Game of the World Tree

Chapter 366: Can these elves be resurrected?


"The Dark Alliance retreated too quickly."

Looking at the terrifying number of troops outside the city walls, Huobeard murmured.

As a dark dwarf who has fought in many wars, Firebeard knows the League of Dark Cities far better than others.

The fallen undead are a common vanguard force of the Dark City-State Alliance. Generally speaking, it is impossible for the opponent to retreat without breaking the target or exhausting the prepared undead army.

But now, the opponent only lost half of the undead army, but stopped the siege of the City of Blades.

This is not normal.

When this happens, there is only one meaning, that is, the other side is bound to win the war.

Therefore... After discovering that the City of Blades was stronger than expected, and there was no hope of breaking the city, the army of the Dark Alliance retreated.

This kind of retreat is not to give up the attack, but like a wolf who has bit the target, lurking in the darkness again, saving physical strength, preparing for better opportunities, in order to strike a fatal blow...

However, this also shows that the other party has realized the power of the City of Blades.

Looking at the retreating undead army, Huobeard sighed:

"It seems... this war is really going to be fought for a long time..."

"I don't know when my lord will truly take control of the authority that belongs to him, and make these betrayers pay a painful price..."

The army of the undead actually attacked the city that believed in the god of death as a siege party...

Although the opponent is a fallen undead who escaped the control of Death under the influence of shadow power and abyss power, there is nothing more embarrassing than this kind of thing.

However... this is the reality of the Church of Death in the underground world.

Compared to the God of Darkness and Shadows, who had begun to lay out in the underground world as early as ten thousand years ago, Hela, the God of Death, has far too little influence in the underground world.

Perhaps his personality is higher than that of Holder, the god of darkness and shadow, but a higher personality does not mean that he can suppress the opponent in all directions.

The underground world has long been the home of Holder, and the Church of Death can tear a gap under the opponent's nose and establish a city-state alliance that can compete with it.

The power of belief is weak, and even the most powerful True God can easily overturn in the battles of the world.

Not to mention, this is still an underground world full of dark power, infiltrated by Holder, and closer to the abyss!

Of course, what Huobeard didn't know was that the Dark Alliance side at this moment was also shocked by the power displayed by the City of Blades.

In this one, it seems to have suddenly appeared, the fighting power is sturdy, and it is completely disregarding life and death. At the same time, it seems to have a strange power, which can absorb the fire of the soul of the undead, and then completely smash the elves that replenish the ability of the undead army. … is the key to making the Dark Alliance side choose to retreat.

At the top of the Dark Alliance side, someone has already started to investigate the strange elves who appeared on the battlefield this time.

Behind the dark alliance army, in a temporary camp.

A humanoid monster with a black cloak and a lavender body was standing in front of a burning black flame, singing something.

His head looked like a big octopus, and there were four tentacles that kept squirming near his mouth, dragging them to his chest, and a layer of reflective transparent mucus could be faintly seen.

This is an illithid.

Like dark dwarves and subterranean gnomes, illithids are also intelligent species in the underground world.

They are natural spellcasters and are good at spiritual and soul spells. Most of them believe in Holder, the god of darkness and shadow, and the one in front of them is Orindor in the dark city-state alliance. The city lord of the underground city-state of , a blood warlock with gold median strength.

Orindor is an underground city-state not far from the City of Blades. There are trade frictions with the City of Blades all the year round. The two city-states are historical enemies.

The troop that besieged the City of Blades this time was also led by the dungeon master who was subdued by the Lich King Pelogne.

Of course, with the strength of the city-state of Orindor, it is impossible to gather such a powerful army.

This is the army that the Lich King Pelogne pulled together from the nearby city-states through centralized means after integrating the strength of the Dark Alliance...

At this moment, the city lord of the city-state of Orindor stood in the camp, chanting an obscure incantation.

As he chanted, the black flame floating in front of him quickly expanded, and finally turned into an eye composed of deep flames.

Those eyes exuded a kind of palpitating coercion, and the city lord of Orindor couldn't help lowering his arrogant head and said with a little respect:

"Great Lord of Morsuo City, the Lich King, your loyal subordinates have something important to report..."

"Our siege of the City of Blades suffered a setback. The City of Blades sought the support of elves. Those elves were very strange and there were a lot of them. Their weapons seemed to be blessed by the true gods on the ground, and they killed a lot of undead... "

"We have dispatched investigators and have initially learned the origins of these elves. They come from the ground and seem to believe in an unfamiliar god named Eve..."

"I suspect... this war has given rise to the idea of other great beings..."

The commander of the coalition told everything he knew.

After listening to his words, the eyes made of flames flickered a few times, and a majestic and heavy voice sounded:

"I already know about it."

"I will inform my lord about this and ask him to decide."

"The strength of the Silent Alliance has always been scattered and not united. Since the City of Blades has sought strong support, then you should retreat and go north to support Shanatar..."

Shanatar is another dungeon-state affiliated with the Silent Alliance, and it is also the first target of this Dark City-state attack.

However, before the City of Blades was the main attack direction, and Shanatar was the auxiliary attack direction.

Shanatar is relatively close to other Silent Alliance city-states, so it is easy to support, so there is not much pressure.

"I understand."

The lord of Orindor bowed deeply in reverence.

The Dark Alliance is back!

When the army besieging the City of Blades finally retreated, the entire City of Blades ushered in festive cheers.

The wandering merchants dared to come to the city again, and trade with the dwarves and gnomes, and the commercial activities of the entire City of Blades are running again.

Brin also breathed a long sigh of relief.

Finally don't have to go bankrupt!

However, although he breathed a sigh of relief, his heart was still vigilant.

Unlike the people, Huobeard, the favored one, had already told him his concerns. He knew that the war was far from over, and it was just that the Dark Alliance had temporarily given up attacking the City of Blades.

And just when he was thinking about how to arrange the city defense problem, he suddenly received a news that shocked him and suddenly realized a series of recent events.

"What? You said... These elves who support us have the ability to be immortal? After they die, they will be resurrected on the earth?!"