Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 905: Unreasonable


Various controversial voices have emerged. Nebula Games has not taken action yet, but the players are the ones getting angry.

Not only domestic players, but also foreign players.

Although the messy content such as women's rights is criticizing "Sin City", it actually leads to more non-target groups making noises.

For players, it just feels like eating a piece of cake.

Why are all the monsters and monsters jumping out

If the protagonist of the game is a female, then she must not be beautiful and must have a slutty face

The God of Thunder, Thor, who was born tall and powerful, capable of lifting ten bags of bear skins, and single-handedly challenging giants, must turn into a fat man with a big belly and a greasy look

Okay, it’s fine if I, the god of thunder, become fat. After all, the image of Hercules can match the image, but in my Norse mythology, Loki’s wife, the giantess, becomes a black giantess

Obviously, as a player, I have always been disgusted with all kinds of so-called zzzq.

Soon, these news and related communities were filled with discussions from various players.

'I'm so torn to blame the shooting on a game! '

'Why are there female boxers and animal protection organizations everywhere? I didn't have any sense for these things at first, but now I feel so disgusting! '

'If you can't afford to offend people for selling arms, the game industry can take the blame arbitrarily, right? '

'Game: Right, right, everything is my fault, just put all the shit on my head! '

"I didn't say anything. Seeing this on a hot day, my hands and feet felt cold and I was sweating all over!" '

'Ahem, don't play so much with me upstairs, it's almost winter now! '

'The funniest thing is that some people say that Nebula Games is racist? Let me go to your second uncle, have you ever played games? '

'You're the one who said violence is okay, racial discrimination? Why, Carl is a black man, Tommy is a white man, Nick is an Eastern European, and Wu Zimu, who helped Tommy, is a yellow man. He has so many race buffs, how can he be called racist? '

'Yes, and if you say there are only violent elements, then you haven't played "Sin City" at all, right? '

There is no doubt that "Sin City" is an epoch-making work.

A landmark work.

Although the open world setting has become mature, not all game manufacturers can do it well.

Although "Sin City" is not as innovative as the original "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild".

But it is definitely a masterpiece of the open world genre.

The entire game, from plot to gameplay, has undoubtedly conquered countless players.

In addition, as a player, I naturally don't have much affection for these messy things.

The game has grown from a scourge in the early years, from a toy for big boys to a top presence in the entertainment industry today, and its attributes have inevitably undergone some changes.

Sometimes games aren't even made for players to play.

It's about stacking buffs to please some specific groups, so that the group company that produces the game can obtain privileges in certain places.

But it is precisely because of this that real players hate the existence of this phenomenon even more.

Imagine if in "Final Fantasy" Tifa turned into King Kong Barbie, Aerith turned into a dark-skinned transsexual, and Cloud turned into a short, ugly depressed patient, would this game still be playable

The various comments made by players on the Internet have also attracted many manufacturers in the game industry to focus on how Nebula Games will deal with this storm.

Soon the major manufacturers also knew how Chen Xu faced this matter.

The first is the news about the expansion of the legal department of Nebula Games and the renewal of relevant cooperation contracts with three well-known international law firms.

Secondly, a large amount of relevant black material soon appeared on the Internet. For example, a certain media publicly stated that "Sin City" is a racially discriminatory game media, but it has engaged in such racial discrimination, including its internal employees who came forward and said that because of their I have been bullied in the company because of my skin color.

Or they may be sued for some related infringements or other behaviors.

Of course, on the surface, it has nothing to do with Nebula Games, but if you dig deeper, it will definitely be clear that Nebula Games is behind it.

Today's Nebula Games is no longer just a simple game company.

The resources and size are not comparable to ordinary existences.

The easiest way to deal with these chaotic public opinions is to shoot the first one, and then let the remaining ones disperse naturally after the first batch is taken care of.

At the beginning, the so-called animal protection associations, women's rights organizations, and environmental protection associations may have good intentions.

But the reality is that all kinds of so-called animal protection and women's rights promotion are just tools to achieve their own interests.

Faced with such an existence, it couldn't be easier to find some dirty information with the current capabilities of Nebula Games.

Moreover, the so-called various organizations are not unified organizations as most people think. They are more dispersed like clubs, but they all use a unified slogan.

In the exchange of resources and interests, beware that these objects stand as victims and from the perspective of the weak. Others will deal with them without even having to take full action from Nebula Games.

Most of the game manufacturers who were originally prepared to see how Nebula Games would solve the problem were slightly silent.

This... this Nebula game is so unreasonable!

If you want to elaborate, there is nothing to elaborate on. This is simply the majestic crushing of the army.

But to put it simply, not everyone can do this.

After all, if you want to run over like this, you have to spend money and have connections!

And unlike Nebula Games, don’t most game manufacturers make games just to make money

But Nebula Games is completely attacking the enemy by one thousand and losing eight hundred by itself. Are you going to mess with me? Then I won’t keep the money I earn, and I’ll fuck you too.

Who can withstand this

If you want to cause trouble, you have to make sure your butt is clean, your connections and background are not afraid of Nebula Games, and you will not be treated as an outcast.

But what if you don’t have any of the above conditions? Sorry then, go to hell!

What is also surprising is that some major foreign game companies have also stepped forward to support "Sin City".

This situation has confused many ordinary players. After all, the relationship between these companies and Nebula Games is not good, and some even have a considerable competitive relationship.

However, for designers in the game industry, it is much clearer. Fengyun Games is not the only one involved in the controversy surrounding its various turmoils.

Among the major first-tier companies in the gaming industry, who dares to say that they have never been attacked? This time it’s Nebula Games, so who can guarantee that it won’t be their turn next time

So now that Nebula Games has taken the lead and charged so hard, they have almost won the battle, so naturally they have to follow behind and shout and refresh their presence.

After all, they are a game company, and it is the players who can bring them profits. No matter what they think in their hearts, on the surface, they must act on the side of the players.

With the addition of various zzzq elements, some manufacturers have even started to stack buffs in various ways, but no matter what, on the surface they will only do it from an artistic and various perspective, but they will never openly say that it is just for zzzq. , this can be regarded as an unspoken rule.

… … …

One and a half months after "Sin City" was officially launched.

The previous controversial incidents have basically been settled, except for small-scale discussions.

But at the same time, many designers in the game industry also noticed something.

That is the popularity of "Sin City", which has begun to decline slightly.

For nearly two months in a row, "Sin City" fell from the top of the sales list to the second place for the first time.

Instead, it was a masterpiece launched by a foreign game manufacturer.

And you can also feel it from the player community, video websites, and live broadcast websites. Compared with before, the popularity of "Sin City" has indeed declined.

This is actually normal.

After all, no matter how rich and huge the content of "Sin City" is.

But it is still a single-player game, and the content pool is so big.

Players will eventually have time to explore it all.

As time goes by, after playing for such a long time, players no longer have the excitement and novelty they had before.

'I don't know if there will be any new DLC content in the future. I feel like there is no fresh content to play. '

'Indeed, although several big cities and main missions are exciting, I always feel empty after completing them. '

'Yeah, the same, I've completed all the various tasks and side quests. '

'I feel pretty good. There is a lot of hidden content in the game. I feel like I can play it for a long time! '

Players are talking about it online.

Some players still say that the game can keep them immersed for dozens or hundreds of hours.

But there are also players who feel that the current content of "Sin City" doesn't have much novel content that interests them.

Until the Nebula Games official blog announced the latest news, which instantly made all players excited again.