General Above I am Below

Chapter 104: Painfully retreat


The enemy's commander-in-chief might be Ye Zhao. When the forward spies reported that the Western breakout troops were just a group of old, weak, sick mules and hundreds of soldiers, Prince Ino, who was on his way to outflank, had a bad premonition in his heart.

Chaltots did not believe: how could it be her

It has only been more than 20 days since the defeat of the Daqin Army. According to the style of the officials in Shangjing, it took at least a month to discuss the succession of the generals to summoning the generals to go on an expedition. Moreover, Ye Zhao had just been submitted to the letter by the hundreds of officials, and the emperor personally dismissed him. How could they slap her in the face, and recall her so quickly and throw her back to the battlefield

is her. The strong intuition made Prince Ino make a judgment. There was a big drop of cold sweat on his forehead. The situation was not good. He immediately returned to the north gate and did not run far.

Tzartotz was stunned, and he repeated only two words: how could it be, how could it be possible

His mother's Prince Ino was in a hurry and cursed.

Ye Zhao is good at using surprise attacks, Ye Zhao is good at using surprise soldiers, and Ye Zhao is good at using quick attacks.

This is the key that he has memorized on the leather countless times and has been wary of countless times.

Within a day of receiving the news of the defeat, the Emperor of Great Qin ruled out public opinion, and without hesitation, he used Ye Zhao, who was very controversial, and let her go to the battlefield within ten days, and start the attack that night. Daqin's official position is like a waste, throw it away when it's used up, pick it up and use it again, change the order of the day and night, don't believe what it says, and regard the court's face as nothing.

He really underestimated the thickness of Emperor Qin's face. Is he still a man

Prince Ino was mad at the brazenness of the weasel. He kicked his spur angrily and rushed back to his position, ready to rescue. But seeing his soldiers running back very hard, he drew his knife, stopped two, pointed to his neck and asked: Why are you retreating

The unlucky soldier who was stopped stiffened his neck and asked, "Didn't the general in front call for the retreat?"

Prince Ino shouted: Who told you to retreat

The soldier scolded: Everyone is calling for a retreat.

Prince Ino is very angry: all nonsense is the conspiracy of the enemy, go back to me

Xiao Bing was young and panicked at the general's anger. He didn't listen to the order and still took two steps back.

Prince Ino drew his sword in anger and cut off his head as an example.

The cavalry who fled to the vicinity were finally frightened, stopped in place, and reeled in a guilty conscience.

Prince Ino rode his horse and rushed forward. He saw the Daqin soldiers who cheered with the slogan of retreating in Dongxia dialect while hacking and slaying, and the strange cavalry who were mixed in with his own team, eloquent and persuading everyone to retreat. late,

Dongxia's troops, mainly light cavalry, were used to running away with a single shot during robbery. Now, seeing their teammates retreating, their hearts were disturbed. Seeing that everyone is running, they all feel that the law does not blame the public. No matter how ruthless Prince Inuo is, there is no way to kill everyone. There are so many Dongxia tribes, why not let other tribes go to death first and let himself go

The scene fell into chaos, destroying the original formation. The large troops of the Daqin Army had rushed in, and their morale was like a rainbow. They all killed with red eyes. The cavalry and the number of troops no longer have much advantage, and there is no will to fight, and they are passive.

Strict prohibition is useless, if you run, I will run, if I run, he will run, the more you run, the more you run.

Prince Ino even killed several deserters, but he couldn't stop the general trend of chaos. Instead, it became more and more violent. Tens of thousands of horses were scurrying, and they were killed and injured.

After fighting with her, Zaltoci blushed with anger, slapped his horse and rushed towards the opponent's general.

Prince Ino looked up and saw a silver figure flashing across the enemy group, the dazzling armor was soaked with blood, the top of the helmet was dazzling red, a few strands of long curly hair were scattered, mixed with sweat, and a heavy long knife in his hand, riding The steps of the horses dance, the wheels form a semicircle, and the wind blows

However, there were corpses all around, with a radius of several meters, and no one dared to take half a step.

