General Above I am Below

Chapter 84: Xiaobai from the Ye family


Xia Yujin was on his way back from the disaster area, trying hard to eat pig trotters to make up for the waist that he lost a while ago due to eating vegetables and white porridge. No one dared to spread the rumors of scolding his daughter-in-law into his ears, so after he knew the prophecy of the stone tablet, he felt amused, and brought it to Ye Zhao at the dinner table to joke with him: "A shrewd person like the Yellow Mouse Emperor, the maiden in the palace" If one is more obedient than the other, then the name of Mr. Yin and Yang, who can make them chaotic and political, must not have been blown out.

Ye Zhao is not a picky eater, he accompanies a man to eat whatever he eats. Seeing that his face has turned into a melon seed, he feels distressed, and takes the initiative to slice the pig's trotter for him: eat more, bring back the meat, and his face is almost gone fat.

Xia Yujin sneered: "You're a pig, and you're still fat."

Ye Zhao was unmoved and continued to stuff him with food.

Xia Yujin asked: You said, I have done so many absurd things, will the emperor be angry when I go back this time

Ye Zhao: Yes.

Xia Yujin hoped: I should be fired this time.

Ye Zhao: Hmm.

Since the disaster relief, the more Xia Yujin looked at his daughter-in-law, the more pleasing to the eye, neither long-talking nor wordy, no matter what he was thinking, Ye Zhao could understand it, no matter how reckless he acted, Ye Zhao did not discourage him, no matter what bad things he wanted to do, no need He opened his mouth and looked away, Ye Zhao did a better job than him. If there are any serious thoughts in his heart, Ye Zhao can also laugh with him, not to worry about seeing a few beauties on the way, molesting two little girls, and going home to the grape trellis.

Occasionally lift the curtain of the car to see the couple on the road with their children traveling, the husband striding forward with his head held high, the wife following closely, speaking softly, with low eyebrows pleasing to the eye, virtuous and virtuous, and occasionally handing a handkerchief. The son wipes sweat for the husband. This kind of respectful, ordinary, peaceful, and long-term marriage was his dream, but since he met Ye Zhao, a shameless woman, and his heart has been stimulated, all that is left is the slightest excitement. If he were to return to an ordinary marriage , I'm afraid that there is a bird in the mouth.

Because Ye Zhao has many shortcomings, but he also has many shortcomings.

The surface is very different, but in the heart there is the same rebelliousness, the same pride, and the same disposition.

The husband and wife sing along, and the melody and the melody.

With a wife like this, what can a husband ask for

Birds of wings flew across the sky, marching side by side.

Xia Yujin's little days became more and more pleasant.

The only regret is

He is the only royal family member who has no children at the age of 20.

He looked eagerly at the dolls outside the window who were entangled with their parents asking for candied haws, glanced back at Ye Zhao's flat belly, and whispered: Why hasn't there been any movement? Obviously he has worked so hard, and he has been struggling for three days and two ends. Suppression is what he did intentionally, and now there is no repression, but the seed is not fruitful. Could it be that there is something wrong with his own seeds

Xia Yujin's labor enthusiasm suffered an unprecedented blow.

Mei Niang was also very depressed. She had served the prince for two years before. Although the prince was not very diligent, she was the most favored in the concubine's room. She was looking for her twice three times, and the concubine was initially afraid. The king's lifespan is not long, and in order to preserve the blood, she did not let them eat Bizi soup. In order to get ahead, she used a lot of small tricks and drank a lot of tonics, but she didn't get pregnant. Fortunately, no one else was pregnant, so everyone thought that the king of the county had not recovered, and it was not easy for a woman to conceive. She later found out that she had a congenital defect and was extremely difficult to conceive. She was worried that she would be abandoned because of this, so she did not dare to let Concubine An know about it. Later, when the general entered the door, even the indifferent favor of the county king was gone.

Such a high-profile family can at most be promoted to a concubine's room.

Whether the main room is good or not, they don't dare to have the ambition to compete for favor, but the concubines and concubines, the same identity, the same status, the competition is much fiercer. What she can't get, nobody else can get

No one should even think about how precious a child is, stepping on her head

Since she accompanied Jiangbei, she has made great contributions, and the general is very fond of her ability to do things. Inviting the mistress to favor depends on means, not beauty. Even if 800 beauties enter the door, as long as she is not a fox spirit cousin, she is confident that her position in the general's mind will not be shaken.

So Mei Niang hopes that the general will give birth to a child, and hopes that only the general will give birth to a child in the backyard, stronger than anyone else.

She also recited the sutra thousands of times in front of the Bodhisattva: Bless Xinnv Mei Niang to be rich and noble all her life, bless to have a precious son early, if she is destined to have no children, bless the general to have a precious son early, bless Yang Shixuan’er not to have a son, bless the general The son must look like a general, and the daughter must look like the king, Amitabha, Amitabha

However, Ye Zhao lacked mother's teaching since childhood, and did not consciously learn this kind of knowledge. As an adult, he was busy fighting wars and hanging out with men every day. Since men have not been in the delivery room since ancient times, there is absolutely no topic of how to give birth to children. this. She is simply ignorant of ignorance, not even a country woman. Even if she pulls her cheeks and asks the military adviser how the child was born, the military adviser can't give an answer. In the face of all kinds of doubts, she remained silent except for silence.

Xia Yujin is worried: Do you have any problems with your body

Ye Zhao: Impossible.

Xia Yujin cautiously asks for evidence: see the imperial doctor

Ye Zhao is brave and has always been dismissive of the doctor, and felt deeply ashamed of his doubts: Even if I sleep in the snow, I won't even get typhoid, how can I have a health problem

Xia Yujin thought for a long time: Could it be something wrong with me

Ye Zhao affirmed: Go and have a look.

Imperial Physician Xie performed outstandingly during his trip to Jiangbei and won many awards. Hearing that the prince of the county was summoned again, he came in a frenzy, put down the medicine box, and carefully checked the pulse: the prince of the county is fine, but the bones are still a little weak.

Xia Yujin grabbed the corner of his clothes, went to the corner and asked in a low voice: Is there any hidden disease

In view of Nanping County King's sad physique, Imperial Doctor Xie pondered for a long time and did not dare to make judgments.

For the sake of safety, Xia Yujin pointed at Ye Zhao: Go and show her.

Ye Zhao frowned.

Xia Yujin stared.

Ye Zhao compromised and reached out his hand reluctantly.

Xie Taiyi took her pulse for a while, and asked urgently: General, Guishui is correct

Ye Zhao is puzzled: Isn't Guishui coming as soon as you want? This thing is still accurate

Doctor Xie was choking: was there severe pain in the abdomen when he came

Ye Zhao heroic: This little illness and pain is not as good as my dad's fight

The audience was silent

Ye Zhao sensed something was wrong, tilted his head, and secretly asked Mei Niang: Does it hurt

Mei Niang kept shaking her head and explained weakly: A normal woman's Gui level believes that even if she has a small abdominal pain, it will not be so severe.

Ye Zhao had an epiphany: No wonder I said why everyone can bear it so much hahaha

Mei Niang burst into tears: General, you are too messy.

Ye Zhao felt distressed: Don't cry, it's no big deal.

Imperial Doctor Xie collapsed: General, this is not a small matter.

Gan Xia Yujin flipped the table in a rage, and the damn bastard should go to see the imperial doctor obediently.