General Above I am Below

Chapter 9: The joy of returning home


The next morning, Xia Yujin got up early at Ye Zhao's urging, and was watched by two female bandits. She wore a silver-white fox fur with pearl buttons, and a pearl crown of the same color on her head. of red silk ropes, each with a white jade buckle. Then he hugged his small heater, yawned, stepped on the sedan chair with a silver top and a yellow cover and a red fabric, and then continued to doze off against the soft cushion.

Ye Zhao was dressed in a thin lotus-blue moiré robe, dark snow boots, and simply rolled up his long hair with a tiger-patterned hosta. From time to time, he pressed the autumn water long sword around his waist, and was staring at the uneasy guy opposite. , she doesn't believe that the other party will compromise obediently, but she doesn't know what tricks they will play.

The sedan car stopped, Xia Yujin was photographed a few times, and woke up consciously, her face still ugly.

Ye Zhao was still staring at his actions.

There are no peers in the Ye family, and several chief executives are lined up to greet them.

After Xia Yujin got out of the car with a sullen face, she looked around, a smile brighter than the sun suddenly appeared on her face, and her attitude was gentle and kind.

He also stood side by side with Ye Zhao. Although he was not supported, he seemed quite close.

Everyone in the Ye family who came to greet them breathed a sigh of relief. They rushed to greet the uncle, and peeked at him left and right, as if they wanted to see something, and then turned around to report.

Xia Yujin was confused, and while on the way to the main hall, she quietly asked Ye Zhao: They were so worried that I would treat you badly after returning home after so long.

Ye Zhao hesitated for a moment, then simply hummed.

Qiuhua, who was quick to talk, hurriedly interjected with a smile: They have been worried that the general will beat you out of bed on the wedding night, and they are so nervous. Now that you are safe and sound, I finally feel relieved. Hey, you don't know how everyone spread it.

Shut up, Ye Zhao hurriedly stopped her, she was too laissez-faire to you in the past, causing it to become more and more unruly

Qiuhua's mouth was flat, and he no longer spoke.

Xia Yujin asked with a white face: How did they pass it on

Ye Zhao sighed: You better not know.

In the main hall, the white-haired old grandfather Ye held a crutch with a dragon head and sat on the chair of the master. When he saw them coming in, he remembered the rumor and smashed the crutch on Ye Zhao's head. Seeing that people with delicate skin and tender meat are willing to bully Bai Live you and then he kindly said to Xia Yujin, if A Zhao is too cruel to you, come and complain to Grandpa and see if I don't beat her into a pig's head.

Xia Yujin's expression twitched for several times, but she finally kept her smile and nodded again and again.

Ye Zhao rubbed his head and said helplessly: I really didn't bully him.

The old man still doesn't know your virtue, the old lady Ye gave her another shot, and said angrily, the book is going to the dog's stomach, and he has done anything serious all day besides fighting. When your father comes back from Mobei, I will let him take care of your itchy guy

Xia Yujin came in without knowing, and asked, "Isn't your father in Mobei already

All dead, Ye Zhao's voice is softer than ever before, she whispered softly, but the great grandfather forgot Mobei broke the city, and also forgot the night when his father and two brothers died in battle, he even forgot that I was a daughter , the only purpose of living now is to wait for them to come back.

Xia Yujin: You don't tell him

Ye Zhao: It's useless, he won't listen. Maybe he thinks that as long as he forgets, he can always live in the dream world, and he never has to wake up, so there is no need for pain.

Xia Yujin: How about you

Ye Zhao: Everything is over.

Mrs. Ye is still pulling her and groaning: Your elder brother is stationed at the border, and elder sister-in-law is also working hard. I wrote him a letter and asked him to come back with his second brother during the Chinese New Year. Let's have a reunion year, and then call your third uncle. He is an old man who refuses to accept his old age. He likes to quarrel with me. I also I miss him.

Ye Zhao responded with a smile.

Xia Yujin was silent.

In his vague memory, he remembered the scene described by the refugees who fled from Mobei six years ago. The Ye family was almost wiped out, the Yongguan city guarded by the Ye family was slaughtered, the bones in the city were piled up into mountains, and the heads were stacked into pagodas. , blood stained the streets, men lost their heads, women lost their virginity, children stopped crying, and the living were forever struggling in nightmares.

Those who have not experienced massacres will never be able to imagine this hellish horror.

Xia Yujin couldn't help but secretly glanced at Ye Zhao's face, which was still steely determination, whether she was no longer sad, or had her feelings numb, how did she grow up, was she gentle, naughty, or did she ever love or hate? missed

A trace of sourness, a trace of unease passed through my heart.

He found that he didn't know her at all.

But the two people who hated each other were quickly pulled together

Totally unsuitable couple.

who wants to know

Yujin Yujin This is my sister-in-law and nephew.

Ye Zhao's several calls pulled him back from his contemplation, and Xia Yujin realized that there was a gentle and dignified beauty standing in front of him.

The woman, holding her two children, one was eight years old and the other was six years old, looked at him intently, and then at Ye Zhao. Ye Zhao hurriedly introduced that the older one was Ye Siwu and the younger one was Ye Nianbei, who were a pair of skin monkeys.

