Game’s Dogma

Chapter 7: ──Sasaki


The first person to leave a message was: I don’t even know how to leave the game, how can I learn how to play games!

You Long suppressed his irritation, and kept scanning the cynicism towards the poster with his fingers, and finally found someone who gave a serious answer: he took out his phone and pressed the system interface. At the bottom was the button to leave the game. ps: If your eyes are not clear, remember to get your eyes checked. Then the following is a series of thanks from the author to the master who answered his question.

… …

… …

A cold wind blew.

You Long's body suddenly trembled, and at this moment he found that his back was soaked in cold sweat.

In my own system layout, there is indeed no leave game button.

You Long even kept touching the bottom of the empty system interface with his hand, but nothing happened. At this moment, he had a fantasy for no reason.

A very scary fantasy.

What happens if you can't leave the game

You Long forced himself to calm down and looked at the night, with wild monsters wandering around him. I should be happy that this is still a novice area. After leaving the novice area, many wild monsters are not as friendly as they are now. Many of them are types that will actively attack as long as you invade their area.

But Youlong still found an empty cave and hid.


Another gust of cold wind blew, and You Long shuddered.

Youlong walked out of the cave again, took out the wooden stick in his hand and broke off a few branches to use as firewood. Then he took out a stone to rub the fire. While wiping the fire, he also thanked the old madman for catching him and living in the mountains.

A fire burned blazingly in the cave, and Youlong immediately felt a warmth. He didn't care about so many things, and hungrily searched for the information he wanted from the browser.

Brainwave technology, inability to exit the game, confinement...

After turning dozens of keyword eyes, You Long couldn't find any information that was helpful to him now, but he still found an explanation of the real world corporate world (orld) from the keyword eye brainwave technology.

There was a passage in it that made his heart sink suddenly: Although our company's brainwave technology is already very mature. But we still don’t recommend players to indulge in it for a long time. Therefore, there is a warning light in the upper left corner of the character (left of the character’s health bar). When the warning light lights up yellow, it is an alarm; when the warning light lights up red, it means that the player is advised to take a rest immediately. But don't worry, if we hadn't fought for a long time through the 24 hours, it would be almost impossible for the red light to turn on. If you don’t take a break when the red light is on, it is very likely to cause damage to the player’s brain!

You Long looked at the upper left corner of his camera. There was no warning light, not even his own character's health bar!

You Long continued reading: But of course we have thought of this step. Rest in the game will also have the same effect as real rest. Therefore, in our game, there are various hotels and hotels for players to rest. In other words, sleeping in the game is exactly the same as sleeping in reality. Seeing this, You Long breathed a sigh of relief.

You Long closed the browser.

Watching the crackling sparks, I felt trance-like.

Did you make the wrong decision to enter this game

… …


You Long's body trembled slightly and his eyes slowly opened.

Looking towards the entrance of the cave, the morning light of the rising sun shines in from the entrance of the cave. I saw a bird chirping and looking at me curiously. In front of him was a burned-out fire with white smoke rising from one side. You Long stood up and defecated. He had already seen this in the browser: only players with game warehouses have an excretion system. Excretion in the game will also be excreted in the real world. Therefore, he does not need to be afraid that he will be the first player to suffocate to death.

After waking up, Youlong felt hungry.

Looking at the plump apples on the tree, You Long smiled and took two steps back and sprinted! He climbed up to the tree and picked apples. After eating several apples, he felt less uncomfortable with the hunger in his stomach.

You Long, who casually jumped down from the tree, was startled.

This kind of life…

It’s so similar to those days!

At that time, I still made a living by picking fruits. If I was lucky, I could hunt and the game I caught would be delicious.

Nine and a half days to go.

You Long looked at his phone and set the timer. It now showed 8:59:45.

Yesterday, he took a look at the nutrient system of the game warehouse.

When you eat in the game, you will also eat in the real world.

But it can only last ten days, that is, ten days.

Ten days later, I still couldn't find a way to leave the game, waiting for me to starve to death.

Two hundred and twenty-eight hours is the countdown to his death.

I am really grateful that this game can be connected to my mobile phone, otherwise I would be ten or a hundred times more hesitant than I am now.

… …

While leaving the novice area, I casually hit monsters.

Although he was confused, he did not forget that he was in a game. Leveling up, strength is the root of everything. When he left the novice area and arrived at the first city, Yoda City, he also reached level 5. After loading the spear, I feel more at ease. After all, it is a weapon that I can use easily.

Skill, Youlong plans not to worry about it for now.

The decision will be made after level 7, when the third skill becomes available. Nowadays, when fighting monsters, Youlong uses the 5 attributes of each level obtained from upgrades to fight monsters. Otherwise, I really don’t know how long it will take to defeat those monsters before they die.

As he walked into the city, You Long looked at his attributes panel.

Strength, wisdom, agility, constitution.

There are four choices, 5 for each level. Youlong chooses two powers, one each for wisdom, agility, and constitution. Youlong didn't intend to pursue extreme damage, so he chose an average development, but his power was still basically two or three.

Walking to the grocery store, You Long bought a lot of things.

Maps, food…

He wasn't going to get equipment or anything like that. The first thing he needed to know now was how to escape from this game.

Master. In a luxurious mansion, an old servant respectfully handed over a towel.

A young man got up, took the towel and wiped his body: How is my trip going today? The old servant's wrinkled hands quickly opened a notebook and flipped through it: Today's swordsmanship training has been completed. At the same time, the meeting will start in an hour, that is, Master, you have an hour of free time.

The young man showed a smile: Then I'm in the game. Notify me on my phone fifteen minutes before the meeting starts.

The old servant bowed respectfully and watched the young master enter the game room. He couldn't help but sigh softly.

Master, you have worked too hard.

Maybe this new game is the only way to relax the young master.

The light flashed and the boy quickly entered the real world.

The place where the game goes online is based on the place where it was offline last time.

The place where this young man went online was in a forest. He was obviously too lazy to go back to the city, so he just leveled outside the city until he got tired and immediately logged off.


Introduction: A fighter with a light body who focuses on speed. His quick attack speed and movement speed give enemies a headache. But the hunter who also wears light armor sacrifices defense and has a weak body with lower health.

Skill type: The hunter has excellent eyesight, making him an excellent long-range attacker. At the same time, their fast movement and attack speed make them terrifying shadow killers.

Evolution: Ranger, Assassin.