Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 98: Bragging?


Time passes day by day, and the development progress of "Dark Soul" is also very smooth.

With the reception of a large number of outsourced art materials.

The entire team got into telling mode.

At the same time, on Chen Xu's official blog and the official website of Nebula Games, pre-heating information about "Dark Soul" is also released bit by bit.

Simply interact with players, and then release some new promotional original paintings and the like.

Anyway, it’s just to brush up on the sense of presence.

However, during the same period, there were other games being promoted.

What is more eye-catching is the publicity war between NetDragon and Tenghua, the two top domestic channels, and game companies.

It is also a hidden VR game, and it is also a game that participated in the previous gameplay exhibition.

Although the limelight was stolen by Nebula Games at the exhibition before.

But now these two games are very generous in promoting them.

They all want to overpower each other.

However, although the intensity is great, the impact on Nebula Games is actually not too great.

After all, these two games are for VR.

In addition to this, there is this ongoing anti-war themed tour.

As of the end of July and the beginning of July, many games with anti-war themes have been launched on the official game platform.

There are some mobile games and some client games.

As for the types, they are also diverse, including RPG and FPS.

However, there are also many games that adopt the model that Chen Xu won an award for last year with "To the Moon".

But there is nothing too outstanding. On the contrary, many game players gave very low ratings.

Many players have made complaints online.

'Speaking of this year's travel theme, it's really... It's hard to describe it in one word! '

'The main theme is this. To oppose war, you have to show the cruelty of war, right? There must be a big scene. With such a short cycle and there have never been any major players in the game, I just feel that these games are awkward. '

'+1, I feel like these games are just the old master preaching to me. The key is that the preaching is so boring. '

'Stop making a fuss and look at Chen Xu's official blog. He seems to have also participated in this expedition! '

'what's the situation? Isn't Chen Xu working on "Dark Souls"? Why did you join this expedition? Could it be said that the development of "Dark Soul" has been completed! ? '

'Who knows, but anti-war is not an ordinary theme. Can Chen Xu do it well? '

'Never mind it, just buy it and play it first. I think the quality of Chen Xu's product shouldn't be too bad, at least better than these anti-war games on the market now, right? '

'makes sense! '

Regarding the launch of "Braveheart: World War", Chen Xu did not promote anything on a large scale.

He simply posted a notice on the official blog, and at the same time added an introduction to "Braveheart: World War" to the main interface of the Nebula gaming platform.

But it is obviously different from when Chen Xu was not well-known and needed some special means to promote the game.

The previous popularity of "Fall Bean Man" and "Three Kingdoms", as well as the currently under development "Dark Soul", have made Chen Xu quite famous and has a group of fans and players.

After the news of "Braveheart: World War" was released, it was quickly discovered by players.

But compared to the players' surprise and Chen Xu's calmness.

Many designers who participated in this expedition felt a bit depressed.

"Damn it, isn't Chen Xu developing "Dark Soul"? Why did he still make this game?"

"Yeah! I thought Chen Xu wouldn't participate in this tour this year!"

"It's so difficult!"

Many game designers feel a little bit broken. Of course, there are also some designers with a comparative mentality who are fantasizing.

"Everyone, please be careful. Maybe Chen Xu's work will be a surprise!"

"Yes, "Dark Soul" has also been continuously promoted during this period. Chen Xu's main focus must be on "Dark Soul". After all, it is Nebula Games and his first masterpiece."

"Yes, and the anti-war themed game is very deep, and Chen Xu may not be able to maintain it."

Of course, while discussing, like many players, these designers also purchased and downloaded the game, ready to see what the quality of the game was like.

Compared with last year's "To the Moon", this time "Braveheart: War of the Worlds" is priced at 20 yuan, and is also available on both mobile phones and PC.

… … … …

On Shark TV, the popularity of Jelly Bean Man, which was popular on the entire live broadcast platform, has also dropped a lot.

Although there are still many anchors broadcasting, many of them are even dedicated to broadcasting Fall Guys and Three Kingdoms.

But most of the anchors have returned to their usual live broadcast style. At most, when there are no programs, they will meet up with a few familiar anchors to play with jelly beans and improve the program effect.

And this time the launch of "Braveheart: World War" also attracted many game anchors.

In the live broadcast room of Shark TV Liuliu, she had just started the live broadcast and was chatting with the fans in the live broadcast room.

"That's all we're talking about today, let's play the new game from Nebula Games."

"It's not "Dark Souls". That game is still a big deal at the moment, and I don't know when it will be released. The new game participating in this expedition is called "Braveheart: World War." I estimate the size. It should be regarded as a standard for an independent game, although Nebula Games cannot be said to be an independent game manufacturer."

In the live broadcast room, Liuliu introduced the game to the audience today.

As for Nebula Games, Liuliu is still more concerned about it.

In addition to "Escape" and its pioneering work "Mirror", she also likes games such as "Hot Kitchen", "Jelly Bean Man", "Undertale" and "To the Moon".

So after learning that Nebula Games had participated in the launch of the new game, she immediately prepared to broadcast it.

While talking, Liuliu opened the Nebula game platform and saw the game on the homepage at a glance.

The cover image of the game shows a soldier in military uniform and a war dog.

The art style of cartoon animation.

Click to enter the game store interface. The prominent bold font title "Valiant Hearts: The Great War"

See the introduction of the game:

A heart-pounding adventure game with a unique atmosphere and art style.

A mix of exploration, action and puzzle elements.

Help the game's heroes survive the great war by solving puzzles or sneaking into enemy lines.

It mainly tells a story about revenge, family love, and friendship between four men and women whose fates are intertwined during the war, and a loyal dog.

This fictional story will take you back to the famous scenes of World War I, relive the major battles on the Western Front in history, and immerse yourself in historical events.

Liuliu hadn't done anything yet, but the audience watching in the live broadcast room had different opinions, and they all commented on the barrage to express their thoughts.

'Is this introduction too bragging? '

'Yes, isn't this a small-scale game with a cartoon graffiti style, and the type is still a 2D scroll. How about reliving the major battles on the Western Front in history? '

'That is, how do you feel the cruelty of war in this picture? '

'Although I trust Chen Xu very much, this is a bit too much. Reliving the scenes of World War I, I would believe it if it was a big production, but this game? '

'Yes, it's a bit ridiculous! '

'Even Nebula Games doesn't have much publicity! '

After reading this introduction, many players are a little confused.

This is too much to boast about!

After all, this is just a small 2D style game with cartoon art!

How does this represent a portrayal of war? Also relive those brutal battles in history.

However, Liuliu’s focus is not on the game introduction.