Gao Wu: Invincibility Begins with Basic Archery

Chapter 43: Make a feint to the east and attack in the west


The reason is very simple. He is the only archer in the opponent's team. It is likely that this young man has good archery skills. The black rat in the hands of the person behind him is the best proof.

"I just don't know how much tension the bow uses." He was a little curious.

"Xiao Fan, did you see it too?"

The bald man smiled and glanced at Chen Fan and Chen Guodong intentionally or unintentionally, "That's Gu Jianghai's son, Gu Ze."


Chen Fan's eyes widened. What a coincidence

Chen Guodong coughed twice and said calmly, "It's just as your uncle Liu said. I heard that Gu Ze is very strong and can pull a bow with a pulling force of 80 kilograms."

Speaking of which, he was also very envious at that time.

As soon as the words fell, a disdainful voice rang out.

"What's the big deal? Our Xiaofan is using a bow with a pulling force of 100 kilograms."

"That's right. If we really compare archery skills, I think that boy is far behind."

Gao Yang and his companions said this in a tone that was unconvinced.

Let’s not talk about anything else, just say that Chen Fan single-handedly shot and killed six wasteland wolves in succession. Can that guy do it

Chen Fan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and was also a little moved. He could tell that everyone was sincerely protecting him.

He looked at the direction the other person left, feeling relieved. No wonder such a few people could support a small village. The guy named Gu Ze was indeed quite capable.

It would be great if some people like this could appear in his village. The figures of Zhao Feng, Wang Ping and others appeared unconsciously in his mind.

After lunch, everyone rested for a while and then set out on the hunting journey again.

It seemed that good times would come after bad times. In just half an hour, a group of prey appeared in sight.

"Looks like a flock of sheep?"

Chen Fan blurted out.

He can now see objects nearly 500 meters away. Of course, this distance is too far for Chen Guodong. About 300 meters is the maximum distance they can see clearly. If it is farther, they can only see the outline.

There are about ten sheep in this group. They are about one-half larger than ordinary sheep. They have black curved horns on their heads, snow-white bodies, and four legs that are extremely long and strong. You can tell at a glance that they are good at running.

At this moment, most of them were eating grass, but one of them was alertly looking around, and it seemed that it had already discovered their group and was looking over here.

"Sheep? Oryx?"

The bald man muttered to himself.

"It seems so. Is this difficult?"

The smiles on everyone's faces faded.

Chen Guodong explained: "The antelope is also a low-level beast. It is not aggressive, but cautious by nature. Even when eating, there will be people responsible for vigilance. Once they find danger, they will sound the alarm and run away. Even the wildebeest can't catch up."


Chen Fan nodded.

It is exactly as my father said.

"And they can see very far away. Just like now, we can only see their outlines. The sentinel has probably already discovered us. We will probably alarm them when we are three or four hundred meters away. Hey, we thought we could have a good harvest, but now it seems that our excitement was in vain. Let's go."

Gao Yang was losing interest.

The same is true for everyone else.

They had suffered a lot before, but they learned their lesson. Instead of wasting energy, it is better to pretend nothing happened.

Hearing this, Chen Fan felt a little unwilling.

He finally came across a group of prey. As long as he could get the distance to 200 meters, or even 250 meters, he was sure he could shoot at least two.

But what my father and the others said was right. The antelope was very alert and had discovered us. There was no doubt that it would run away once we entered the warning range.

So, there is no solution

Yes, if I could use a bow with a pulling force of 200 kilograms, there would be no such problem at this moment. If it was a bow with a pulling force of 300 kilograms, it would be even easier.

Obviously, this approach is unrealistic.

At this moment, an idea suddenly occurred to him. He thought he might as well try making a feint to the east and attacking in the west.

If you fail, there is no loss, but if you succeed, it will be a great harvest.

"Dad, uncles, do you think this is okay?"

Chen Fan expressed his thoughts.

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment after hearing this.

"We are responsible for attracting the antelope's attention. Xiaofan, you take the opportunity to go around behind it?" The bald man opened his eyes wide.

"This sounds like a good idea. Will it work?" Gao Yang looked uncertain.

"Let's give it a try. Maybe it will work. Don't forget, it was Xiaofan who came up with the idea to deal with the group of wasteland wolves last time. Didn't everyone think it was impossible at the beginning? As it turned out, Xiaofan really did it."

"Yes, I think we can give it a try."

After discussing it, everyone agreed.


Chen Fan took a deep breath and said, "According to Uncle Gao, when people get within three or four hundred meters of them, they will run away. So, when you uncles try your best to attract their attention, you must not get too close and let them run away. As long as I can get within two or three hundred meters of them, I can at least shoot and kill two of them."


Upon hearing this, everyone's breath was held in place.

My goodness, even if each one weighs 150 kilograms, both of them weigh 300 kilograms.

"Okay, Xiaofan, we'll do our best."


Chen Fan nodded. He was also very nervous because this plan required cooperation from both sides. If one party made a mistake, the plan would fail.

The good thing is, it’s okay to fail.

So, everyone gathered together as agreed, blocked the antelope's view, and then slowly approached the herd along the arc.

Sure enough, the antelope was attracted at once, and its body turned with the crowd.

Chen Fan was crawling forward like a special forces soldier. After all, the oryx was about two meters tall and was in a commanding position. If he squatted forward like he did when dealing with the prairie wolf before, he would most likely be discovered.

At the same time, the hearts of Chen Guodong and others were in their throats. Every movement they made was as gentle as possible, and they even dared not turn their heads to look at the antelope.

"Why do I feel like a thief?"

Gao Yang complained.

"Haha, how can you steal so openly?" the bald man laughed.

"Where is Xiaofan?" Chen Guodong asked.

The person at the back of the team glanced at it without leaving any trace and said, "About 400 meters."

"Well, let's get a little closer and make sure that the antelope keeps its attention on us," said Chen Guodong.

In this way, time passed little by little, and the two sides were about 300 meters apart. The antelope seemed to call out, and the other antelopes that were originally eating raised their heads, looking here with pairs of dark eyes.

“Oh no!”

The bald man exclaimed, "It seems like he's too close, are you going to run away?"

In an instant, the group of people seemed to have a sword of Damocles hanging over their heads and dared not move at all.