General Above I am Below

Chapter 116: Past events


If you have money, you should have food.

Ye Zhao didn't dare to hand over the purchase to Xia Yujin, a guy who spends a lot of money, and couldn't leak the secret, so he arrested Hu Qing, the newly married Yan'er, and drove him to work. Hu Qing tasted the bridal chamber for the first time, and Qiu Shui has restrained his irritable temper. Xia Yujin, who was still rubbing the shoulders of General Ye, felt a little stuck when she thought of him plotting against herself.

No matter what the result of the calculation is, a blockage is a blockage.

How can a fox suffer

He was blocked, and everyone had to follow.

So, while waiting for the departure, Hu Qing beckoned the little white sable, and said mysteriously in his ear: Do you know why the general must marry you, the royal family of Mancheng

Xia Yujin is thoughtful, hesitant, disturbed: She is lecherous

No, no, Hu Qing put one hand on his shoulder, shook her index finger with the other, and said in the most considerate tone. When we proposed to relieve the military power, she chose you without hesitation. Think about it, the general hasn't been back to Beijing for at least ten years. Why does she know that you look good? Could it be that you thought your reputation had drifted to Mobei

Xia Yujin remembered that when Ye Zhao mentioned this matter, she always shrank and blurted it out, and couldn't help but say, "That's right, why is this vicious woman picking on me? It's strange, it's strange, I have to ask her.

Hu Qing smiled: If you ask her like this, she will definitely not say anything.

Xia Yujin remembered his past misdeeds, and glanced suspiciously: Could it be that you are blocking me again

No, no, Hu Qing's arms around his shoulders tightened. Although the general told me to hide this matter, I think it's better for you to know about some things. Come here and wait for me to tell you in detail.

Ye Zhao was in the barracks, holding the papers, and discussing the rules of the next attack with the generals. After the meeting, she suddenly saw her man rush in like a whirlwind, and then stared at her with tears in the corners of her eyes. When she was restless, Xia Yujin rushed up, held her hand tightly, and said affectionately, "Azhao, why are you hiding such a big thing from me?"

Ye Zhao's scalp was numb, and there were indescribable strangeness everywhere. She stared at Xia Yujin's white and tender claws, without withdrawing her hand, hesitating and questioning, I didn't quite understand.

Xia Yujin held back her sore nose: Hu Qing told me everything.

Ye Zhao's scalp became more numb: what's the matter

Xia Yujin was moved and said: It turns out that you have been at the border for many years, and you have always cared about my body. During the war, you also went all over the world to help me find medicine and ask for medicine. The accent of the wandering Taoist priest who went to Beijing to cure me sounds like a Mobei native. , Hu Qing said he was invited by you.

There is something about this, Ye Zhao said seriously, I'm not familiar with you, how could I do such a troublesome thing

Xia Yujin shook her head: Hu Qing is familiar with that Taoist priest. You asked Hu Qing to invite him here. Hu Qing has already told everything.

Ye Zhao deftly shirks: he lied again.

Xia Yujin paused for a moment, then shook his head: that Taoist priest came and went without a trace, and left Beijing after seeing his illness. Therefore, it is impossible for Hu Qing to describe his appearance and behavior in such a detailed manner, even he knows that there is a big mole next to his ear.

Ye Zhao's heart was stunned, but he insisted: "It's made up, you can believe what the fox says."

Xia Yujin sighed and said, "Azhao, don't hold on. I know all the nasty things you did, and I forgive you."

So far, it is very exciting to be able to solve the things that have been hanging up.

Ye Zhao's eyes began to flicker slightly again.

Xia Yujin watched Yan Yan and continued: Although I was very concerned before, but now that I think about it, it is no big deal. Although I hate that kid Hu Qing, he is right in what he said. How can you keep secrets in your heart? You are wrong, but you have worked hard to correct them. So I don't blame you.

Ye Zhao hesitated: That bastard really told everything about me

Xia Yujin nodded and said:


Ye Zhao confirmed in disbelief: You are not at all to blame

Xia Yujin continued to nod: not at all strange

Seeing his serious expression, Ye Zhao finally let out a long sigh of relief and said relieved: For so many years, every time I think about the past, my heart feels empty, and I'm afraid that after you know the truth, you won't pay attention to me again. I didn't expect you to be such a broad-minded man, and I underestimated you.

