Game of the World Tree

Chapter 365: Looting the battlefield is a traditional virtue of the elves


Although Brin denied Tucker's guess in the form of rhetorical questions, he was also a little murmured in his heart.

Without him... These elven allies who participated in the war behaved really strange.

The elves are not low-level cannon fodder like goblins, but the rare and well-known longevity species, the former silver race!

And such an existence, suddenly appeared tens of thousands

And in the blink of an eye, most of them died on the battlefield

If someone else told Brin about this, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

It's a pity... this is all his own experience.

The calmness of these elves in the face of death surprised and admired Brin, but also deeply puzzled...

Although devout people can retain their memories and return to the kingdom of God after death, only those mad believers who can truly give up a beautiful life without hesitation, right

And these elves... how should I say, after observing for so long, Brin also knows that they seem to believe in a goddess named Eve.

But based on his own experience, he felt that most of these guys were not even devout believers.

Anyway... this is really weird.

There must be something wrong!

It's a pity that although Brin felt something was wrong, he couldn't figure out where it was.

"If there are elves who are familiar with you coming to the exhibition, you should pay more attention, um... You can secretly use the shadow stone to record their appearance."

After thinking about it, Brin still gave Tucker such an order.

However, Brin's new order did not go ahead.

Just as the two were talking, bursts of cheers suddenly came from above the city wall.

The sound came like a wave of the ocean, some were dark dwarves, some were underground gnomes, and some were elves.

Looking from the city from a distance, you can see the 30-meter-high city wall. Soldiers and elves of the Silent Alliance are cheering with their weapons.

And I don't know when, but there are no undead figures on the city wall.

At the same time, the roar of the underground monsters also came from afar...

Brin, who was familiar with the signals of the Dark Alliance, heard it, and this time it was an order to retreat.

The Dark Alliance has retreated.

His expression lifted, and he and the treasurer, Tucker, looked at each other, and they all saw a hint of joy in each other's eyes.

The two quickly got up and rushed towards the city wall in the company of their personal guards...

The skeleton soldiers on the city wall have been completely eliminated, and outside the city wall, the dense army of undead is slowly receding like a tide under the command of the death knight.

This is what Brin saw when he climbed the city wall.

"Retreat! Finally retreat! Praise the god of death! This defensive battle has been won!"

Seeing the receding undead, Tallinn, like other Solitude Alliance soldiers, couldn't help cheering.

Of course, half of the cheers of the old manager were for the finances of the City of Blades...

However, although most people are cheering, there are also different voices.

"Ah? Why is this retreating? I just came here! I haven't killed a monster yet!"

"That's right, I was about to level up, but you guys actually retreated at this time?"

Those were some unhappy elves.

They stood on the city wall, waving swords or staffs in their hands, watching the retreating undead, their faces full of pity and unfinished business. PC::/

Naturally, they were greeted by the strange sight of the Soldiers of the Solitude Alliance...

These elves... are too warlike, aren't they

However, this is not the most impulsive.

Brin saw that while the undead army was retreating, many elves climbed down the city wall along the ladder they left behind...

There are still many.

While crawling, these elves called their companions and said some strange words:

"Are you brave enough to touch the opposite ass together!"

"Walk around! Beat the drowning dog!"

"Hahaha, I'm coming too! I'm still one thousand experience away from leveling up!"

In the blink of an eye, under the stunned gazes of the soldiers of the City of Blades, many elves ran outside the city wall.

They were in groups of three or five, chasing the undead who were at the back of the undead army and slashing...

Of course, these daring guys were naturally discovered by the death knight in charge of the undead army, and the latter ordered the retreating undead to surround them...

The army of the Dark Alliance is retreating, but it does not mean that they have no combat power.

Naturally, except for a small number of fast elves who escaped, the others were all besieged in the "Fuck! Emma! Play away! Quick! Save me!" and even "Hahahaha!"

After struggling for a while, they died heroically on the spot... Only a pool of blood was left on the ground.

By the way, it also made the other elves on the city wall burst into laughter.

No one mourned, no one mourned.

Watching those guys who ran down the city wall "turned over" one after another, the whole city wall was full of happy atmosphere, like watching a joke...

Well, these guys, just move a little chair and find some nuts or something to eat.

Brin: …

He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He felt that the various impressions of elves in his memory needed to be completely updated.

This is a group of fighting lunatics with a unique way of thinking!

Of course... not all the elves who slipped down the walls went after the undead army.

More people are running around on the battlefield where the undead have receded like Sahuan, frantically picking up the remaining arrows and equipment.

The equipment on the city wall had been picked up during the battle, but there was none outside the city wall.

When the first group of people did this, a chain reaction quickly started:

"Fuck! You can pick up equipment outside the city!"

"Why didn't I think of that?"

"Go! Go! It'll be gone in a while!"

So, in the stunned sight of the dark dwarves and the underground gnomes, the elves who came back to their senses climbed down the ladder one after another.

They began frantically scavenging the battlefield, picking up fallen arrows and equipment left by undead and even goblins.

For a time, the empty battlefield after the retreat of the undead army was occupied by elves again.

They don't seem to care at all whether the undead army will turn around and kill a counterattack, but focus all their attention on looting the loot...

It seems... it's more important than life.

And wherever they went, not a single arrow was left, even the bones scattered on the ground were collected by elves...

Brin: …

He didn't know what to say anymore.

"Have you retreated?"

At this time, an old voice rang out.

Brin turned his head and saw that the former chief, Huobeard, the God-Blessed Dwarf, was speaking.

This golden-strength professional finished the defensive magic and came to the city wall.

However, unlike other cheering companions, his expression was not at all relaxed when he looked at the retreating army in the distance.

Deeply mourns the heroes who died in the epidemic...

In addition, there is an update tonight, don't wait, I will make up for the second update tomorrow.