Game’s Dogma

Chapter 645: gone


A dark red.

When Ruan Bi'er regained her vision again, her eyes were already filled with dark red.

A subtle purring sound was heard.

That was the sound of magma flowing all around.

Tistiny's gentle voice sounded again: This is the residence of a friend. He forged a weapon for Yugi. As a price, the game cut off a piece of space for him from his own world, and it was completely his own, and even the game could not enter. So here, he cannot sense us.

You Long also know this friend.

Although You Long couldn't see it, the familiar burning feeling around him made him know that he was in the cave where Master Bai once was.

Who is Master Bai? Can the game actually carve out a space in the inner world for him in exchange for equipment

This is still within the game's internal world, so let's get that sorted out before we leave.

Let’s take out the little girl’s first.

When we leave this world, the laws of the game no longer exist. Everything in the package you own will disappear except legendary objects.

Hearing this, You Long immediately took out the palace from the package, and then took out Ruan Bi'er's ice coffin from the palace and placed it on the ground.

He waved his hand gently, and the bursts of hot breath dissipated, unable to invade the ice coffin.

Ruan Bi'er looked at her body and instantly felt a vague connection with herself. When she came to her senses, she returned to her own.

… …

Tis looked at You Long and felt distressed.

Because You Long couldn't see with the naked eye, he couldn't see Ruan Bi'er who opened her eyes in the ice coffin: Unlock the ice, she has returned to her own.

oh. Youlong's hand caressed the ice coffin, and the ice turned into mist as if evaporated. And he had quickly hugged Ruan Bi'er.

I'm back. Ruan Bi'er said slowly, looking at You Long affectionately. It's just that Youlong couldn't return the same affectionate gaze, but could only smile and say: Welcome back.

… …

Looking at the two children, Thies sighed quietly again.

How could life be so miserable

You lost your eyesight and the little girl lost her seven souls. These are not things that the law of life and death can handle. Although the law of life and death can bring the dead back to life, it is human flesh and bones. But the processing of souls and meridians is not his strong point. To be precise, no power is guaranteed to heal.

I think... you can only wander among thousands of worlds to see if you can find a world that has this kind of repairing and healing ability.

You Long slowly stood up with Ruan Bi'er in his arms: "Who are you?" Why do you want to help me

Tis took two steps without saying anything and touched You Long's head. His face was full of pity and concern: "Have you forgotten what I said when we were separated last time?"

You Long was stunned for a moment, thinking back to what Distinni said...

That was when You Long asked Tistiny why he wanted to give him the Han Yan Jade.

… …

My child, the road you have to face and take in the future is too difficult. Even the path you take can be said to be a narrow escape from death. But I still hope that you can live. Don’t take this little gift to heart and accept it well.

… …

Thies said softly: The power I am good at... is destiny. I can see people's destiny. This power makes me the law enforcer in thousands of worlds. Law enforcers will crusade against those who maliciously break the rules of the world. Law enforcers will also deal with some destroyed worlds and destinies. And I happen to be in charge of this world.

You Long, the reason why I risk everything to save you is because I see your fate.

Do you think your old enemy is Zeus? No. To be precise, Zeus can be regarded as your brother with the same blood. Your real enemy is the game.

The game is right. This time his fate was averted. A blessing in disguise, his strength increased greatly. He has the highest level of strength in the world. And because he has many tricks, not many people dare to deal with him.

And you were born in the world of games, followed the path of games, grew and thrived from his fate, and then awakened your yin and yang power. It can be said that you are the only one who can deal with the game.

You Long looked very calm: Why should I do this? The world is so vast and boundless that even the chance of me meeting him in the future will be...

No. Justinian said categorically: You will definitely meet, and you will continue to meet.

Because your destinies are already entangled.

No one has ever been able to put the world in his body and turn it into his own power like Yu Yu. Because of this, he doesn't know what will happen when the existence in his world is enough to break through the void and step into thousands of worlds.

Destiny will let you keep meeting each other until the winner is determined.

You Long didn't speak, just lowered his head and remained silent.

Thies sighed again: I said, your fate is too bitter. So I couldn't bear to see it, and I could only intervene a little on the premise of not affecting my destiny. Just like that time Master Duhu came to see you, it was the same.

We all want to help you.

Justinian reached out from his sleeves and took out several small bottles as small as his thumb. Almost as soon as the bottle appeared, Ruan Bier exclaimed: This...


These are the spirits of your dead companions and your parents.

I was afraid that the game would use these to threaten you, so I grabbed them first. Tis put the bottle in Ruan Bier's hand: after leaving this world, open the bottle. An ownerless soul will naturally fall into reincarnation and be reincarnated. For you parents, this is the best option.

As for your companions... they are powerful and their souls are equally powerful. If you find a good world to practice, it will be a good opportunity.

As he said this, Thies put a bag in his hand: This is for storage, so that you can go smoothly when you are preparing to start your journey to thousands of worlds.

Compared with the souls of those friends and parents, this storage bag is nothing at all.

You Long looked at Tistiny seriously - even though the direction he was looking at was obviously wrong: Thank you, thank you.

Thies smiled slightly: Okay, it's time for me to go. You guys should leave quickly, although you won't be discovered by the game. But it is still in his world, and it is useless to stay for a long time. As for your friends... there is no need to say goodbye, they are all probably being used by the game to erase all traces of you in this world.

As he spoke, his body slowly floated up. Those lines composed of text and images wrapped around him like a flow of data. That is the power of destiny, and the name Distinni means destiny in ancient proverbs.

In thousands of worlds, we will meet again if we are destined.

… …

Distinni left, and You Long and Ruan Bi'er were relatively silent.

Knowing that his partner has forgotten him is not a pleasant news.

It's a good thing, otherwise those guys would definitely not stop when they heard that I was leaving. You Long smiled forcefully. Ruan Bi'er blinked: In front of me, there is no need for such disguise. You Long was silent for a moment, then slowly said: I'm sorry.

On the other side of the are you going to deal with it

You Long thought for a while and said: Our parents' souls were reincarnated naturally. After all... they are just ordinary people, there is no need to let them get into this flowing water. As for…

In addition to the two parents, there are three souls that Distini gave to Youlong.

Wan Erhao, Zhang Feng and Zeus.

Zhang Feng and senior brother... I know them very well, they are both arrogant and arrogant people. If they knew that I was looking for reincarnation for them like taking care of children, they would definitely not be able to bear it. I plan to use my yin and yang power to protect their intelligence first, and then let it naturally rotate in thousands of worlds. As for Zeus... I'm going to think about that again.

Well, that's a good arrangement. Ruan Bi'er said softly.

… …

After a moment of silence, Ruan Bi'er suddenly said: "It looks like we are really suitable."


Ruan Bi'er smiled like a flower blooming: I can't move, but you can't see. It just so happens that you can be my hands and feet, and I can be your eyes.

You Long was stunned when he heard this, and then smiled: Yes.

He carried Ruan Bi'er behind his back. Just as she said, he treated her as her body and she treated him as his eyes. Two people with different bodies but one heart.

A black and white Yin-Yang fish appeared in front of the two of them, and the Yin-Yang fish slowly stopped turning.

The yin and yang fish on the black and white sides slowly separate, like a door.

This is originally a door, a door that uses the power of yin and yang to forcefully open the world.


Well, let's go.

That man left behind his beloved woman.

There is no trace of him in this world, as if he never existed.

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