General Above I am Below

Chapter 95: Beacon fire wolf smoke


Jiaxing Pass, the city wall, the beacon tower, the soldiers have long rested, only the subtle footsteps of the patrolling soldiers and the sound of the collision of knives and the crickets in the grass are mixed together, the wind and sand are bursting, and the face is tingling, and the frozen road is small. scars.

He Li is forty-two this year. He has been a soldier for 18 years. He has no merits and faults. He is the captain of the defending city. Shangguan said that he would give him land and return to his hometown in half a year. , There are two more pigs in the family, and the eldest son seems to be eighteen, too. Poor, I haven't seen my father a few times since I was a child. He sucked in the cold air of early winter, lifted his spirits, slapped the drowsy recruit next to him, and scolded: "Little devil, General Liu said that Dong Xia was about to move, put his tricks on the light, and put him in jail. point.

The new recruit Ma Dagui staggered and quickly stood up straight. He had just joined the army for less than half a year. After training, he was transferred to guard the city wall. He was not used to staying up late, and his eyelids were really uncomfortable. Looking back to see the captain's fierce face, he didn't dare to argue, he just poured out the cold water from the bamboo tube around his waist, smeared two faces, and tried his best, but he muttered in his mouth: The general said that Dongxia is about to move, and it is necessary to strengthen the defense. More than half a year, not even a fart. The weather is cold and freezing, and the fools come.

He Li glared at him and taught him a lesson: If you dare to gossip about what gods tell you to stand guard, be careful to let others hear such absurd words. If you are caught and beaten with a military stick, I won't save you.

Ma Dagui immediately put on a pleasing smile: Captain, I know I was wrong, I have been thinking about enlisting in the army for more than half a year, when will my mother learn to send me a letter and bring me some good kimchi

You know how good it is to eat as far as you know

Ma Dagui patted the waist knife: wolf meat is delicious, come with one and eat one, come with two and eat two.

He Li smiled strangely and said: It's not an ordinary wolf, it's a ghost wolf.

Ma Dagui Surprise: Ghost Wolf

He Li's words are profound and profound: Hundreds of years ago, there was a wolf king on the grasslands, bigger than a leopard, stronger than a tiger, with smooth black fur, elusive and invincible. There was a prince who coveted its fur and offered a bounty of money. The hunter set a trap, led it into a trap made of sharp swords, and flayed its skin. The wolf king howled and whined. Under its head, it is unwilling to die. Later, its soul turned into a ghost, and overnight, the village was razed to the ground, the old and young, the women and men, all the villagers were skinned, their heads disappeared, the bodies were piled up on a hill, the only madman who escaped Said, seeing the blood-covered wolf king standing on the eaves with the head of the village chief in his mouth and roaring. Next, something happened to the surrounding villages, and everyone who saw this ghost wolf would be beheaded and skinned, and it was still frantically searching for its own skin.

Ma Dagui touched the goosebumps on his body: It's a lie

He Li pointed to the hill in the distance, and said decisively: The place where the accident happened, the village has been abandoned, I will show you next time.

Ma Dagui shook his head: I don't believe it, that was obviously Zhuangzi who was sacked by Dongxia.

On the surface, it is said that it was looted by Dongxia, but it is actually a ghost wolf. It is just this kind of thing, everyone knows it but dare not say it, let alone a recruit like you, He Li seriously told him that there was a city patrol a few years ago. The soldier left his post without authorization and walked away. When he was found later, his head was long gone. The matter was suppressed by the general's order, and no one dared to discuss it. I see that you are about the same age as my son, so I kindly remind you, don't be distracted when you are patrolling the city, and run away quickly when you find a ghost wolf. If someone pats you on the shoulder, don't talk, don't look back, that's the ghost wolf calling you. After he finished speaking, he patted the recruit kindly on the shoulder, instructed not to let anyone know that I told you, and then strode forward.

The dark shadows of the trees swayed, as if countless evil spirits were beckoning, and the wolf howled in the distance, making people horrified.

Country boy, afraid of strange things.

He looked in the direction of the abandoned village and shuddered, his scalp felt numb, and he woke up. He felt that there might be monsters haunting the camp in this barren countryside. favorable footsteps.

As I walked, the cold wind blew, and the oil lamp in my hand suddenly went out.

In the darkness, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Ma Dagui used all his strength to hold back the urge to scream. He lowered his head. Under the lonely moonlight, a long figure with fur appeared behind him. It seemed to be taller than a leopard and more ferocious than a tiger. The figure held a machete in his hand. .

Do animals use knives

Before he could think about it, fear blocked his throat, and in a panic, he turned his head.

He saw that the machete drew silver arcs in the night.

He saw that under the wolfskin hat there were eyes that were more ferocious than beasts.

Cruel and ruthless, with a coldness and murderous intent.

can't escape can't escape

The ghost wolf is here

The patrolling recruits sharply sounded their first and last alarm.

Letters that will never be received, hometown dishes that will never be eaten

The eighteen-year-old head fell into the dust with blood all over the sky.

