General Above I am Below

Chapter 21: Inspector of the City


The emperor sat in the imperial study room and smiled at the silver note.

Years of wars and turmoil have left the treasury empty. In order to set an example in the palace, they shrunk their clothes and food everywhere. The emperor took the lead in wearing patched clothes. The queen did not dare to add new jewelry for three years. It's a little brighter on the head. Now that the Empress Dowager is on her 60th birthday, although it has been decreed that it will be abbreviated, it should not be too outrageous.

Now Xia Yujin sends charcoal in the snow, even if 10,000 taels is not much, mosquito meat is also meat, and filial piety is commendable.

The emperor was very satisfied, and he was also happy with Xia Yujin.

As for the source of the money, it is also considered clean. Casinos are originally approved by the government and open to business in an open and honest way. As long as they do not commit crimes and oppress the people, winning and losing money is up to their own abilities. It's not a big deal to be scolded by Yan Guan with his sleeves rolled up in turn. He even wished that Xia Yujin would go to sweep a few more casinos, let the wealthy landowners and old wealthy shed some blood, and use the money to fill the gap in the southwest disaster relief for him.

Xia Yujin praised: Your Majesty is too wise.

The emperor felt inappropriate, and quickly put away his hilarious expression and scolded: Yu Jin, what you have done is too absurd. The dignified Nanping County King is fooling around in the casino, which is shameful.

Xia Yujin bowed her head to be taught.

This time, for the sake of your filial piety to the Empress Dowager, forget it, the emperor arrogantly handed the bank note to the eunuch and asked him to put it away, which was regarded as pressing the matter, and then said angrily, now those guys in the capital are more and more troubled It's getting more and more outrageous, Qi Wang's fief is already rich enough, he will also extend his money-making hand to the capital, open a gambling brothel behind him, and bully the market. In the end, even the tyrant slaves forced a family of four to death, and they were sued by Yanguan Yi, I really wanted to be mad at me.

Yes, Xia Yujin hit the snake with the stick, and while agreeing, boasted: I am the most honest.

The emperor picked up a paper fan on the table and smashed it hard on the shameless head.

The real work of Hu Daozi's ladies is so wonderful. Xia Yujin opened the paper fan and glanced at it. She was overjoyed and quickly put it away. Thank you, Your Majesty

Seeing his shameless virtue, the emperor was so angry that he wanted to roll up his sleeves and beat people himself.

There were times when he almost wanted to teach him a cruel lesson, but he remembered that Lao An Wang was his brother and brother, and the two had a very good relationship. The two sons left behind, one disabled and the other a sick cat, are both incompetent. An Wang Xia Yuque is a well-behaved and honest person, but that's fine. Xia Yujin has a lovable appearance, sweet speech, and in addition to being naturally weak, there is a shadow of the former An Wang. So the whole harem knows that besides the prince, the empress dowager's most distressed grandson is him.

What's more, although Xia Yujin has a reputation as a demon king of the world, after strict investigation, he did not find any heinous crimes, that is, there are too many trivial things, and you can hear a few cases every three or five. There are countless faces, and the mess caused can't be collected no matter how.

Two years ago, the emperor sent Xia Yujin a ruthless attack and dragged Xia Yujin to hit twenty court sticks as a lesson. Even though he had told the eunuch to strike lightly, he fainted before two hits. Then the queen mother leaned on a cane and rushed over crying, holding Yu Jin with tears and snot running down her face,

Crying only about his short-lived father's name, he finally went to Ci'an Palace to apologize obediently to his mother, and swore to God that he would never beat that sick cat again.

After this incident, the emperor was enlightened.

Xia Yujin is the white cloud floating in the sky.

As long as he doesn't exist, it won't be blocked.

Since then, he has casually glanced at all the memorials of Xia Yujin, confirming that it is not a major matter of anger and resentment, and suppressed them all. And all kinds of rewards and promotions to titles and titles during the New Year and festivals also ignored him. Even if he was making trouble outside and was punched a few times, he pretended not to know. It was not until the general triumphed and the empress dowager proposed to marry Ye Zhao to Xia Yujin that the emperor remembered this guy, and gloatingly agreed with the empress dowager's decree, hoping that the sturdy General Ye could help him take care of this bastard.

Xia Yujin was still unconscious, and asked, "Your Majesty, I'll go to the Queen Mother's place to say hello first.

Wait a minute, the emperor is in a very good mood today, even looking at the waste is unusual. He called Xia Yujin, pondered it for a long time, and suddenly showed a kind smile, Yujin, you have been named Nanping County King for a few months. It's not the way to play around, it's better for me to make you an official and do something for the Daqin Sheji.

Xia Yujin felt a thunder light slashed across the sky, causing his ears to buzz. When I came back to my senses, I began to wonder if my uncle was confused by the fox spirit and wanted to subjugate the country. He faltered and answered: Your Majesty, you also know my broken level. Apart from eating, drinking, and having fun, Master Long has taught me on and off for so many years. At most, I can read the articles, but I don’t understand the principles of running the country and the country. If I become an official, it will kill people.

The emperor smiled more amiably, he came over, patted Xia Yujin on the shoulder and said, "Don't belittle yourself, I've been thinking about this official position, and there is no one more suitable for you than you.

Xia Yujin saw that her uncle's brain didn't look like something was wrong, so she asked: What official

The emperor said in a serious tone: The imperial censor of Shangjing patrolling the city.

Xia Yujin almost sprayed.

This censor of the city patrol sounds majestic, but he is actually a rank six petty official, with hundreds of subordinates, responsible for the management of street security in the capital and catching thieves, as well as quarrels between three aunts and six wives, hooligans fight, gangsters eat overlord's meal, and the evil dog next door Injuring people, quack doctors harming people, visiting brothels and not giving money, etc. are trivial complaints. All in all, it's the street.

The streets of the capital are not easy to manage, a single leaf can hit two or three nobles, high-ranking officials gather, the noble servants of the clan aristocracy are like clouds, the relationship between the major shops is intertwined, the censors who patrol the city make small words, and if they move, they offend people. Either be punished or punished, or dare not move. As a result, he can change three censors a year, and no one wants to do this unfortunate career.

Xia Yujin tried to shirk and said: No, no

The emperor wrote lightly: "Anyway, you walk around the streets every day when you have nothing to do. It's not the same as being a censor of the city, but it's just an extra name. It's good to be sloppy. It's over.

Xia Yujin took her luck and asked: Can I be fired directly if I mess up

The emperor insisted: Don't say anything disheartening, you can definitely do it, not to mention I can't bear to let the officials investigate you.

Xia Yujin said with a sad face: What if everyone doesn't agree with me

The emperor glanced at the fan in his arms and comforted calmly, don't worry about this little thing, anyway, you still have a daughter-in-law to support you.