Zaltots, armed with a double axe, ran straight towards her.

Prince Ino hurriedly stopped: Come back and make quick progress, not her opponent.

Ye Zhao raised his head, saw the enemy generals rushing towards him, urged the horse to meet him, and shouted, it was a good time

Chaertoci's axe is like electricity, and Ye Zhao's knife is like a god. The horses passed by by mistake, the blades clashed, and the lightning flashed, so fast that the eyes could not see clearly. Chaltoci spurted blood from his left shoulder, fell off his horse, and was surrounded by Daqin soldiers.

The accompanying soldiers drew their swords, clamoring for revenge. Prince Ino lost his general, and his heart ached like a knife. But he looked at the overall situation and knew that the defeat was hard to come by, and if he fought hard, he would lose too many Eastern Xia warriors. Tongyang City in Jiangdong.

Tuba refuses to accept: Lao Tzu is going to compete with her

Prince Inuo's life: Young, the so-called old man, Mo Tu, will gain a temporary advantage. Tongyang City is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It's okay to retreat temporarily.

Tuba is in a state of excitement and doesn't listen at all: a dignified man, afraid of being a woman

Prince Ino shook his head: she is not an ordinary woman

Tuba: You can't afford to lose face in front of women, I can't afford to lose face

Prince Ino gritted his teeth: I am embarrassed now to withdraw her life in the future

It is easier to organize an escape than to organize an attack.

After beheading Chaertoci, Ye Zhao was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, but saw that the escape of Dongxia soldiers gradually became orderly. He saw the figure of Prince Inuo from a distance, and knew that he was organizing a retreat, and he decided to choose and decide. It is a very wise choice to use small defeats and give up some resources to retain strength as much as possible in exchange for a comeback.

Vice Admiral Sun asked by his side: Are you chasing

Catch the thief first to catch the king. Ye Zhao sneered, pulled out a strong bow, and pulled out three feathered arrows from the quiver. While galloping on the horse, he bent the bow and raised the arrows, raised his hand and shot three beautiful beaded arrows, then he drew the arrows, and then shot three more arrows. Continuously, the arrows were strong, the tail collided with the tail, cut through the air, and walked towards Prince Ino with a strong killing intent.

Prince Ino swung his knife away and blocked the first three. The sharp arrows left three shallow holes on the hard knife, and then went forward to meet the last three. The enemy and the main general, with four eyes facing each other, this fierce and unparalleled she-wolf on the battlefield, the pair of glazed eyeballs seemed to have magic power, hooked the soul of the person and fell into it, making Prince Ino calm down again. Boiling, as if seeing the prey who was thinking about it, jumping wildly.

Ye Zhao raised her hand and shot three arrows in a row again. After the first arrow confuses the opponent, she slowed down the speed of the second arrow and let the third arrow come first. Prince Inuo was frightened and narrowly stopped. Ye Zhao's fast fourth arrow was shot from the most tricky angle, pointing at his heart and the road to victory from the most inescapable angle.

The moment when the arrow is about to leave the string.

Ye Zhao felt severe pain in her abdomen, twitching her five stomachs and six internal organs. Suddenly, a strange feeling came to her mind that she had never felt before. She, who was not afraid of death and pain, bowed, subconsciously trying to protect her. The lower abdomen, so the arrow's target head was slightly deviated by half a minute, and it was half a minute slower. It missed the position she wanted, but slid across Prince Ino's shoulder and shot into Prince Ino's armor.

Prince Ino endured the pain, pulled out his arrow, looked at her deeply, and led his troops to retreat accurately and calmly.

The victory has been decided, and General Wu leads his team to chase and kill them.

Deputy General Sun was bitten by a snake for three years and was afraid of the rope, so he followed behind and shouted: Don't be greedy for merit

Ye Zhao sat on the horse in a daze, looked at the bow in his hand, and felt the pain in his lower abdomen. She was as dull as her, and found that something was wrong.