General Above I am Below

Chapter 11: Thunder Fury


Ye Zhao has been a little annoying recently. She can fight, march, set up formations, and be domineering, but she is not good at dealing with women's tears. But Concubine An's tears were as if they didn't want money, and they fell when she said it, and she cried inexplicably.

For example, before going to court a few days ago, when she routinely went to greet her, the concubine said resentfully, "Thanks to you for greeting me every day and serving me well, I have lost a lot of money.

Women love beauty, and Ye Zhao understood it, and immediately flattered: Great, my mother-in-law has lost weight and looks more beautiful, she seems to be ten years younger.

Concubine An opened her mouth wide and looked at her for a while, then burst into tears.

The second monk Ye Zhaozhang was puzzled and thought she was ill, so he hurriedly went to the imperial doctor and asked why the old man was moody. The imperial doctor touched the white beard and thought about it for a long time, saying that it is because of old age that the heart is out of control, and the emotions are easily out of control. He also prescribed a few medicines to her, and told her to take it regularly. She boiled the medicine with her own hands and sent it to Concubine An, and relayed the words of the imperial doctor. Unexpectedly, Concubine An not only refused to take the medicine, but also cried even more fiercely, so she bought candied haws and came back to coax her.

Xia Yujin hurried over and said with dark circles: "Let's do the agreement, it's my fault, don't serve my mother."

The Lord of Heaven and Earth is a teacher, filial piety to your elders is your duty, and what your mother said makes sense. Which daughter-in-law can not be filial to her elders, even if she does not think I am a daughter-in-law, it is also wrong to be a junior who is not filial to her elders. What's more, I have led the army for many years. The most important commitment and loyalty are. Since I promised you, I will do it to the end. Xia Yujin, who was doing woodcarving in situ, glanced at him.

The trivialities of these mother-in-law's inner houses are nothing more than trivial matters, and what makes her even more depressed is the 30,000 new soldiers in the capital who were recruited to replace the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled recently.

The people near Shangjing are rich, and a leaf from a tree can hit two people who are married to officials. Seeing that Man Jin was defeated, and there would be no major turmoil in recent years, they started the idea of the capital army. There are a lot of idle gangster characters, who rely on relationships to be lazy and play slippery, just want to hang around for a few years for wages. There are even more dudes from officials’ families. Seeing that the imperial examinations are hopeless, and the army in the capital easily does not go to the front line, it is relatively safe, so they rely on their relationships to forcefully squeeze in, wanting to earn a few years of qualifications and get a military position.

They rely on their backers during training, form gangs in the army, eat, drink, prostitute, and gamble.

Ye Zhao received complaints from his subordinates, but he suppressed all these matters. Not only did he not punish, but he did not even shout.

They became more and more daring, and gradually they didn't even pay attention to her. They made fun of her behind their backs, guessing that she was a tigress made of paper. , I got lucky and made great achievements, so I delusionally stood on the head of the man.

Girls are girls after all, what can they do

Ye Zhao heard these rumors, smiled and ignored them.

Yesterday, there was a new team that gambled money and drank together at night, stayed awake all night, and missed the morning exercise. The teacher sent people to summon them, and they used the gall of wine to get a lot of people and beat up the soldier who sent the letter.

Ye Zhao went down to the barracks, and upon hearing this, he instructed the generals: It's time, let's go to work.

The audience agreed, and they led the troops to the barracks, tied up the twenty-three troublemakers, dragged them to the high platform of the school grounds, and knelt in front of the entire army.

The guy who leads the team is called Ma Youde. He is the nephew of the favored Ma Guiren in the palace. He has a powerful court official at home, so he has the most confidence. : General, the little one knew that he was wrong, and the little one was confused for a while. Forgive the little one this time. I will apologize to my brother later, and I will never dare again.

Ye Zhao was wearing silver armor and stood straight on the high platform of the school field. After listening to the plea, she did not speak, but raised her hand to the side.

The captain of the school stepped forward, holding Taizu's iron orders, and read them aloud one by one.

