun, please stop sucking my blood and open the door for me! I am your senior brother Mingyue, let me take a look at you!

These players have repeatedly studied the match-3 battle system in the game and constantly racked up points and money to upgrade and purchase props.

Eventually these players evolved.

They didn't pay attention to the gentleman content in the game at all, and instead became obsessed with the match-3 game in the game.

Simple and clear, yet fun at the same time.

For a gentleman's game, it's incredible.

It's just that the girl next to me is really annoying and is blocking me from playing the match-3 game!

Woman, let me go! Quickly step aside, don't disturb me playing mini game!

This time with my wisdom, I will definitely be able to refresh the previous score record!