Ye Nianbei jumped into Ye Zhao's arms first and shouted, "Uncle Ah Zhao, I miss you so much.

Ye Siwu pouted from the side and said, "It's a shame that she is so big as Aunt A Zhao and still acts like a spoiled brat."

Ye Nianbei made a face at him, and then smiled at Xia Yujin: Uncle Ah Zhao, your man is so beautiful

You are not serious about your studies again, men should use the handsome Ye Siwu old-fashioned way, Aunt A Zhao, the swordsmanship you taught me last time, I have practiced, I will show you later

Well, this is the good boy of the Ye family. Ye Zhao responded happily, don't just focus on practicing martial arts, but also invite a gentleman to teach and ask later.

Huang said: Yes, I am going to invite Mr. Wang Renjie, I heard that he is very knowledgeable.

Don't, Xia Yujin couldn't help interrupting their conversation, that guy named Wang Renjie, although good in learning, is a hypocrite with good morals. He has three or four people in the outer room, and he can't do anything about it. It wasn't one or two incidents, and some of the money came from an inappropriate source. It was just that he concealed it well, and it was unknown to ordinary outsiders. If you ask this kind of gentleman to teach children, you are not afraid of teaching them bad.

Ye Zhao asked: How did you find out

Xia Yujin pouted a little embarrassedly and said, "I often fool around outside, although I do few serious things, but I have the best news about the wicked ghosts in Shangjing. Ye Zhao, you have come back from Mobei not long ago, and you are not familiar with the site. It's a well-mannered woman's home, and it's inconvenient to inquire about some things, so naturally I don't know as much. If you want me to say, if you want to ask a gentleman, you should ask Mr. Ma Rongchun. He is not as famous as Wang Renjie, but he has good knowledge, meticulous teaching, good character, and no bad behavior. Ye Zhao, when you returned to Beijing, he highly praised you for joining the army for your father, and even wrote poems to praise you. I think if you send a post to invite him, he will promise to teach his little nephew.

The Huang family was overjoyed to hear this, and thanked him a lot. Then he quietly dragged Ye Zhao to persuade him: Ah Zhao, you have been violent since you were a child, you must restrain yourself after marriage, and don't beat your man indiscriminately.

Ye Zhao: You said it countless times before marriage.

Huang's persuasion seriously: Even if he is not good, you must not beat him.

Ye Zhao: I will pay attention.

That's right, I don't think this kid has a bad heart, and Huang Shi worriedly reminded him again, you are so strong and his body is so weak, what if he accidentally punches him to death

Ye Zhao glanced at Xia Yujin and nodded seriously: Don't worry, I will never beat him.

Xia Yujin sneezed a few times, rubbed his nose, and continued to have a routine with Mrs. Ye. As long as he doesn't have any bad ideas of cheating, he is an old hand at coaxing people. After a few words, Mrs. Ye is so happy that he doesn't know if he is a good son-in-law or a good daughter-in-law. Relieve yourself.

When he went back, Xia Yujin's state of mind was much better. Mrs. Ye personally sent him to the door, and in front of the crowd, he said to him with a smile that he should go home and see more in the future. Then he waved his cane and yelled at Ye Zhao fiercely, "Don't beat your daughter-in-law again, or I won't recognize you as a great-grandson."

Xia Yujin staggered and almost fell on the snow.

Ye Zhao quickly stretched out his hand to support him. Seeing that his face was turning black, he made a decisive decision and stuffed him into the sedan chair, leaving Huang to explain and calling everyone back.

On the way, the atmosphere between the two became even more dull, especially Xia Yujin's face, which was almost at the bottom of the pot.

Ye Zhao opened his mouth and said in a low voice: That you did a good job today, thank you for my nephew.

Xia Yujin turned her head away from her.

Ye Zhao tried to comfort him, "Does your wrist still hurt? It's a pity that she is not good at being caring and considerate. The tone of voice sounds as weird as it sounds, and it sounds a bit sarcastic."

Xia Yujin looked at the few black greens on her wrist that she had caught yesterday, and called from nowhere. Then I remembered that Hu Qing had secretly told him when they first met that the general was willing to marry him probably because he was beautiful, incompetent, useless, and especially easy to manipulate. With a secret hatred in my heart, the little bit of softness in the past disappeared again.

He looked up at Ye Zhao, with a smile and bright eyes: I have done all the things you asked me to do, and I have given enough face to your family.

Ye Zhao moved back slightly and replied: Yes, it should be the same in the future.

Naturally, it's okay if our relationship is not good, don't let the elders worry. It's just that Xia Yujin is careful to ask again, if I give face to your family, you should also give face to my family.

Ye Zhao thought about it for a while, and then responded: Yes, if you have anything to help, feel free to speak up.

There is no need to help, Xia Yujin played with the small heater in her hand, and said slowly, yesterday, my mother cried and told me that people outside laughed at the daughter-in-law she married for being arrogant and unfilial, which made her lose a lot of face. Almost didn't even dare to go out. So from tomorrow, you will be careful in the morning and evening, serve your daughter-in-law by her side, stand by the rules, make dishes, talk about household things, and stop the mouths of those three aunts and six mothers.

Ye Zhao froze for a moment.

Xia Yujin smiled like a little fox with a successful plot: General, I believe you can do it.