Game of the World Tree

Chapter 362: We respect the dead and don't wear their gear


The unexpected death did not make Ji Ji angry.

She just regretted not knocking the undead's second rib off at the last moment...

Moreover, sending death is also one of her goals!

Although she intends to have fun, but with her current strength, she is at most a cannon fodder, and she just needs to practice fighting. The ultimate goal is to take advantage of the low level and a lot of resurrection coins to take advantage of the opportunity to give away the equipment.

And the mage is too safe in the back row, and he doesn't want to commit suicide, so of course he has to move forward...

This is the 11th time that Ji Ji has been resurrected, and she has already rubbed off ten sets of equipment by relying on her death.

And these ten sets of equipment were also stored by her in the public space ring of the Heart of Nature Guild, which was specially raised and exchanged by Li Mu to serve the members of the guild. Almost every larger guild has a similar public ring.

In fact, after the release of this mission, there are not a few players who have the same thoughts as her.

Even a player with a full level of 40 can use the death mixed equipment to earn a difference of 4000 contribution points out of thin air.

However, most players have limited resurrection coins, and there is no way to die too much.

And those with a lot of resurrection coins, except for the lucky ones like Ji Ji, are almost all the krypton gold bosses in the lottery pool. They are not poor in money, nor do they care about this contribution, and they want to have a good time on the battlefield...

When Yi Yi changed her bottoms, changed her hairstyle, and smeared her face with soil to ensure that the dark dwarves could not recognize herself, she used the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle to come to the City of Blades again...

At this moment, the teleportation formation in the City of Blades was still crowded with players.

Among them, some came back after being resurrected, and some came over after receiving the news after receiving the mission.

Noisily, they waited to be disarmed before heading to the walls to fight.

And just when it was about to turn Yi Ji, there was a sudden commotion from the crowd in front:

"What? There's no equipment? Are they all divided?"

Equipped out

Hearing this news, Ji Ji was slightly taken aback.

Wait... Can the equipment still be divided

Isn't this a game

Shouldn't this kind of reward in the game be unlimited

Could it be... a bug was reported, and the game found that someone was using this loophole to mix equipment

Ji Ji frowned.

At this time, the dark dwarf who was in charge of sending out the equipment wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a wry smile:

"This... I'm very sorry, we didn't expect you to be so active. We have prepared 8,000 sets of equipment, but we didn't expect it to be distributed so quickly..."

After hearing the dwarf's answer, the players exploded in an instant:

"Eight thousand sets? Is that too few?"

"Isn't it an official intention? I know someone will definitely use this to mix equipment, but we are new here!"

"Yes! What if we don't have equipment? We can't let us fight the undead with our bare hands, right?"

"Yes! Yes! We are new here!"

Ji Ji also shouted in the mix.

Looking at these angry elves in front of them, the dark dwarves in charge also felt a big head.

But... they really didn't expect so many elves to come here!

Eight thousand sets! It's over so soon, doesn't it mean that the elves have come with tens of thousands of reinforcements

This fact is very exciting, but... not equipped enough, it's a bit embarrassing.

And just when the elves were furious, Chief Brin, who got the news, finally came.

Looking at the more and more elves gathered, he also felt his scalp tingle...

There are so many elves? !

God is above! When he was on the city wall, he couldn't see the whole situation, and the proportion of elves killed in battle was too large. He really didn't notice that there were already so many elves participating in the war...

Although Brin hoped that the number of elves would be larger, when the number of them exceeded his imagination, a new question popped up in Brin's mind:

When did the elves get so bad

Where did these guys come from

Or... the news that the number of elves is small, just as the elves are very peace-loving is false

Is it all a hoax by the human merchants who sell their elven slaves to them at high prices

Yes... After seeing the madness of the elves, as a believer of the god of death, the first thing Brin suspected was not the identity of the elves, but whether the legends they knew about the elves were misrepresented.

After all... the inhabitants of the underground world hardly ever go to the ground, and most of their sources are human traveling merchants.

However, no matter where these elves came from, they are definitely the most solid reinforcements on their side with the divine oracle of the true God.

And since even the oracle had promised the equipment, Brin naturally did not dare to breach the contract.

He pondered for a while and said:

"Equipment... I will definitely give it to everyone. I have already arranged for someone to go to the city wall to collect it."

After speaking, he sighed:

"Your companions... are really heroic, real warriors!"

After listening to Brin's words, players gradually recalled:

"Wait... Is this to let us use the previous play... um... the remaining equipment after the elves sacrificed?!"

Brin didn't deny it:

"It's urgent, that's all it takes."

However, as soon as these words came out, the elves exploded again:

"No! No! Those compatriots who died are real heroes! The equipment they got is theirs! We can't use it!"

"Individual income is sacred and inviolable! It's theirs and can't be used to pay us!"

"That's right! It's a matter of principle!"

Looking at the resolute elves, Brin was speechless...

Why are these guys so stubborn!

Should it be said that they respected their dead comrades, or should they be said to be one-of-a-kind

Everyone is dead, what's the use of equipment

Of course, at this moment, he didn't know that if he really sent someone to the city wall to find equipment, he probably wouldn't be able to find a few sets...

Brin thought for a while, then said:

"Well, let's put on the equipment of the war dead first, and at the same time leave a record with us. When the war is over, everyone will come back here to exchange their own equipment with the record. As for the war dead... It's up to relatives to collect it. ."

He has already decided to contact other city-states quickly, and hurry up to make equipment!

Although taking out too much equipment at once, even the City of Blades would be a lot of pain, but compared to being able to win the war, this is nothing.

Of course, he has another alternative:

"In addition... I saw some friends come with their own equipment. We can also exchange the equipment's remuneration for the equivalent gold pounds. If we agree, we can pay with gold pounds instead of equipment. How about it?"

After listening to Brin's words, this time the elves agreed:

"That's a good idea!"

"Don't need equipment, the equivalent gold pound is not bad! Magic stones can also be! Even if it is magic materials, I will not refuse!"

"Haha! Me too, me too!"

Seeing the elf who turned around instantly after getting the promise, Brin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the equipment can't be obtained for a while, their City of Blades is very rich!