General Above I am Below

Chapter 36: Doubts abound


Her eyes are as red as a rabbit, if she sees it, she will be laughed at

Xia Yujin straightened her clothes and stood by the river for a while. After she calmed down, she went back to the restaurant to find a friend who had wine and meat to change her clothes. She only said that she was blown by the wind, and asked someone to bring a bronze mirror to the corner of her eyes to confirm peace. Wu Er turned to Yanzi Lane, flashed into a dilapidated house, threatened and threatened, took something, and hurried home.

Ye Zhao didn't sleep, and was wiping his sword under the lamp, wondering if he was waiting for him.

Xia Yujin had never been friendly with his daughter-in-law, and always felt ashamed. He stood at the door and brewed his emotions from left to right. Finally, Ye Zhao came over, leaning on the doorpost, raised his eyebrows at him: Why did you come back in the middle of the night, you have something to tell me

The eavesdropping thing is extremely humiliating, how dare Xia Yujin say it out

Ye Zhao was a little surprised, she looked at the sky, it seemed like a dark cloud was blocking the moonlight, she lowered her head again, and saw her feet twisting and turning, suddenly felt a little clear in her heart, and asked tentatively, could it be that you know about me? I was gossiped with Prince Ino for a while, and I felt uncomfortable.

A little, Xia Yujin is really not used to saying good things to her, she turned a few corners in her heart and made a few belly drafts, but what she said was still very rude. I want to know why you spend every day with that dead broken sleeve, He shouldn't be so ignorant, he's interested in you, but after he finished speaking, he felt that it was right and proper for a man to ask his daughter-in-law whereabouts, so he held his chest out, pretended to be as serious as possible, and waited for the answer.

Prince Inuo is not as simple as it seems. He is a warrior who is the best in Dongxia. He is warlike and kills, and he is ruthless and decisive. There are four or five princesses in the family. Xi, I am the general of Daqin, and it is not good to make people suspicious. Ye Zhao patted him on the shoulder, hesitated for a while, and then smiled bitterly: It is the emperor who thinks that the wolf son of the Eastern Xia Dynasty has ambitions, and it is not so easy to admit defeat. , I was afraid that there might be some fraud in this visit, so I ordered Mr. Zhongshu, who was an ambassador to Dongxia, to play with him in turn as friends, and to monitor the nearest neighbors to avoid any trouble.

Weasel does not let his daughter-in-law accompany the wild man, but let his daughter-in-law go

Xia Yujin angrily scolded the eighteenth generation of the weasel's ancestor several times in her heart, but her face showed a sudden realization: The emperor has foresight, so I don't think that guy is a good bird.

Ye Zhao smiled and said: You also know

Xia Yujin was at a loss for words for a while, but fortunately he was quick-witted and quickly quibble with words: I just think that what they asked for in the peace talks was too reasonable, and the negotiations were too smooth. But there is no one who is not greedy in doing business so-called sky-high bids and the truth of paying back the money on the spot.

Ye Zhaodao: There are also honest people who do business well.

Xia Yujin shook her head: It's not that these people are not greedy, they're just smart. If they want to do business with regular customers, they can only use their honesty to build word of mouth and run the business for a long time, so as not to violate the law for petty profits and cut off long-term financial paths. Like peace talks, the emperor can't control the transaction between countries. He will leave after hitting a stick, and he will be friends with blood and tears when he is finished. Of course, how much he can do

Ye Zhao laughed when he heard it, and continued: Incisive

Xia Yujin saw that the atmosphere was relaxed and the form was great, so she took out a long brocade bag from behind and stuffed it into her hand: There is also the one for you, don't be angry.

Ye Zhao took it happily, opened it and looked at it, dumbfounded.

Inside the brocade bag, lay a dagger with a simple and delicate shape with a tiger head and a hilt, with the word tiger roar engraved in seal script.

Ye Zhao almost jumped at the speed of her own dresser, and pulled out a paulownia wood box in the drawer. She opened it and saw that there was the same tiger roaring dagger in it. It was an ancient relic, and she loved it.

She took two daggers, weighed the weight, and then carefully observed that both the pulp and the feel were exactly the same, so she couldn't tell the authenticity.

Don't look at it, Xia Yujin said slowly, how could it be so easy for you to find flaws in Master Li's works

Ye Zhao said dumbly: My tiger roar was captured on the battlefield three years ago, how could it be fake

Xia Yujin asked: Have you ever borrowed money after you came back

Ye Zhao said: Two months ago, the outer sheath of the dagger was cracked and sent to the Treasure Pavilion for repair.

The owner of the Treasure Pavilion was an old friend of Master Li. Xia Yujin took the dagger she had kept in the dressing cabinet, separated the tiger head handle from the blade body, and pointed to a few small patterns that seemed to be inadvertently drawn in a very inconspicuous corner in the upper right corner. Dao: All of his forged works are signed. You can see his name by looking at the pattern against the light.

Ye Zhao went to the candlelight to take a closer look, and as expected, he hurriedly asked, "How did you know that?"

