Gao Wu: Invincibility Begins with Basic Archery

Chapter 74: Watch out for that bald guy


"you're good."

A strange look flashed in Meng Yu's eyes. "When they sprinted to about 500 meters, you started to draw your bow and shoot an arrow almost every second. Your arrows never missed their targets. After more than ten seconds, half of the group of people were killed by your arrows. You even killed two people in front and behind you with one arrow."

Chen Fan nodded when he heard this. This was his normal performance.

However, there was not much joy on his face, because Meng Yu said that the other side still had half of their number.

"And what happened next?"

"Later, those people should have entered the shooting range. Under the organization of the bald man in front, everyone aimed at you."

"What about me?"

Chen Fan asked subconsciously.

I'm afraid you can't escape if you run.

If he were in the situation, he would only have two choices. One is to continue shooting arrows, at which point he would also be shot by the opponent. The other is to pick up a spear and see if he can block the rain of arrows.

"you… "

Meng Yu showed admiration in his eyes.

"I saw you hesitate for a moment, throw away the bow and arrow, pick up the spear beside you, and block all the arrows that were flying towards you."

There was also a hint of surprise in Chen Fan's eyes.

It should be the basic marksmanship that plays a role. The ultimate move combined with the characteristics of the weapon makes the blocking success rate frighteningly high.

But this way, I would be in a passive situation. Even if these people couldn't do anything to me in a short period of time, my dad and the others would...

"After those people shot at you for a few more rounds, the bald leader realized that he couldn't do anything to you, so he jumped off his horse and rushed towards you with a long axe in hand. He called the others to chase after Uncle Guodong and the others."

Meng Yu paused, then said, "My dream ends here."

"That's enough."

Chen Fan smiled bitterly.

Not to mention his own ending, his father, Uncle Liu, Uncle Gu and the others would definitely not have a good end either. In front of the archers, they would just become sitting ducks.

As for Gu Ze, he might not even have time to shoot an arrow because he would definitely become the target of the enemy's concentrated fire.

This is a really bad ending.

"From what you're saying, this is what's going to happen tomorrow?"


Meng Yu nodded and said hesitantly: "I think if you don't go tomorrow, this kind of thing should be avoided."

"I understand your good intentions, but this matter may not be that simple."

Chen Fan took a deep breath and said, "You said before that the group of people had been waiting outside for us to get out, right?"

"Well, I saw the bald guy holding a telescope." She said quickly.

"This means that the other party has been targeting us for a long time. It should be from the moment we entered Songjiabao that they were targeted. So, even if we don't go tomorrow, we will still be targeted if we go the day after tomorrow."

"Well, it seems so."

Meng Yu thought about it, nodded, and looked a little dazed.

"There should be people outside Songjiabao who are stalking and specifically selecting targets. If what happened in your dream is really going to happen, then we must go there tomorrow."

Chen Fan said without hesitation.


Meng Yu showed confusion on his face.

She was willing to expose her identity just to remind everyone not to go tomorrow. However, after hearing this, Chen Fan became even more determined to go.

She found it a little hard to accept.

Chen Fan glanced at her and explained, "Because of your predictive ability, I already know their situation now. But if I don't go tomorrow, I will probably run into them the day after tomorrow. Maybe by then, the situation will be different from tomorrow."

"You, you plan to strike first?"

Meng Yu looked shocked.


A hint of murderous intent flashed in Chen Fan's eyes. "In the dream, I discovered them first, but it was too late. As a result, I fell into a passive position. However, if I had taken the initiative, the outcome would have been very different."

Although his range has not changed, it is still around 500 meters.

But on the one hand, it can catch the other party off guard, and on the other hand, acceleration takes time. Don't underestimate the difference between these two time periods, as they are enough to decide many things.

Meng Yu was stunned for a moment, and after thinking back, it seemed that Chen Fan did have this ability


She stammered, "Then you must be careful of the bald leader. He is very powerful. The two arrows you shot were blocked by him with his axe."


Chen Fan couldn't believe it and asked, "Are you sure he blocked my two arrows?"


"When he saw you aiming at him, he picked up his long axe and blocked the two arrows you shot at him."

Meng Yu whispered.

Chen Fan's expression changed.

It seems that this is a master in using long weapons. No wonder at the end of the dream, he let the others leave and fight with himself.

"How far away was he when I aimed at him?"

"Four or five hundred meters."

Meng Yu recalled, "He rushed to the front. The people at the front didn't seem to have bows, but shields.

The first person you aimed at was the bald guy, and after his arrow was blocked, you aimed at the others, including those holding shields, who also fell under your arrows in the end. "

"I see."

Chen Fan understood.

Following the principle of capturing the leader first, it was normal for him to aim at the bald guy first. However, he didn't expect that he kicked the iron plate and wasted two arrow opportunities.

If I had to do it again, I would either take advantage of the other person's lack of preparedness and be the first to shoot him.

Or he could wait until the opponent was within a hundred or two hundred meters of the shooting range. At that time, the power of an arrow would be enough to shatter the long axe in his hand, and he would be unable to block it even if he wanted to.

Which one to use will depend on circumstances.

After thinking about it, he looked at Meng Yu and said, "Ms. Meng Yu, thank you for your reminder. If it weren't for you, the consequences would be disastrous."

"It's okay. It's okay."

Meng Yu blushed and waved her hands repeatedly, saying, "Thanks to you for taking me in and giving me food. Otherwise, I wouldn't be alive today. Besides, if anything happened to you, no one in the village would survive."


Chen Fan nodded slightly.

Yes, if something happens to them, the remaining people in Chenjiazhai will have no choice but to wait for death.

He felt that he had been careful enough, but the world was still too dangerous.

Of course, there is a possibility that cannot be ruled out, that is, Meng Yu's words are false and such a thing will not happen in the future. Although this is unlikely, judging from the other party's previous performance, it does not seem like he is making up a story.

"That's it for now. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your affairs."

Chen Fan stood up, walked to the door, and turned around and said, "If what you said is true, I will not force you to make any predictions in the future."


Meng Yu's eyes reddened.

Chen Fan nodded, opened the door and walked out. He still needed to verify the news.