1. If one hears the drums and does not advance, and hears the gold, the flag cannot be raised, and the flag cannot be held down. This is called rebellion, and the offender will be executed. Second, the name should not be called, the time is not met, the time limit is not reached, and the law is changed. This is called a slow army, and the offender will be executed. 3. It is rumored to fight in the night, slack and not reporting it, even more disobedience, and the name of the voice is unclear. 4. Complaining more, angering its generals, not obeying restraints, and even more difficult to teach

Control, this is called building an army, and the offenders will be killed. 5. Laughing loudly, flouting the prohibition, rushing through the gate of the army, this is called a light army, and the offender will be executed. 6. Good tongue and sharp teeth, rashly act right and wrong, dispatch sergeants to make them discord, this is called slandering the army, and the offender will be executed

Taizu's military law, seventeen bans and fifty-four cuts, the words were as hard as steel, and the twenty-three dudes who were kneeling under the stage were trembling with fear. The timid ones have been shaken into a bag of chaff.

It was only then that everyone understood that the general had already had murderous intentions against them, but he was holding back for the time being until things got bigger, and then he would kill the chickens and show the monkeys.

No one wants to be the chicken that was killed.

Forgive me

The general spares his life, the younger is the old, and the younger is

don't dare next time

The ups and downs of kowtow sounded, and some people even wet their pants in fright.

Ye Zhao ignored it, raised his hand and said: Executioner, prepare.

Twenty-three executioners, carrying large swords, stood behind them.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ma Youde hurriedly shouted: My aunt is an aristocrat who is pregnant with a dragon, and will be concubine soon. My father is a third-rank officer and my brother is in charge of the personnel department. Who dares to kill me

Ye Zhao held a black iron whip and said coldly: The Ye family manages the army, they only recognize military law, not human feelings.

Ma Youde roared: If you bitch dare to kill me, my aunt will not let it go

Before he could finish his words, the iron whip swept through the air silently, turned into a steel knife, and tore his throat. In an instant, his head fell to the ground, his eyes were still round, and he stared at the dust on the ground in horror. He didn't seem to realize the fact of his death until a large amount of blood gushed out from his neck and sprayed everywhere, and his kneeling body fell to the ground.

All the soldiers raised their heads, took a deep breath, and looked at Ye Zhao in disbelief.

Dare Ye Zhao wiped the blood on the black iron whip, and said that when the old man Ye Chun was guarding Mobei, he personally beheaded his younger brother who delayed the military plane. Dare to offend easily. You wait at the feet of the emperor, guarding the capital, which is the last line of defense for the sage and the people. You should abide by military discipline, and you should never be lucky. The more she spoke, the angrier she became, and her voice became louder and louder, disregarding military law and seeing military regulations as nothing to stand under the sun, a group of little bastards who didn't even grow their hair even dared to dance and rebel and fuck my mother. Ye Zhao is me Vegetarians are not trash

The army is full of illiterate old men, and if they can't swear, they are not their own.

The general's roar kept echoing in the school grounds, and the words were concise and to the point, pointing directly to the upbringing of the eighteenth generation of the ancestors, and finally let everyone understand.

Who the fuck said she was a pussy

Some people came back to their senses and remembered the good things they had done, and they were frightened and swayed, and some people were white-faced and buzzing discussing. Even the executioner was stunned.

Ye Zhao scolded happily, stopped and ordered, Qiuhu was imprisoned

Let me come, I myself have been waiting for a long time. Qiuhu was born as a bandit. After being recruited, he worshipped a guerrilla general because of his military exploits. He was the most courageous in killing the enemy. He rushed over immediately, pushed the stupefied executioner, picked up the steel knife, and slashed one head at a time.

Twenty-three heads rolled a few times on the stage, silently moving, the warm blood flowing into streams everywhere, and the stench gradually filled the air, like a hell on earth.

Qiuhu is still laughing: it's not fun to have a few more generals

The audience was silent, and the military posture stood neatly in an instant, not even daring to let out the air.

The captain stepped forward with blood, took out a long list of punishments for violating military discipline, and read it aloud: Luo Dayou, take the lead in gathering a crowd to gamble, behead; Wu Li, take the lead in gathering a crowd to gamble, behead

Fourteen of those who took the lead in drinking and gambling in the military camp and twelve who oppressed the people were sentenced to be executed. Another three hundred and twenty-seven those who accompanied the disturbance were sentenced to 100 military sticks, and 768 who did not return all night were sentenced to 50 military sticks. Among them, 543 were accused of contempt of Shangguan and were given 20 additional rounds. Military sticks, a total of 26 people were beheaded, and 1,095 people were beaten, and they were executed immediately.

Dozens of human heads were piled up on the school grounds. The general kicked away a head that stood in front of her, and with a cold face, stood in a pool of blood and sentenced himself.

Thousands of people took off their trousers and lay down in a row, the sound of wooden sticks beating meat one after another, and the cries were loud.