Game of the World Tree

Chapter 363: Regret Bryn


When the high-end combat power is not available, and the middle and low-end forces are evenly matched, the war in the underground world generally lasts for a long time.

Perhaps the possibility of the Silent Castle Alliance successfully defending the City of Blades remains open to question until allied support is available.

However, after the players joined the war as a new force, the balance of war, which was obviously tilted towards the Dark Alliance, quickly returned to balance.

Of course, the overall strength of the players is not high, and there is no strong player above silver. Such strength is not enough to completely reverse the situation...

But now that the magic power of Saigus has just started to recover, and the main army of each race is still the black iron rank, it is more than enough to let the players as the bottom army bear the pressure of the frontal battlefield.

At least... for now.

So, a long tug-of-war began on the walls of the City of Blades.

The Dark Alliance didn't know how many years of undead soldiers they had accumulated, and they rushed to the City of Blades one after another, trying to consume the opponent's strength step by step.

Melee combat is always the most powerful means of the undead.

And looking from the mid-air of the underground cave, you will see a shocking picture...

The undead surrounded the city of Blades, which was flickering with defensive magic, like a tide. They lined up in a neat pace and charged under the magnificent city walls at the command of the death knight.

Afterwards, these icy deceased climbed up the city wall like ants along the built ladder, and fought with the defenders on the city wall.

On the city wall, the crowd was clearly divided into two parts.

One is the army of the undead who climbed the city walls along the ladder; the other is a strange alliance of elves, dark dwarves and underground gnomes.

They fought on the city wall, and the battle was extremely tragic.

Swords, lights, swords, and arrows fly.

The roars, laughter, screams, and broken bones were mixed together... While extremely chaotic, it maintained a wonderful balance.

No one party can completely drive the other party off the city wall, and the two sides are deadlocked like this.

From time to time, the undead are pushed off the city wall, and sometimes the defenders fall outside the city wall...

Of course, if you look closely, you will find that most of the defenders who fell outside the city walls are supporting elves...

These warriors who came to support from the earth world have completely replaced the soldiers of the Solitude Alliance and become the main force of the defensive battle.

Perhaps... they are not as numerous as dwarves and subterranean gnomes, but they are often the first.

Of course, it also has the highest death rate.

The city walls were already piled with dead bones, the remains of destroyed undead soldiers.

These bones have long been dead, so a certain great existence just used the ability hidden in the elves to absorb the fire of the souls of the undead, and no longer care about these broken bones.

On the contrary, some elves who don't know what to think have collected a lot, and they are still talking about the good materials while collecting...

As the war continued, the defenders on the side of the Silent Alliance became more and more admirable for these elves allies who participated in the war.

The underground world is very chaotic, and in chaotic places, only the strong will be respected.

Perhaps the individual strength of these elves is not high, but the unity they show as a whole, the fearlessness and bravery, and even the greatness that they are willing to sacrifice their lives in order to destroy the enemy... all make these underground residents very Shocked!

Don't provoke these strange elves easily in the future, it's far better to be their friends than enemies...

After seeing the madness of these elves, this idea has become the consensus of the city defenders.

However, what surprised the Silence Alliance defenders the most, from surprise to shock, shock to horror, and finally from horror to numbness, is that no matter how many elves die, there will be new people to make up for it soon.

These mysterious reinforcements from the ground seem to be endless, like cockroaches in the underground world...

Not only that...their numbers continue to increase over time.

However, the elves that were supported later were generally not of high strength, and they obviously lacked actual combat experience. At first glance, they looked like some young children.

But even so, they were like the seniors of the same clan, shouting excitedly, screaming, and rushing into the battlefield...

Of course, their death rate is even higher.

In this strange situation, the soldiers of the Solitude Alliance gradually found themselves isolated to the brink of war.

In addition to fighting the elves, they have almost become spectators of the war...

This war lasted for three days and three nights.

And Brin, the chief of the City of Blades, who promised the elves a reward, also felt pain and joy as the war continued.

The happiness is because with the support of the elves, the City of Blades can obviously be defended.

And painfully, he found himself at the cost of a little bit of a promise...

"Tucker, have the statistics come out?"

Brin stood near the teleportation circle, looked at the underground gnome who was responsible for statistics and payment, and asked with a blank face.

And the subterranean dwarf who was holding a stack of thick books wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:

"My lord... According to the statistics, after the armor and weapons in our inventory were distributed, there are still many elves who joined the war requesting to pay for the equipment. In the past three days, we have owed a total of 13,184 A set of dark iron gear…”

Brin: …

Hearing this exaggerated figure, the chief of the City of Blades felt dark and a little dizzy...

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and asked in a trembling voice:

"Then... how about gold pounds?"

The underground gnome in charge of statistics swallowed.

He hesitated for a moment, then said with difficulty:

"A set of fine black iron equipment can be replaced by three hundred pounds of gold coins, and in the past three days... we have paid a total of 18.58 million pounds of gold coins..."

Brin: …

Hearing this number, the young chief felt a sweetness in his throat and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood...

Although he has witnessed the elves coming like a tide in the past few days, and even he has gradually changed from shock to numbness, when he heard this number, he still felt colic in his heart.

Eighteen million pounds of gold coins!

That's eighteen million pounds of gold!

The annual financial income of the City of Blades is only 3 million pounds!

All of a sudden, the savings of six years have been wiped out in just three days!

Of course, behind this number, the number of support elves represented is also terrifying...

If you convert it, adding the first batch of 8,000 sets of equipment, the elves actually dispatched nearly 80,000 people!

And now, the number of elves fighting on the city wall is roughly 15,000 people, that is, 65,000 people have died.

They didn't even leave a body behind...

Where did so many lifeless elves come from

Turning the whole world of Seggs upside down wouldn't be possible to find so many, right? !

Brin was full of doubts.

And yet... it's all true.

At this moment, Brin just wanted to travel back to three days ago, and beat himself to the death who made the promise so easily...


I am so sorry!

Such a large amount of wealth, even the wealthy City of Blades, would be painful to take out at once.