Xia Yujin patted her chest and said, "Who is I, who has a bigger heart than the sea? Who is young and frivolous? When I was young and ignorant, I fought for the monk Shu Gongzi, and I even challenged the red girls in Qinhe. Now, I will deal with it in private. It would be fine if he died, why would he be so publicized that the uncle of the emperor was angry and beat me up.

The heart that hangs high, gently put down.

Ye Zhao relaxed a lot and sighed with emotion: Yes, I also made mistakes when I was young. In order to prove that I was a man in front of my buddies, I even sneaked into the brothel to drink flower wine. Now I think about it, it's really shameful. What's even more tragic is that the group of beauties eating tofu made her fidgety, and they had to hold on to face, paying money to ask the Hua Kui lady to keep the secret of the night.

Xia Yujin sighed with emotion: Yes, the whole plate is full of mistakes. In order to prove that she is a dunk among dunks, she sneaked into the Prajna Temple to molest the pretty widow of the Tai servant's family. She smashed a teacup and was kicked by her maid. On the buttocks, I accidentally fell off the cliff, twisted my waist and feet, and when I came back, I was scolded by the Queen Mother and almost shoved the tigress to me. What's even more tragic is that later I learned that the tigress's eyes were not very good, and she couldn't see it clearly at night, and she scolded a few hooves. I really don't know what she thought.

Ye Zhao sighed with emotion: Yes, I think back then, in order to prove that he was a man among men, he went to Heifengzhai to choose the owner of the village. After winning, he called him a brother. , to please me in every possible way. I also said that the peach blossoms have moved. Anyway, I can't marry. It's better to have a man to join the family than to become a monk. I didn't expect that guy to have a broken sleeve. Bah, she didn't dare to expose her daughter, so she rejected the other party directly. . That guy was obsessed every day, and he even came to the door. Later, he made her angry, beat her up, and told her father, Lei Ting was furious. Not possible.

Xia Yujin sighed with emotion: Yes, when I was a child, I wandered around the palace garden, but the third prince was dazzled, and he chased after him and asked which female family member was going to beg for marriage. I was so angry that I asked the Queen Mother to complain about it. The Queen Mother asked him to study behind closed doors for half a year, to learn what sex is to be empty, bah bah, he was only eleven years old when the punishment was so light, he was not tall enough, he didn't have the crown, and he didn't have the edge of a man. When she grows up, her appearance is more like a flower and jade than it is now, but it is not considered a woman. What is even more hateful is that when the empress dowager dealt with the third prince, the third prince looked at him with a mourning expression, and the whole room was laughing wildly, Princess Yongan. Also clamoring for the nanny to rub her belly.

The past is unbearable to look back on.

The two husband and wife used tea instead of wine, exchanged their feelings for each other, and the more they talked, the more they fell in love.

Ye Zhao was in a good mood, and finally slipped his lips: I think back then, when I first met you in Qianxiang Garden, I just learned how to do light work, and I was daring and proud of myself. Seeing such a good-looking and well-behaved child, I want to kidnap and play, who would have thought

Xia Yujin was stunned.

Hu Qing said that he didn't know what happened, but he only vaguely said that Ye Zhao thought she was a beautiful woman when he was a child, and ran up to tease him and let him get a little bad luck. How could the place be Qianxiang Garden? It's a place for flowers, no matter how filthy things are in your stomach, no matter how lustful you are, you have to pretend to be a gentleman in this kind of place.

Uneasy thoughts flashed past, and things might be different from what they thought.

Xia Yujin didn't move, she held Ye Zhao's gloves and said, "Yes, it's all fate. I remember that the flowers in the garden were blooming brilliantly that day. I can't remember what kind of flower I was standing next to.

Ye Zhao said: It's a red plum blossom. You are wearing a red dress, you are playing hide-and-seek with your partner, and you get lost in the rockery. The sun shines through the cracks in the snow-covered rockery and shines on you, which is much prettier than plum blossoms.

Xia Yujin also remembered: You jumped off the plum tree.

Ye Zhao nodded happily.

Xia Yujin smiled brightly and said: continue.