Xia Yujin touched her nose embarrassedly and explained: Master Li is a wonderful person. He is a self-proclaimed genius. Every year, he fakes the most difficult-to-fake boutique to deceive the most unlikely person to be deceived, and then everyone makes a private bet to see if they can succeed. Two years ago, I was the one who was deceived, and the object used was a white jade lion ball, but I was lucky, and I accidentally broke this thing and was able to find the trace

, I don't know him since then. This year, he made rumors among our group of guys early this year. The target he wants to deceive is you, who is known to be proficient in weapons. I bet you can't find it, and you won more than a thousand taels.

Xia Yujin spoke in a low voice, her expression embarrassed.

Although Ye Zhao didn't know why he found out in his conscience and told the truth, it was always a gesture of goodwill. She was a little overjoyed, and she didn't want to ask the teacher for guilt, so she spread out her palm and said half-jokingly, "I won't share the money you won."

Xia Yujin immediately obediently took out her purse, grabbed two large bank notes and threw them to her, weakly asked, are you not angry? Bluff got it back from Master Li.

Ye Zhao accepted the bank note without even looking at it, holding two daggers in admiration: "I am willing to admit defeat, Master Li's work is really exquisite, I didn't notice it at all.

Xia Yujin breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Zhao asked again: I have a pair of mandarin duck knives, and I accidentally lost one of them. The ones made by ordinary craftsmen still do not feel like their original counterparts. I wonder if Master Li can match them to me according to the drawings.

Xia Yujin said: The more ordinary people can't do, the more he likes it, and when you know the truth about the tiger's roaring dagger, he may feel a little uneasy. .

Ye Zhao was overjoyed and made an appointment with him to come back tomorrow and go to Yanzi Lane together to see Master Li.

But the next day, when they arrived at the entrance of Yanzi Alley, they heard the bad news.

Master Li died, stabbed to the chest, and was found by Tie Dan who came to his house in the morning to deliver things.

The presumed time of death was midnight last night.

Jingzhao Yinzheng dispatched the head and the neighbors to inquire about the news.

All the neighbors insisted that except Xia Yujin, no one had come to Master Li's house, and no one had quarreled with him.

Xia Yujin was dumbfounded.

The author has something to say: Well, I accidentally saw something, which made Orange feel emotional.

Xia Yujin was able to clean up because he was really not bad. For example, he is kind, unselfish, considers others, he is smart, persistent, he has no dark negative thoughts, he is just a little shocking, he likes to play a little, longing for freedom for too long, and he acts a little erratically, and his spirit of resistance is stronger. , looks a little less reliable.

But in fact, most of the people he bullied were people who were similar to him, and he didn't do anything wrong to ordinary people.

Ye Zhao was able to dig out the gold from the rubbish, because the essence of gold was gold, but it was covered by dust.

But more garbage is still garbage until death. Some can be recycled and transformed into useful ones, but most of them will fall to the end.


The country is easy to change, but the nature is difficult to change. Don't just believe that the scumbag will turn back and change.

Without Ye Zhao's good eyesight, don't follow her to dig through the garbage.

As for the concubines and male protagonists

When Orange set up Ye Zhao's identity, although she worked hard to get her golden finger, she still felt that it was unreliable to go to the battlefield at the age of 12 or 13, or to be a female general who was awarded this status after only two or three years of war, so she designed her age. big. It's not good for the male protagonist to be too young, but he is a child of a normal clan and aristocrat, a patriarchal society, concubines are common, there is no object of love, no hidden disease, no abnormal sexual orientation, and he has not had a woman in his twenties. He is not anxious about his mother. I was about to get red eyes, so I was forced to choose between the sick child and the second married man for a long time. I really couldn't think of a better reason for the male protagonist to be single in his twenties. Finally, I decided to put it together and set the identity of Xia Yujin:

Since childhood, the sick seedling will die at any time. The mother is anxious to leave him a bloodline, so the concubine is happy.

I didn't expect that I didn't die, but it got better, and then my reputation was damaged. My mother was picky about her daughter-in-law's identity, so she didn't get married in her twenties.

Tangerine and a lot of people who wrote farming texts and textual research have studied it, and they all think it is reasonable and feasible, so this setting is used.

Ye Zhao is also a pure ancient woman, not a transmigration woman, and she doesn't need to rely on men to consolidate her position in the family, and she doesn't care about the length of the family and the competition for favor.

Some children's shoes are really moral and clean, uh, meow meow, the princess is fierce, the male protagonist who has no meat and no love, and two fanboys may meet the requirements. Especially the nine-tailed children's shoes, it is so pure that only one heroine can be seen in the sky and the ground.

After all, the role of oranges is to serve the story, and there are few people who are too perfect, so each male protagonist will design their own characteristics, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, whether it is pure or impure, powerful or not powerful men The Lord may appear, and everyone can choose to watch.

So try not to criticize Juzi’s three views for this kind of thing. If there are any mistakes in the article, or major bugs, you can directly point out that Juzi has always been humbly, and the places that should be revised will be revised, and the places that cannot be revised will be explained. If you don't agree with your outlook or aura, you can directly abandon the article, even if you give a negative score, you can scold Orange Nc or something.

But don't curse oranges or anything for this kind of thing. As someone who often goes to the hospital to report and is very afraid of death, there is still a bit of a psychological shadow on curses and death.

Weakly speaking, I'm not sure if these readers will follow this chapter

Maybe it's useless for me to post it here.