Game of the World Tree

Chapter 364: War really burns money!


It would be nice if they could not make up for the deceased's reward.

A thought flashed through Brin's mind.

Of course, just think about it, the contract has been made, the other party is an ally in the oracle, but the elves obviously haven't reached the limit, and he doesn't dare to do such things...

Of course, with the efforts of the elves, Brin didn't bother to do so.

He's not one of those cunning humans!

The reason why the City of Blades can become one of the famous commercial centers of the underground world is also because the dark dwarves and underground gnomes here are more honest than other places.

And, while the elves suffered a lot of casualties, they did just as much damage to the undead army.

Looking out from above the city wall, the number of the undead army has been reduced by almost half!

You must know that this time, the Dark Alliance dispatched nearly 100,000 undead legions!

The army composed of fallen undead is different from the shadow monsters, they are controllable, the Dark Alliance will spend a lot of time and energy before each war to prepare the fallen undead as an important fighting force of the army.

Destroying the undead directly is far more useful than depleting the opponent's magic power to control the existence of the undead army, because this means that once the war is over, the opponent will no longer be able to use the undead army in the short term!

In addition, the purpose of the Dark Alliance's attack on the City of Blades is to occupy the city, not to destroy it, so... it is unlikely to summon the shadow army, because no one knows if it will eventually summon something ghostly. .

So... once the undead army is eliminated, the frontal battlefield of this war will be half won.

As long as the high-end combat power wins the previous one, the tone of this war will almost be set.

Thinking of this, Brin took a deep breath, squeezed a smile, and asked:

"Tucker, how much money is left in our finances?"

Tucker is not only responsible for the statistics of the salary of the hired elves, he is also the treasurer of the City of Blades.

After listening to the chief's words, the old dwarf wiped his sweat again and replied:

"Chief, if you have to say it, there are 10 million left, but... We can use up to 5 million. Otherwise, it will affect the normal operation of our city and business."

After listening to the Treasurer's words, Brin fell silent.

five million…

At this rate, it can last for just one day.

Although money can always be earned back, it can't be so rash.

Thinking about it now, it might be better to hire mercenaries to help defend in the underground world!

Hiring a large-scale professional mercenary group with an average strength of black iron rank, more than 50,000 people, and rich experience to participate in the war, it is only 50,000 gold pounds a day at most.

And even if a mercenary group is hired to participate in the war, it is impossible to hire only one day. Usually, it is calculated on a monthly basis, and a month is only 1.5 million pounds of gold coins.

Of course, this is just thinking about it.

Not to mention that the Dark Alliance has cut off the source of the City of Blades' hired mercenaries in the underground world. Even if they are hired, can they do better than elves

No matter how elite a mercenary is, with more than 30 to 40 percent casualties, it will collapse.

But these elves, the death ratio has already reached more than 80%, but they are still fierce...

And, if they hadn't fought so desperately, the undead army wouldn't have lost that much.

If ordinary mercenaries replace them, it is estimated that a protracted war will really be fought, and it may be possible to fight for several years or even ten years.

That expense and loss is equally astronomical.

War... was originally a money-burning thing.

In fact, at the beginning, Brin was able to answer the use of equipment in exchange for the support of the elves, considering that the war that the Dark Alliance had prepared for a long time was very likely to become a protracted war.

And a set of equipment hired elves for several years or even ten years, it is not too profitable.

The ideal is very happy, the reality is very skinny.

Who knew... The proportion of these elves killed in battle is so large!

Get a set of equipment, and die in a blink of an eye.

Although he also killed the enemy, he died too quickly...

Be caught off guard.

Of course, it's not without benefits.

Judging from Brin's experience, the undead army lost nearly half of it in a short period of time. It is estimated that if this siege continues for a few more days, the opponent will retreat.

Although the Dark Alliance still has an army composed of dark dwarves and illithids, but with the loss of the undead, Brin doesn't believe that the other party can't see that the City of Blades has become a hard bone.

In this case, the opponent is likely to choose to give up the siege of the City of Blades.

Taking a deep breath, Brin already had a plan in his mind.

He turned around, looked at the foreign affairs chief who was on the other side in charge of negotiating with the elves, and said:

"You go and inform the other city-states that this war... is the war of our entire Silent Alliance! The elf allies were invited by everyone, and the oracle was also issued to all the city-states!"

"If they want to win, if they still have respect for the goddess, they must bear the rewards of being an elf ally!"

"As a battlefield, the City of Blades has paid enough. Considering their own safety, they did not send a lot of support. We can understand that, but this is not just a war in the City of Blades!"


The City of Blades couldn't bear it, so he pulled up other city-states to carry it together.

As long as the war can be ended as soon as possible, the extra money will be worth it in the long run.

After instructing the foreign affairs chief, Brin looked at the city wall that was still at war with a heavy expression.


Clearly at an advantage.

But it hurts so much...

Perhaps, I should persuade these elves not to fight so aggressively

At this time, Brin suddenly saw that the Treasurer Tucker hesitated for a while, but he hesitated.

He moved in his heart and asked:

"Tucker, what do you want to say?"

Tucker hesitated for a moment, then said politely:

"Master Chief, I don't know if it's my illusion. I have many times, and I feel that the elves who came to participate in the war seem to have been seen somewhere, uh... How should I put it, the elves who participated in the war later, some of their looks make me feel very strange. Familiar... some even feel like they've seen it several times."

"I specifically asked them, and they said that the previous elves were their relatives, not their own brothers, or their own sisters, and some even said they were twins..."

"It's just that one or two are enough. Such elves... seem to be a bit too many."

After Tucker finished speaking, he smiled slightly.

He had held this matter in his mind for a long time, and now he finally couldn't bear it, so he brought it up to the chief.

After listening to his words, Brin frowned slightly:

"You mean... After an elves participated in the battle, they went around and got paid again?"

Tucker hesitated, then nodded.

Brin frowned deeper.

He glanced at the city wall, then looked at the teleportation formation, and after pondering for a while, he gently shook his head:

"It shouldn't be possible."

"The elves who came to participate in the battle all came through the teleportation circle. The ultra-long-distance teleportation circle is connected to Black Rock City. After the elves fought on the city wall, except for those who died, few people came down..."

"If it's really what you said, can they still be transferred to Black Rock City, hundreds of kilometers away, and then teleport back?"