Game of the World Tree

Chapter 351: Elf? Elf again?


That was news from a wandering merchant from the Dead Desert.

It is said that last year, the orcs organized a war against the evil gods, but suffered a disastrous defeat in the war...

Tens of thousands of armies were destroyed, the king of the orcs died in battle, and even the artifacts they inherited were lost.

According to rumors, the people who fought with the orcs were a group of elves who believed in the evil gods.

They are well-equipped, numerous, tyrannical, and powerful...

When he heard the news, Huobeard didn't believe it at all.

Believe in evil spirits? Brutal brutality? huge amount of? And can it destroy an army of tens of thousands of orcs

What a joke!

Even if Huobeard is a resident of the underground, he understands the nature of elves very well.

Although those beautiful long ears have good strength, they are all weak like sheep, and they are notoriously devout. How could they believe in evil gods

The fact that they even fight against the enemy rarely kills, let alone tyrannical.

And... Who doesn't know that the population of the elves is getting sparser and sparser, where does the power come from to destroy the tens of thousands of orcs

From Huobeard's point of view, the news that the Orcs were defeated in battle should be true. After all, when they fought against the Empire of Humanity for thousands of years, they also suffered setbacks. And this time, 80% of them are also at war with the human kingdom of Ayres.

But it would be an exaggeration to say that this setback came from the elves, and that it led to the annihilation of their entire army.

Impossible, absolutely impossible, absolutely rumour!

Huoshu had heard such absurd news and left it behind, neither caring nor caring, much less believing it.

But today, when he came to Black Rock City and saw these strange elves here... he suddenly became vigilant.

These sprites... so similar to that ridiculous rumor!

Not only that, if Huobeard remembers correctly, the deep fissure cave where Black Rock City is located seems to be located below the Dark Mountains, very close to the Forest of Elves, and closer to the rumored battlefield where the Orcs were defeated!

Death is above... Could it be that the rumor is true

Inexplicably, Huoshu suddenly hesitated in his heart.

Along the way, he carefully observed these elves and compared them with the long ears he had seen in his memory.

He had to be wary.

For the Silent City-State Alliance, the evil god is a very sensitive issue, and they are always on guard against the erosion of these fallen great beings...

Therefore, after realizing that these elves are likely to have problems and may be related to the evil god, Huobeard's heart is raised.

However, looking at the elves moving freely in Black Rock City, and the dark dwarves around them who were accustomed to the existence of elves, and were even extremely enthusiastic, Huobeard felt that things might not be as simple as he thought.

And just as the old dwarf was contemplating, the group finally came to the Temple of Death in Black Rock City.

The high-level officials of Black Rock City were already waiting in front of the temple, and Huobeard saw the head of the temple of the God of Death, the God-Blessed Lady Aino, from a distance.

He put away the contemplation in his heart, put a smile on his face, and greeted the members of the mission to present gifts, and said to the head of the dark dwarf temple:

"It's been so many years, Miss Haino, you're still so beautiful... May death protect you forever."

"I haven't seen you for many years, Your Excellency Huobeard, may the god of death protect you forever."

The head of the dwarf temple returned the salute.

After speaking, she gave a friendly smile and said:

"I have received the oracle, and I know your intentions. You have worked hard all the way, and the temple has arranged accommodation in a tavern. Please rest for a while, and we will have further exchanges after lunch."

After listening to the other party's words, Huoshu also felt a little hungry in his stomach.

They came all the way, in a hurry, and indeed they hadn't had a good rest and food for several days.

After expressing gratitude to Ms. Aino, the mission, led by the dwarf guards, checked into a brand-new tavern called "Amway" opposite the temple.

The outside of the pub is unremarkable, but the interior is quite refined and elegant.

Dwarves in exquisite maid uniforms and deacon costumes come and go in the tavern, and dwarf bards play relaxing and melodious music. This place is completely different from the rough style of ordinary taverns in the underground world, but it is very similar to the above world. The Noble Hotel... The group was very surprised.

After taking a rest and sitting at the dining table, the meals prepared by the tavern opened the eyes of these messengers from the bustling areas of the underground world.

Different from the common foods in the underground world, in front of them are white bread with a strong aroma of wheat, delicate and spicy barbecued meat, all kinds of gorgeous dishes that cannot be named, fruits that exude a fragrance, and a transparent Yes, a wine with great staying power but great taste.

"Is there death? There is still white bread in the tavern in Black Rock City? The last time I ate these things was at the city-state's celebration!"

"Hey... fruit! A lot of fruit! It's sweet and crunchy! It's definitely the fruit of the earthly world!"

"The barbecue here is so fragrant! It seems to have added spices! They even added spices to the barbecue extravagantly!"

"And wine! This is absolutely the best grain wine! With a peculiar aroma!"

"Black Rock City... Is it so rich? As expected of an underground city-state close to the surface..."

While enjoying the delicious food, the delegation could not help but admire.

You must know that the environment in the underground world is harsh, and the food is monotonous and scarce compared to the surface world. Even if they are powerful beings in their own city-state, they rarely enjoy such delicious food.

And obviously, these delicious foods all originated from the ground.

However, unlike the exclamations of others, Huoshu's heart was a little surprised at the same time.

He visited Black Rock City once more than ten years ago.

In his memory, Black Rock City didn't have such good conditions at that time!

You must know that a dungeon that is close to the surface world does not mean that it will be commercially developed and rich in materials, because the location of the entrance to the surface world must also be considered...

Generally speaking, only a developed surface civilization, especially human civilization, will bring rich above-ground specialties to the dungeon near the surface.

And Black Rock City corresponds to the exit of the surface world. It is very remote in the world of Saiggs. It is a dark mountain range where birds don't shit...

At most, it is adjacent to a forest of spirits where only monsters and plants are left.

So, where did such richness come from

Firebeard just noticed that not only are they eating these delicacies, but the dwarves in the tavern hall are also enjoying the delicacies from the surface!

Thinking of this, Huobeard couldn't help but grabbed the dwarf deacon who served them and asked curiously:

"Friend, how did you get the food here?"

The dwarf who was pulled by Firebeard was a little cautious. He bowed first, and then replied respectfully and proudly:

"My lord, our tavern belongs to the Amway Firm, which is a business association we founded with our elf partners. Our food is traded with our enthusiastic elf partners."

Elf? Elf again

Firebeard froze slightly.