Gao Wu: Invincibility Begins with Basic Archery

Chapter 89: I would like to say a few words of thanks for the release of the product


Many book lovers must be surprised. Wasn’t it updated in the early morning? Why was it updated again? When they clicked in, they found that it was a thank you note for the book being put on the shelves.

Ahem, it’s about to be put on the shelves.

Time: tomorrow morning.

It’s quite embarrassing to say, I failed to compete with my peers, couldn’t go to Sanjiang, and could only put it on the shelves.

But the author has tried his best, and is very grateful for everyone's support along the way. If it can't be published, then it can't be published.

Speaking of which, the current performance of this book has somewhat surprised me.

When I first started writing, I actually only thought about it for two or three days, then wrote a detailed outline for the beginning, and then started writing.

After I finished writing the opening, I posted it directly on the backend. It was almost 30,000 words when the backend sent me a message to sign the site. I would like to especially thank Yexiao for picking it up for me.

Back to the novel, some places are indeed rather casual, which may be the reason why I have failed for many years and why I cannot compete with others.

But later on, I was writing very seriously and thinking about the plot carefully, but there were still some flaws. On the one hand, it was due to the author's own cognitive limitations, and on the other hand, for a cool story, the logic of the plot had to give way to the coolness, and I could only try to make the plot reasonable.

Having written this far, I actually still have a lot of emotions. After thinking about it, I decided to forget it. Or, I might as well wait until the book is longer before I say anything.

After all, putting the product on the shelves is just the beginning. The road is still long and full of obstacles and difficulties.

It will be updated on the day of release, with 20,000 words. This is what the author agreed upon, and he won’t go back on his word.

After that, the daily updates should be between 8,000 and 10,000 words.

As for the rules for adding more chapters, the number of daily updates is already the limit, and the author does not recommend giving rewards, as it is unnecessary.


10,000 recommendation votes plus one chapter (i.e. 14,229 votes plus one chapter),

500 monthly tickets plus one chapter (892 tickets plus one chapter),

One hundred yuan reward plus one more chapter,

that's all,

I hope you will support me!

Your subscription is the biggest motivation for me to update!!!


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