Gao Wu: Invincibility Begins with Basic Archery

Chapter 2: Add points and upgrade


The three of them walked in silence to a house with a fire on.

"Dad! You're back!"

Suddenly, a pale and thin boy of about twelve or thirteen years old ran out of the house quickly and threw himself into Chen Guodong's arms. He was Chen Fan's younger brother, Chen Chen.

Chen Chen raised his head, looked around, and asked with some disappointment: "Dad, didn't you bring any food back this time?"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, his stomach started growling.

Chen Guodong blushed and stammered, "This time, something unexpected happened. I will definitely do it next time."

"But, that's what you said last time."

The boy blinked his eyes, his gaze was extremely clear.

The woman quickly pulled him away and complained, "Didn't you see your father was injured? Be careful not to touch the wound."

She didn't dare say that this time your father almost didn't come back.


The boy followed the woman's gaze and took a step back in fear, "Dad, yes, I'm sorry."

"What does this have to do with you?"

Chen Guodong touched the boy's head, then looked at the woman and said, "Cook some rice soup? Is there any money left at home? I'll see if I can go to Songjiabao to exchange for some food tomorrow."

"It's gone long ago. Even the wedding ring you gave me was exchanged." The woman shook her head, then walked into the house, scooped a small half spoonful of rice from the bottom of the jar, and started to cook porridge.

There is not much rice left in the rice jar. At most, it can last for another week. If I eat all of this, I will have nothing to eat.

"Xiao Fan."

Chen Guodong waved at Chen Fan and asked with concern: "How is your health?"

"It's all right now, Dad."

Chen Fan tried his best to imitate the original body's movements and tone.

As far as he could remember, the original body seemed to be somewhat afraid of his taciturn father, and their relationship was therefore a little distant, which was actually a good thing for him.

Chen Guodong opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he just nodded and said briefly: "I'm glad you're okay."

Dinner was a thin porridge, mostly water, with just a few grains of rice at the bottom of the pot.

The family of four licked the bottom of their bowls clean, and Chen Guodong, the pillar of the family, drank another bowl.

Afterwards, everyone went to rest.

Chen Fan and his brother slept in the west room. The sound of his parents' conversation rang in his ears. It was not that he wanted to eavesdrop, but the room was indeed simple and the soundproofing was very poor.

"Guodong, do you know? I was so worried today, afraid that you would be like them and not be able to come back." The mother sobbed softly.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." The man's voice was steady and powerful.

"But what about next time?"

The whole room fell into silence.

Chen Fan sighed softly.

Despite this, life without food to eat was very hard, and many people didn't even have a place to live. In those cities, let alone whether people would be willing to take you in, just the dangers involved would be enough for ten lives for ordinary people.

Strength. Only with strong strength can you survive.

He closed his eyes and thought about it. Something similar to the character attribute panel in the game appeared in his mind, extremely real.

Realm: None

Level: 1 (0/1)

Constitution: 8 (the average value for adult men is 10 points, the same below)

Strength: 7

Agility: 7

Spirit: 5

Skills: None

Potential points: 1 (1 point/day)

In addition, there is a big plus sign behind the level, which is particularly eye-catching.

And this plus sign was not there an hour ago. He traveled through last night, and by tonight, it had been about 25 hours in total.

When the data panel first appeared, he thought it was an illusion. It was not until he checked again and again that he finally confirmed that the money had been received in his system.

This plus sign should consume potential value.

Chen Fan took a deep breath, his heart moved, and he saw that the plus sign behind him seemed to be pressed by someone. Then, a strong heat current surged from his heart and flowed to every corner of his body.

“Click, click.”

A series of subtle sounds came from all over his body, and he felt an indescribable sense of openness and pleasure.

"Is this, strengthening my body?"

This thought popped up in Chen Fan's mind, and he clearly felt that the strength in his body had become stronger.

After a few seconds, the heat dissipated. If it weren't for the sweat from his body that soaked his clothes, he would have doubted whether it was just an illusion.

When I clenched my fists, I indeed felt a sense of abundant power that I had not felt before.

"Oh right, system!"

He looked hurriedly and found that the properties had indeed changed.

Realm: None

Level: 2 (0/2)

Physical fitness: 8.8

Power: 7.7

Agility: 7.7

Mental: 5.5

Skills: None

Potential points: 0 (1 point/day)


His eyes lit up when he saw that all four attributes had increased by about 10%, barely reaching the standard of an adult male.

No wonder I feel stronger.

He became more and more excited, feeling that there was a glimmer of hope for his future life. Unfortunately, his potential points became 0 again, and nothing else changed.

"It looks like it will take another day to gain a little more experience points."

Chen Fan sighed, and the plus sign after the level disappeared, and the original 0/1 became 0/2.

"It seems that if I want to continue to level up, I need to consume two potential points. I don't know how to increase the growth rate of potential points. One point a day. Now that I don't even have food to eat, it's a luxury to live one more day."

Chen Fan muttered to himself, he didn't have much time left.

His eyes slowly moved down and landed on the skill column, which showed nothing.

So, this is a reminder to myself to learn martial arts skills

However, he had never heard of anyone in this earthen fortress who knew Kung Fu. He himself remembered a few moves of Tai Chi, but those were learned when he was in school. He was careless when practicing, and had forgotten them after entering society.

Besides, even if we have Tai Chi, we can't fight with ferocious beasts in this place where medicine is scarce. Otherwise, if we get injured, we can only heal ourselves. If the injury is too serious, we can only wait to die.

If you want to learn, it is best to learn archery. At the very least, you can use long-handled weapons such as spears and sticks. The longer the better. Finally, you can use swords.

"Try tomorrow."

Chen Fan quickly made a decision to learn archery.

There were not many iron tools in the earthen fort, and iron bows were probably even more scarce, because among my father and his group, only two or three people were equipped with longbows, while the others used spears, shields and other melee weapons.

As for guns? They are valuable goods. Killing low-level beasts is a piece of cake. Therefore, the price is shockingly expensive!

But it doesn't matter. He can first use the wood, the broken bowstring, or the tendons of ferocious beasts to make a wooden bow. It is not difficult to gather these resources.

Even though archery is not a martial art at all, you can learn it for self-defense and go hunting with the hunting team in the future. After all, relying on others is not a solution and you have to be self-reliant.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to survive in this cruel world.

As Chen Fan was thinking, he gradually felt sleepy and fell asleep. He was awakened by a scream from outside early in the morning.