Game of the World Tree

Chapter 354: reinforcements from the surface


If there is any difference between the war in the world of Saigus and the war in the Blue Star Cold Weapon Age, it is that the addition of extraordinary power makes the direction and changes of the war more complicated and unpredictable.

And the UG-like existence of the teleportation circle has completely changed the city battle mode in the world of Saigus...

Different from Blue Star, the war in the world of Saigus is often a large-scale battle of defending or sieging the city, which can determine the trend of the entire war.

Among them, the most important reason is that the existence of the teleportation circle makes long-distance support a reality.

Of course, the maintenance of the teleportation circle requires magic stones. When teleporting, it will also consume more magic stones according to the distance of the teleportation and the strength of the target...

This consumption is very small at the beginning, but as the number of teleportation targets increases and the strength increases, it will soar at an exaggerated rate.

Therefore, for the general surface civilization, it is quite a luxury to use the teleportation array to support the army.

They will not use the teleportation array until the last resort.

However, for the underground world, it is different.

The underground world is extremely rich in minerals and has a huge reserve of magic stones.

Not only that, because the underground world is closer to the source of the plane, when using the teleportation circle to teleport, the magic power consumed is far less than the surface world.

So... it's a fairly common operation for them to use the teleportation circle to teleport troops.

If it weren't for the constant war between the underground city-states in the Underdark, even if they were in the same city-state alliance, the trust between them was generally not high. Otherwise, teleportation would have long since become a common way to travel.

In fact, it is this time that the Silent City-State Alliance has encountered a real crisis, and the goddess they believe in has issued an oracle, otherwise... they will never easily arrange this kind of ultra-long-distance teleportation with the same high risk and benefit. Array of.

And it is the existence of the teleportation circle that makes the fierce war in the underground world, once the battle, will go to two extremes—

Or, the war will end quickly after a big fight.

Or, it will turn a siege war into a protracted war, and sometimes it is not impossible to besiege for more than ten years...

At this moment, the largest dungeon in the Silent City-State Alliance, the City of Blades with the reputation of "Forging City", is facing such a siege.

The City of Blades is located in the north-central part of the western region of the underground world, at the junction of the first and second floors of the Underdark, and is about 300 kilometers horizontally from the Deep Rift. It is the forefront of the Silent City-State Alliance against the Dark City-State Alliance. .

The city consists of a large cavern formed by hollowing out stalagmites, next to the Underdark sea.

The City of Blades has a large population, with an astonishing 50,000 residents... Among them, the main residents are the dark dwarves and the underground gnomes, accounting for more than 80% of the total population.

Don't underestimate these 50,000 people, a city with this population is already quite rare in the underground world.

Not only that, but unlike the human cities on the surface, the urban residents in the underground world are almost all superhumans. The number of superhumans who have reached the black iron rank is at least a quarter of the city's population, and the largest underground city even has half the population in it. Black Iron rank and above...

In other words, there are at least 10,000 residents in the City of Blades who have reached the black iron rank.

In this huge dungeon, the dark dwarves used stone pillars as smelting centers, built their own houses and workshops, mines and alchemy workshops around them, and built a magnificent city wall with solid iron ore around the city.

Under the reflection of the fluorescent stone in the underground world, the city wall shone with a cold light, like a sharp blade, which is also the origin of the "City of Blades".

There is the largest magic stone mine in the entire western region, and the reserves of mithril, fine steel, and iron are also quite amazing.

As early as thousands of years ago, the dark dwarves built it into a well-known forging city in the underground world. The various equipment produced by the city of blades is even as famous as the elves on the surface...

Abundant minerals naturally created huge wealth in the City of Blades, and the huge wealth naturally aroused the coveting of other forces.

Therefore, the Dark City-State Alliance chose the first dungeon to start, and this is the place.

At this moment, the chief of Maple Leaf City, an underground dwarf named Brin, is standing on the city wall, looking at the dark illithids and dark dwarves outside. The name of the undead, monsters and goblins made up the army, with a solemn expression.

The enemy's attack came sooner than expected...

He never imagined that, without waiting for the return of the mission sent for help, he would usher in the siege of the Dark Alliance.

As of today, the City of Blades has repelled several enemy sieges.

On the city wall, the blood of the dwarves and dwarf soldiers had already been dyed black and red, and in the trance flickering firelight, it looked extraordinarily tragic.

There is a strong bloody smell floating in the air. Nearly 20,000 Solitude Alliance soldiers who originally guarded the city, at this moment, 5,000 people have returned to the kingdom of the goddess.

On the city wall, the soldiers sat wearily on the ground, and from time to time they could hear the groans of wounded soldiers...

Brin's heart grew heavier.

The number of enemies is far beyond his imagination. The Dark Alliance army participating in the siege this time may exceed 100,000...

If it weren't for the fact that the city of sharp blades was strong, and the defensive core of the Temple of Death in the city could use defensive magic to resist the powerhouses in the opponent's army, otherwise... the city would have been broken long ago.

But even so, if there is no reinforcements, I am afraid it will not last long.

The operation of the defensive magic also requires manpower, and because the Lord Huoshu, who can perform the divine descent, is not there, the City of Blades lacks high-end combat power and needs more power to maintain the operation of the magic.

In this case, the warriors on the city wall can only fight less and less...

What made Brin even more depressed and frightened was that there were still high-level undead in the opponent's army!

The opponent seems to have some kind of artifact that interferes with the power of the goddess. Once a soldier is killed by the opponent, he will turn into an undead and join the opponent's army...

Of course, this is also because the Lord of Darkness and Shadows has stolen some of the authority of the goddess, otherwise... how could these undead who betrayed the goddess be bullied

"Lord Huobeard... When can we bring reinforcements back?"

Thinking of the mission to Black Rock City, Brin sighed deeply.

His originally small figure looked even more stooped at this moment.

The mission has been away for many days...

If Brin's guess is correct, Lord Firebeard should have gone to the surface world for help through Black Rock City.

After all, in the oracle of the Goddess, He instructed the City of Blades to transform a large number of humanoid equipment in advance for the reinforcements to use.

Probably... the reinforcements should be humans.

The human mercenary group is still very famous in the world of Saigus, the most outstanding ones, it is said that there are even legendary powerhouses!

If Hobe-sama can come back with such a powerful mercenary group... It's really a turning point!

And just when Brin was thinking, suddenly, a dwarf warrior stumbled to the city wall, shouting excitedly while rushing:

"Lord Huobeard is back! Lord Huobei is back with reinforcements!"

Firebeard-sama is back? Reinforcements arrive

Hearing this news, Brin was refreshed.

He twisted his body suddenly, looked up at the dwarf warrior who came to him, and asked excitedly:

"The reinforcements have arrived? Is it a human mercenary group?"

Hearing Brin's words, the dwarf was slightly taken aback.

He said strangely:

"No... not humans, but... elves."


Brin was stunned.