Prince Ino is tall

The figure stood on the towering city wall, he casually flicked the blood drop on the machete, whistled low, and thousands of ghost wolves swarmed, gathered under the city wall, and the sound of killing was everywhere.

Eastern Xia invaded

He Li didn't have time to think about why the outpost didn't have an alarm, and didn't have time to think about how the enemy climbed up the city wall.

Prince Ino threw out the zipper and twisted his head.

The head fell to the ground, the torches still held tightly to the heart.

The headless body seemed to have inherited the master's will, and with the last strength, it rushed forward and rushed towards the beacon tower.

Forty-two-year-old veteran, half a life without merit.

His son and his old wife are still waiting for him in their hometown.

He has used his broken body to hold the fire and fell into the beacon tower, and he will not leave until his death.

The wolf smoke is everywhere.

This is the first natural danger in the Qin Kingdom.

No siege, no wall climbing,

Only the newly arrived supervisor slowly opened the firm gate.

Jiaxing Pass, broken

Fifty thousand soldiers died for the country.

The grassland, the golden tent, the palace of the King of Eastern Xia.

The Mobei nightmare happened again in his own homeland. The uncles stationed at the border, the kind aunts, the cousins, the cousins, and the friends in the boudoir who grew up with him, turned into ashes.

The time is too short and the preparation is insufficient, and she is powerless to return to the sky.

Liu Xiyin clenched her fist tightly, daring not to cry in pain or to be seen with sorrowful tears in the corners of her eyes. Endure, you must endure, even if it is the severe pain of cutting off ten fingers, cutting open the chest cavity, and digging out the heart.

Ah Zhao said, don't cry.

Ah Zhao said, I will avenge your revenge for you.

Don't cry, a good girl must be strong.

This time she didn't wait behind.

She wants to clear all obstacles for the army's expedition.

Liu Xiyin stood up, wiped away her grief, and eased her tears. Under the service of the maid, she put on a gorgeous costume, put on a white fox fur cape, adjusted her appearance, stepped out of the bedroom tent slowly, and walked slowly to the Emperor Dongxia to ask for help. I was happy and grabbed the small conservatory made by Daqin craftsmen, with several beautiful flowers and plants planted in it.

Outside the tent, the eldest prince, who had passed by far away for the eighth time, pulled back his horse and looked back again.

Liu Xiyin didn't seem to see the person coming, she smiled sweetly, and the autumn waves circulated.

As if the god of spring had returned to the earth to drive away the cold winter. Just like the ice and snow, the large swaths of Gesang flowers are in full bloom again. She is pitiful and unyielding, and she is weak and strong. Her eyes are the most beautiful stars in the dark night, so bright, so attractive, so unique, leading all where people's eyes go.

For the first time in his life, the eldest prince felt a rapid heartbeat, a happy heartbeat for the first time.

He held the machete that could not be given at his waist, and wanted to say something, but he couldn't come forward and say something.

He can only look at the beauty that does not belong to him from a distance and wait silently.

In the Eastern Xia custom, after the death of the old emperor, all wives and concubines belong to the new emperor.

The father is very old.

He knew that this day could not wait too long.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xiyin staggered his admiring gaze in disgust, looked towards Jiaxing Pass, and said to the maid shyly and cheerfully in a small voice that could be heard clearly by the wind, "Prince Ino is really the greatest hero in the world.

The eldest prince's heart sank suddenly.

The author has something to say: although letting the generals go off in one chapter, one chapter wins the battle, one chapter is sweet, and one chapter ends, each chapter being the protagonist may make everyone happier.

But Orange really likes the stories of cannon fodder and small characters. They have feelings and should be their own protagonists, enriching the whole story. Maybe some readers don't like watching things other than the protagonist's love, and think that oranges are dragging dramas. For example, some readers in the front think that the role of cousin is dragging plays, and the place where Master Li catches the murder is dragging plays. For example, disaster relief is dragging plays, but when After the full text of the general is finished, it will be done in one go, and it may be a little burdensome to link it up, but on the whole, Orange still believes that there is no place to delete or deceive everyone in every aspect of the plot.

As Orange once said, the main line of this article is the story of how two people who don't love fall in love, and how unsuitable couples fit together.

The general's feelings, the feelings of the county king, the feelings of the cousins, etc., marriage and love are gradually warming up in the process of tempering and collision, but love is not the only one, there are also family, friendship, and national justice.

Personally, I think that the real female power should not be a delicate woman who hides behind a man for protection and only cares about love and a small family. The women who fought hard to protect their husbands and sons were strong girls. Zhaojun, who went out of the fortress, Wen Cheng, who was married to his relatives, Mulan who joined the army, Qiu Jin, who died, and even Empress Lu, Wu Zetian, etc., who were in power all over the world. The women of the small family are strong women.

Luo Er is the little girl, and the general is the big girl.

Orange is a bit of a hero complex.

I hope you all, uh, understand.