Game of the World Tree

Chapter 357: Ulla-!


The attack horn of the Dark Alliance sounded, and the City of Blades was like a huge war machine, running slowly from the inside to the outside, switching to the state of wartime.

The entire city was instantly enveloped in a tense atmosphere.

The residents scattered, and those below the black iron returned to their homes to hide, while those above the black iron carried bags of supplies and spontaneously formed a civilian husband to support the war.

The current chief of the Council of Elders, Brin, accompanied by soldiers, followed the torrent of players to the city wall.

As the current supreme ruler of the City of Blades, he must also shoulder the responsibility of command.

However, the dark dwarf Huobeard did not choose to leave, but returned to the Shrine of Death in the City of Blades, and activated the core of the dungeon defense under the relieved sight of the priests of death...

Although other people can do this work, the previous sieges have proved that it is better to operate it as a God-Blessed Firebeard.

With the control of Huobeard, the power of faith stored in the temple instantly activated the defense system, and the dark gray energy was divided into two directions, up and down, with the temple as the center.

Among them, one energy ran along the ground and quickly covered the entire city wall of the City of Blades; while the other shot up into the sky, covering the dome of the cave, and buckled the entire City of Blades like an upside-down bowl. up.

This is the same method that Black Rock City used to defend against the shadow army. It is a large-scale magical defense barrier that covers an area comparable to a forbidden spell.

However, if you look closely, you will find that this magical defense barrier is not closed, but leaves a gap in the city wall.

This is also impossible...

If it is completely closed, the consumption of the power of faith will increase several times, and the power retained in the entire temple will definitely not be able to last for too long.

Therefore... The magical barrier can only cover the areas on the ground and underground that are most likely to be attacked, and at the same time leave a section above the city wall as a battlefield for fighting the enemy.

And this area was also the main source of casualties for the previous Silent Alliance troops.

In the underground world full of beasts and monsters who are good at climbing, the role of city walls is far less than that of the surface, and their value is only to choose battles on the city walls.

At this moment, the dark dwarf warriors and the underground gnome mages were already standing on the city wall. They were preparing various long-range machines to fight against the army, and they generally looked under the city wall nervously.

The dark city-state alliance army composed of monsters, dark dwarves, illithids, undead and goblins has gradually surrounded...

Looking around, the eyes are full of darkness.

And with the shock brought by the march of the army, and the constant roars and roars of monsters echoing in the cave... The army of the Dark Alliance is even more oppressive and terrifying in the already dark underground world.

Some of the soldiers in the City of Blades have faintly changed their faces, because they noticed that this time the enemy's attack was larger than the previous ones.

That's the truth... After several days of siege, the Dark Alliance has almost figured out the strength of the City of Blades. Under the order of the Lich King Pelogne, the army has decided to take this bridgehead of the Silent Alliance in one fell swoop. Down.

At the forefront was an army of goblins. They were poorly equipped and numerous. Under the threat of the death knights behind them, they carried the ladders and charged towards the city wall with a scream...

They are cannon fodder and strikers.

"It's a goblin! Prepare to shoot!"

Seeing the goblin "sea" rushing up, the dwarf soldiers on the city wall turned solemn. They raised their bows and arrows and shot in salvos.

With the whizzing sound, thousands of arrows fell into the sea of goblins like rain, and in a blink of an eye, these weak creatures fell down.

But... there are just too many goblins.

Driven by the commander of the Dark Alliance army, they red-eyed, wielded poor quality swords, carried crude ladders, or charged forward with their short bows fired back at the city walls.

There was a loud noise from the dwarf steam cannon placed on the city wall, and the huge steel shot shot at the goblin army, smashing a piece of unlucky guy into flesh.

However, no matter how many casualties, these goblins did not step back.

This is the tragedy of the weak. As one of the affiliated races of the Dark Alliance, illithids and dark dwarves raise goblins to be cannon fodder.

If they don't work hard, they will also die, and by the way, they will also implicate their own tribe.

After paying huge casualties, these goblins successfully came under the city wall, and under the magical bombardment of the underground gnome mage, they desperately set up the ladder and began to climb up...

Hand-to-hand combat begins.

The dwarf warriors roared, brandishing the axes and giant hammers in their hands, either splitting the climbed goblins in half or hammering them into a puddle of flesh.

The goblins were either panicking or screaming like crazy, but whether they were scared, flustered, or as if they had been beaten with blood, all the goblins who climbed the city wall did not choose to retreat. Instead, he slashed at the dwarf warriors with his weapons.

Maybe goblins are generally not strong, most of them are less than level 10, but their locust-like numbers are enough to drown any dwarf warrior...

Cursing, screaming, moaning, the sound of arrows breaking through the air, and the crackling sound of knives and axes, all mixed together, rendering the city wall a hellish scene.

In fact, because the front of the city wall was too long and there were too many goblins, the soldiers of the Solitude Alliance quickly fell into the siege of the goblins.

One after another wounds began to appear on their bodies, the axes in their hands began to curl gradually as they slashed again and again, and their breathing became heavier and heavier.

However, at this moment, they suddenly heard a burst of shouting and killing from behind...

"Kill! For the elves! Eh, no, for the friendship of the dark city-state!"

"Go! Comrades!"


Accompanied by excited shouts, one after another tall figure rushed up the city wall.

They are men and women, or they are wearing gorgeous armor and robes, or they are wearing modified Blade City standard equipment, like a torrent, and like a sharp knife, they rushed into the fighting goblins in an instant. and the Soldiers of the Solitude Alliance.

"Damn it! I had to fight goblins! There are so many!"

"Haha! I'm the best at this!"

I saw them laughing loudly, with hideous faces, cutting goblins one by one to the ground like chopping melons and vegetables, and consciously began to drive them away.

The goblins were taken aback by the sudden addition of the enemy.

They quickly fell into a riot, subconsciously began to avoid, and began to form a group.

However, these guys who just got together were quickly burned into ash by fireballs, or penetrated into sieves by ice blades...

And the skillful movements of the elves, the accuracy of directly hitting the opponent's weakness, and the perfect one-stop service of "killing - intimidation - expulsion - magic solution", as if they are specialized in doing this...

"Fine... elves?"

Seeing the players who suddenly rushed to the city wall and started to slaughter frantically, the dark dwarves and the underground gnomes were stunned.