Gao Wu: Invincibility Begins with Basic Archery

Chapter 15: Tomorrow, I can go out with you guys


At this time, Chen Fan had already stood fifty meters away from the target. He reached back with his right hand, took out an arrow from the quiver on his back, and put it on the string.


Chen Guodong exclaimed in his heart and widened his eyes. Could it be that he could hit the target from such a long distance

Before he could think about it, he heard a "whoosh" sound, and a flash of light appeared on the black arrow tip, which was gone in a flash. He saw the target in the distance shaking violently, and an arrow hit the center of the target exactly. A dull impact sound was heard from far away and near.


In an instant, Chen Guodong's eyes almost popped out. Hitting the bull's eye from 50 meters away? Was he dreaming

The woman next to her also had a look of disbelief on her face.

Chen Fan, however, acted as if nothing had happened. He calmly stretched out his right hand, took out the second arrow from the quiver, and put it on the string.


A sound breaking through the air seemed so clear in the quiet night.


The second arrow also hit the center of the bull's eye, right next to the first one.

Chen Guodong opened his mouth so wide that his chin almost dropped to the ground.

If it happened once, it could be considered a fluke, but what about twice? Looking at him like this, it seems like he will continue

Chen Fan still said nothing, his face calm as water. He took out the third arrow, pulled the bowstring again, and let go quickly.


Three hits on the bullseye.

Next came the fourth and fifth.

Chen Guodong and his wife were sweating on their foreheads without realizing it. They were in disbelief at the beginning, dumbfounded in the middle, and now, they are a little numb

At some point, Wang Ping and his companions also arrived here. When they saw this scene, they stood there in shock, speechless. Although they could guess that Chen Fan's archery skills must be good, they did not expect that he could be so bad.

It's just a 100% hit rate, right

The lame man stood aside, his mouth twitching twice. Could it be that this kid brought his family here to show off? Damn it, he still got me.

At this time, Chen Fan turned around with a faint smile on his face, "Dad, tomorrow, I should be able to go hunting with you guys, right?"

After he finished speaking, the surroundings fell silent again, and everyone, including the lame man, looked shocked.

Chen Guodong smiled bitterly. What else could he say at this point? Even though his archery skills were somewhat inferior to those of the Wei brothers, it was already quite difficult considering that Chen Fan had only practiced for two or three days.

The woman next to her opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

“I think we should be cautious about this matter.”

The lame man's voice sounded, and he looked at Chen Fan solemnly and said, "The wild is not like the village. Not to mention the dangers, the beasts are not sitting ducks. You'd better hone your archery skills for a few more days before going out."

"Yeah yeah."

Upon hearing this, the woman quickly agreed.

The main thing was that Chen Fan left as soon as he said he would, and she was not mentally prepared at all.

Chen Guodong's eyes moved slightly, and he obviously had the same idea.

Chen Fan shook his head and said firmly: "Uncle Zhang, I understand your good intentions, but I can also hone my archery skills in the wild, right?"

The lame man was stunned and was speechless.

Yes, actual combat will always lead to faster progress than daily training, whether it is archery or shooting, this is a very simple truth.

"As for danger, where is not dangerous?"

Chen Fan said this and looked at Chen Guodong with burning eyes, as if to say, Dad, you should have no reason to refuse now, right


Chen Guodong seemed to have mustered up the courage to say this word, "Tomorrow morning, you will go out with us."


The woman exclaimed.

Chen Guodong shook his head at her, looked at Chen Fan and said, "We have to go out tomorrow, don't practice too late tonight, go back and rest early."


Chen Fan smiled.

On the way back, the woman complained, "Why did you agree to it? He's not even an adult yet. What if something happens to him?"

Chen Guodong sighed, "We have to go out eventually. You've seen Xiaofan's archery skills. If we can really go out into the wild and shoot one or two prey, it will help relieve a lot of pressure on the village."


The woman was silent for a moment, and then she said:

"Then you have to ensure his safety."

"Don't worry, unless I die."

Chen Guodong said firmly.

Having said that, he was not very optimistic in his heart.

Just as Zhang Ren said, the ferocious beasts in the wild are not sitting ducks. When they sense danger, they will run away, and at a very fast speed, so ordinary people will not be able to catch up with them.

Of course, there are those who won’t run away, and these are synonymous with danger.

Xiao Fan can hit the bull's eye from fifty meters away, but can he still hit it in the wild, facing a running beast

But no matter what, his joining the hunting team can give everyone a lot of confidence, and even if they miss the target, no one will say anything.

On the open space.

The lame man had a complicated look in his eyes. "Why didn't you discuss with me before going out hunting?"

Chen Fan scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "Uncle Zhang, I just had an idea and discussed it with my dad at the dinner table. I haven't had time to discuss it with you yet."

"You are still too impulsive," the lame man shook his head, "Wouldn't it be better if you practice for a few more days and become more proficient?"

"Uncle Zhang, we don't have that much time."

Chen Fan had no choice but to say.

Sure enough, the lame man's eyes suddenly dimmed.

The atmosphere also became solemn.

Chen Fan didn't like seeing people frowning, especially because of his words, so he smiled and said, "Uncle Zhang, please help me with the training from now on."

"Just a little favor."

After the lame man finished speaking, he limped away. He could see that Chen Fan was trying to change the subject, but he was helpless in facing the predicament of the village.

All I did was probably help him during his training.

After four or five hours, everyone, including the lame man, was exhausted. Even so, no one complained or felt tired. They took turns helping Chen Fan train in archery.

Some of them wanted to go out with Chen Fan, but they couldn't muster up the courage.

Accompanied by a dull sound, a warm current flowed through the body, and the basic archery skill was upgraded.

Chen Fan finally felt relieved and his mind moved.

Basic Archery: lv4 (0%), Features: Physical Strength 4, Arm Strength 4, Slow Shot 4, Horse Archery 2

Level 2 horse archery means that his hit rate can reach 60% when he aims at a moving target, which will undoubtedly greatly increase his combat power when he goes out of the village to hunt tomorrow.

And the slow-fire reached level 4, which made him a little confused.

In this case, if you aim at a fixed target and the hit rate reaches 120%, what is the meaning of the part that exceeds 100%? Isn't it all stable

No, that's not right.

He frowned. Perhaps, this hit rate was just a theoretical value on the panel, not the actual value after aiming at the prey